
Wearable Devices for Healthcare

Wearable devices are a part of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is one of the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution along with artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, and big data. Healthcare wearable devices are regarded as a key field to realize precise and personalized medicine in digital healthcare because they can easily measure the user’s biosignals worn on a part of the body. We are interested in developing a variety of novel diagnostic and therapeutic devices with small-size and low power consumption to address unmet clinical needs.

*Projects: Head-mounted therapeutic device for BPPV, Headset-type therapeutic device for Tinnitus, Hand-worn vital monitoring device, Wearable diagnostic device for Knee OA

Machine Learning for Biosignals

Digital healthcare can facilitate the information gathering and analysis of a large amount of health data. Therefore, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in increasing the reliability of complex biosignals and extracting useful information for clinicians. Our research interests include the processing and analysis of biomedical signals for early diagnosis or prognosis of the disorders or medical events using a variety of machine and deep learning algorithms.

*Projects: BAEP-based rehab prognosis prediction, EEG-based CBF prediction, PPG-based CO estimation