Let's start with the raw numbers because that's the headline, then I'll drill down into where it's from and what it's composed of. Collection #1 is a set of email addresses and passwords totalling 2,692,818,238 rows. It's made up of many different individual data breaches from literally thousands of different sources. (And yes, fellow techies, that's a sizeable amount more than a 32-bit integer can hold.)

In total, there are 1,160,253,228 unique combinations of email addresses and passwords. This is when treating the password as case sensitive but the email address as not case sensitive. This also includes some junk because hackers being hackers, they don't always neatly format their data dumps into an easily consumable fashion. (I found a combination of different delimiter types including colons, semicolons, spaces and indeed a combination of different file types such as delimited text files, files containing SQL statements and other compressed archives.)

Kumpulan Id Dan Password Pb Mayor

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There are 21,222,975 unique passwords. As with the email addresses, this was after implementing a bunch of rules to do as much clean-up as I could including stripping out passwords that were still in hashed form, ignoring strings that contained control characters and those that were obviously fragments of SQL statements. Regardless of best efforts, the end result is not perfect nor does it need to be. It'll be 99.x% perfect though and that x% has very little bearing on the practical use of this data. And yes, they're all now in Pwned Passwords, more on that soon.

However, what I can say is that my own personal data is in there and it's accurate; right email address and a password I used many years ago. Like many of you reading this, I've been in multiple data breaches before which have resulted in my email addresses and yes, my passwords, circulating in public. Fortunately, only passwords that are no longer in use, but I still feel the same sense of dismay that many people reading this will when I see them pop up again. They're also ones that were stored as cryptographic hashes in the source data breaches (at least the ones that I've personally seen and verified), but per the quoted sentence above, the data contains "dehashed" passwords which have been cracked and converted back to plain text. (There's an entirely different technical discussion about what makes a good hashing algorithm and why the likes of salted SHA1 is as good as useless.) In short, if you're in this breach, one or more passwords you've previously used are floating around for others to see.

But what many people will want to know is what password was exposed. HIBP never stores passwords next to email addresses and there are many very good reasons for this. That link explains it in more detail but in short, it poses too big a risk for individuals, too big a risk for me personally and frankly, can't be done without taking the sorts of shortcuts that nobody should be taking with passwords in the first place! But there is another way and that's by using Pwned Passwords.

This is a password search feature I built into HIBP about 18 months ago. The original intention of it was to provide a data set to people building systems so that they could refer to a list of known breached passwords in order to stop people from using them again (or at least advise them of the risk). This provided a means of implementing guidance from government and industry bodies alike, but it also provided individuals with a repository they could check their own passwords against. If you're inclined to lose your mind over that last statement, read about the k-anonymity implementation then continue below.

Obviously, any password that's been seen over 51k times is terrible and you'd be ill-advised to use it anywhere. When I searched for that password, the data was anonymised first and HIBP never received the actual value of it. Yes, I'm still conscious of the messaging when suggesting to people that they enter their password on another site but in the broader scheme of things, if someone is actually using the same one all over the place (as the vast majority of people still do), then the wakeup call this provides is worth it.

Whilst I can't tell you precisely what password was against your own record in the breach, I can tell you if any password you're interested in has appeared in previous breaches Pwned Passwords has indexed. If one of yours shows up there, you really want to stop using it on any service you care about. If you have a bunch of passwords and manually checking them all would be painful, give this a go:

This is 1Password's Watchtower feature and it can take all your stored passwords and check them against Pwned Passwords in one go. The same anonymity model is used (neither 1Password nor HIBP ever see your actual password) and it enables bulk checking all in one go. I'm conscious that many people reading this won't be using a password manager of any kind in the first place and that's an absolutely pivotal part of how to deal with this incident so I'll come back to that a little later. Apparently, this feature along with integrated HIBP searches and notifications when new breaches pop up is one of the most-loved features of 1Password which is pretty cool! For some background on that, without me knowing in advance, they launched an early version of this only a day after I released V2 with the anonymity model (incidentally, that was a key motivator for later partnering with them):

For those using Pwned Passwords in their own systems (EVE Online, GitHub, Okta et al), the API is now returning the new data set and all cache has now been flushed (you should see a very recent "last-modified" response header). All the downloadable files have also been revised up to version 4 and are available on the Pwned Passwords page via download courtesy of Cloudflare or via torrents. They're in both SHA1 and NTLM formats with each ordered both alphabetically by hash and by prevalence (most common passwords first).

Then there's the passwords themselves and of the 21M+ unique ones, about half of them weren't already in Pwned Passwords. Keeping in mind how this service is predominantly used, that's a significant number that I want to make sure are available to the organisations that rely on this data to help steer their customers away from using higher-risk passwords.

I referred to the word "combos" earlier on and simply put, this is just a combination of usernames (usually email addresses) and passwords. In this case, it's almost 2.7 billion of them compiled into lists which can be used for credential stuffing:

In other words, people take lists like these that contain our email addresses and passwords then they attempt to see where else they work. The success of this approach is predicated on the fact that people reuse the same credentials on multiple services. Perhaps your personal data is on this list because you signed up to a forum many years ago you've long since forgotten about, but because its subsequently been breached and you've been using that same password all over the place, you've got a serious problem.

Within the first 15 seconds, the author of the video has chosen a combo list just like the one three quarters of a billion people are in via this Combination #1 breach. Another 30 seconds and the software is testing those accounts against Spotify and reporting back with email addresses and passwords that can logon to accounts there. That's how easy it is and also how indiscriminate it is; it's not personal, you're just on the list! (For people wanting to go deeper, check out Shape Security's video on credential stuffing.)

To be clear too, this is not just a Spotify problem. Automated tools exist to leverage these combo lists against all sorts of other online services including ones you shop at, socialise at and bank at. If you found your password in Pwned Passwords and you're using that same one anywhere else, you want to change each and every one of those locations to something completely unique, which brings us to password managers.

You have too many passwords to remember, you know they're not meant to be predictable and you also know they're not meant to be reused across different services. If you're in this breach and not already using a dedicated password manager, the best thing you can do right now is go out and get one. I did that many years ago now and wrote about how the only secure password is the one you can't remember. A password manager provides you with a secure vault for all your secrets to be stored in (not just passwords, I store things like credit card and banking info in mine too), and its sole purpose is to focus on keeping them safe and secure.

I chose the password manager 1Password all those years ago and have stuck with it ever it since. As I mentioned earlier, they partnered with HIBP to help drive people interested in personal security towards better personal security practices and obviously there's some neat integration with the data in HIBP too (there's also a dedicated page explaining why I chose them).

If a digital password manager is too big a leap to take, go old school and get an analogue one (AKA, a notebook). Seriously, the lesson I'm trying to drive home here is that the real risk posed by incidents like this is password reuse and you need to avoid that to the fullest extent possible. It might be contrary to traditional thinking, but writing unique passwords down in a book and keeping them inside your physically locked house is a damn sight better than reusing the same one all over the web. Just think about it - you go from your "threat actors" (people wanting to get their hands on your accounts) being anyone with an internet connection and the ability to download a broadly circulating list Collection #1, to people who can break into your house - and they want your TV, not your notebook!

Q. Can you send me the password for my account?

I know I touched on it above but it's always the single biggest request I get so I'm repeating it here. No, I can't send you your password but I can give you a facility to search for it via Pwned Passwords. be457b7860

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