
I am working with Prof Debdeep Sarkar on “Spacetime Metamaterials for Developing Circuit Components for Advanced Communication, Sensing and Energy Applications.” 

Metamaterials are new artificial materials with unusual electromagnetic properties that are not found in naturally occurring materials. A space-time metamaterial (STM) is a material whose properties varies in both space and time. Conventional pure-space electromagnetic metamaterials offer unprecedented opportunities for controlling waves from their general 36 bianisotropic parameters. The addition of time variation in STM brings about an extra level of diversity and a fundamental generalization of pure-space bianisotropic metamaterials by transforming the complete space-time spectrum of waves.

We see many potential applications like frequency multiplication and mixing, matching and filtering using time-varying microwave and mm-wave circuit components, magnetless devices: isolators, circulators, mixers; nonreciprocity and absorption, electromagnetic cloaking; electromagnetic processing and radiation, e.g., non-reciprocal active antennas.