MATH 347: Fundamental Mathematics (Spring 2022)

Instructor: Kunjakanan Nath (knath [at] illinois [dot] edu).


  • Section A1: MWF 8:00-8:50 in 243 Altgeld Hall (week 1 via zoom).

  • Section B1: MWF 9:00-9:50 in 341 Altgeld Hall (week 1 via zoom).

Office Hours:

Wednesday (11:30 am--1 pm) and Thursday (3:30 pm--5 pm) via zoom or by appointment.


Students can check the Moodle course page for most of the course information. This includes schedule, lecture notes, homework assignments/solutions, exam dates, and other details.

Course contents:

This course is an introduction to rigorous mathematical reasoning and writing, fundamental structures, and methods of proof. Topics to be covered: Logic, set theory, induction, equivalence relations, functions, number theory, cardinality, and convergence.


An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Neil Donaldson and Alessandra Pantano).

Homework assignments:

Weekly homework assignments will be given, details on Moodle.


There will be three midterm exams and one 3 hours final exam. The midterm will take place in class. For more information, check Moodle.


Your final grades will be computed based on the following percentages:

  • Homework: 20%,

  • Three midterm exams: 10% for the lowest one, and the other two will be 20% each,

  • Final exam: 30%.

All grades will be numerical (e.g. 0-100). For final course grades, 93% guarantees an A, 90% guarantees an A-, 87% guarantees a B+, 83% guarantees a B, 80% guarantees a B-, 75% guarantees a C+, 70% guarantees a C.