

Aims and Needs

The Role of the Language Teacher

Creative Teaching

Lesson Content:

  • I can place current trends and practice in a wider context:

Topic “Food”: We are going to learn vocabulary "Products". We devide them on healthy and unhealthy. We find out why they are healthy or unhealthy and try to make the recommendation to form Eating healthy habits. Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods from the four food groups to feel good and maintain your health. Eating well along with being active can also lower your risk of disease and help you reach--and maintain--a healthy weight.

  • I can use metaphor and analogy to make connections:

The English teacher uses a metaphor 'My kid’s room is a disaster area.' to learn the theme 'My room'. Pupils compare pictures of kid's room and find out why the rooms are messy(untidy, disaster) and why the teacher uses this methaphor. Then pupils tell about their rooms.


Teaching Styles:

  • I can switch between styles and varying pace:

Pupils join in with the paralinguistic gestures and repetitive actions of a story in English.

Repeat the words ot the songs and act out 'The wind is blowing...'

  • I have confidence and ability to inspire:

When the pupils respond: ‘He is himself, ‘Her personality shines through,’ ‘We were allowed to see his mistakes,’ 'She doesn't put up professional barriers', 'Her lessons are unusual.' 'well done'

Using quotations of famous people.

  • I can make students feel valued:

The teacher gives regular clear feedback: ‘I can hear some really interesting parts of your story.’ 'Some of you have got beautiful voices.' 'Your words have a sense.' Applauses.

The Learning Experience:

  • I can engage students on an affective and emotional level:

The teacher ensures pupils feel relaxed through considerable humour, informality, differentiated questioning, collaboration and supportive feedback.

  • I can challenge students to engage and reflect:

The pupils are challenged to engage and reflect on their experience, to take part and then to reassess their ideas and attitudes.

Institutional Resources and Constraints