Kuroiwa Lab

Welcome to KUROIWA lab!

In this lab, we study sex determination mechanism in birds and mammals. We look for people who are excited about research and enjoy a challenge. We welcome applicants from a variety of backgrounds, including graduate students, undergraduate students, transfer students, foreign residents. Please visit our recruitment page! Admission information of our Graduate School is here!

Avian sex determination

A sex of bird is genetically determined. Males have ZZ and females have ZW sex chromosomes. However, molecular mechanism of sex-determining is unclear. To reveal the mechanism in bird is very important for human society, because chicken is the most useful domestic poultry around the world. We can get eggs from only hen (female), by contrast, we efficiently get chicken meat from rooster (male) which is bigger than hen. Thus, our research is useful in the field of basic science and also poultry industry. (see more)

Mammalian sex - the fate of Y chr

Mammals have XX/XY sex chromosome constitution, and the SRY gene located on the Y chromosome determines male sex. This mechanism highly conserved in placenta mammals. However, the spiny rat which is native mammal in Japan has no Y and SRY. We investigate a sex-determining mechanism independent SRY, and why and how disappear the Y. Our research is useful in the field of basic science for reproductive biology and chromosome evolution, and also for understanding human disease of sex disorder. (see more)

Contact me!!

Professor Asato Kuroiwa, Ph.D

asatok"at"sci.hokudai.ac.jp (please change "at" to @)