Kushnir Inna

Senior researcher of the Department for the Study of the Digestive diseases and its Comorbidity with Non-communicable Diseases, 


Senior Researcher

MD, a gastroenterologist of the highest qualification category, a therapist

Inna E. Kushnir – is a leading scientific researcher and gastroenterogist of L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific experience - 35 years.  Clinical experience - 36 years.


In 1987, she graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Medical University, majoring in "Medical business".

In 1992, she defended her candidate's thesis on the topic: "Metabolism of the main macroergic compounds of erythrocytes of patients with chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis according to the data of 31P-NMR spectroscopy".

In 2005, he was awarded the academic title of senior researcher.


Since 1987, she worked at the Institute of Therapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine as a junior researcher in the department of gastroenterology, since 1992 - a senior researcher in the department for the study of diseases of the digestive organs and their comorbidity with non-infectious diseases.


She is currently studying the role of the intestinal microbiome, regulatory molecules and markers of systemic inflammation in the development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease against the background of metabolic disorders, features of the development and progression of chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract when they are combined with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, obesity, develops pathogenetically based methods of treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, acid-dependent diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), as well as methods of primary and secondary prevention of gastroenterological pathology.

For many years, he has been a responsible executor of scientific research works carried out in the department.

International and domestic conferences, symposia: Annual national congresses of gastroenterologists of Ukraine; annual national schools of gastroenterologists, hepatologists of Ukraine, congresses of the Ukrainian Gastroenterological Association, scientific and practical conferences of the Ukrainian Club of Pancreatologists, European Gastroenterological Association.


Active member of the Ukrainian Association of Gastroenterologists, Ukrainian Association of Preventive Medicine, is a member of the Institute's Ethics Committee. He regularly delivers reports at scientific and practical conferences, scientific congresses, webinars, meetings of the Kharkiv Scientific and Medical Society.


She was awarded certificates of the administration of the institute and the administration of the Novobavar district of Kharkiv for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism, personal contribution to the development of medical science and domestic medicine, active citizenship, highly qualified medical assistance to the population, a certificate of the Department of Health Protection of the Kharkiv City Council, thanks from the chairman Kharkiv Regional State Administration for many years of conscientious work, high level of professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of the health care industry.


Author of 422 publications, including 6 monographs, 9 patents of Ukraine.

Kushnir Inna

Senior researcher of the Department for the Study of the Digestive diseases and its Comorbidity with Non-communicable Diseases, MD, PhD

L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,   

Address: 61039, 2a Lyubovi Maloy Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine

e-mail: nstep04@gmail.com