Learning and Outreach

Outreach for Middle and High School Classes

Light Microscopy Facility outreach events are now coordinated by JMU's Center for STEM Education

We are currently offering a program through the Stem Center's Immersive Secondary STEM Field Trip Program titled, "Investigating Cell Movement through Scientific Inquiry." You can learn more about this opportunity here

Photo credit: Sienna Ferraro Shiblie

BIO432/532 Light Microscopy

This course covers the principles behind light microscopy, from the properties of light to the latest technologies in microscopy. Students will get hands-on experience with the different kinds of microscopes, including the laser scanning confocal microscope. The course also covers fluorescent probes, advanced fluorescence techniques, digital imaging, methods of quantification and figure preparation for publication, with an emphasis on biological applications. Offered in the fall. 

Photoblog: Each week during the class the students bring in an object – it can be anything – and take a picture of it through a microscope, then post it to the class photoblog. As we make our way through the semester, they learn new techniques, which start to pop up in the posts. At the end of semester, we hold a microscopy photo competition. See this year's competition entries and winners here

Light Microscopy Resources