MATH 347: Fundamental Mathematics (Fall 2022)

Instructor: Kunjakanan Nath (knath [at] illinois [dot] edu).


  • Section E1: MWF 1:00-1:50 pm in 143 Altgeld Hall.

Office Hours: Wednesday (2-2:50 pm) and Friday (2-3 pm) in 165 Altgeld Hall or by appointment.


Students can check the Moodle course page for most of the course information. This includes schedule, lecture notes, homework assignments/solutions, exam dates, and other details.

Course contents:

This course is an introduction to rigorous mathematical reasoning and writing, fundamental structures, and methods of proof. Topics to be covered: Logic, set theory, induction, equivalence relations, functions, number theory, cardinality, and convergence.


An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Neil Donaldson and Alessandra Pantano).

Homework assignments:

Weekly homework assignments will be given, details on Moodle.


There will be three midterm exams and one three hours final exam. The midterm will take place in class. For more information, check Moodle.


Your final grades will be computed based on the following percentages:

  • Homework: 20%,

  • Three midterm exams: 10% for the lowest one, and the other two will be 20% each,

  • Final exam: 30%.