DSE經濟學園地︰ABOUT MR. NG (www.ksyecon.com)

本網站能讓同學通過網上自學DSE經濟科課程,主要由吳SIR利用YOUTUBE講解。同學可下載筆記並同時利用YOUTUBE吳SIR講解中學習。本網站亦提供練習、PASTPAPERS及考試策略等。同學如在學習有任何問題,可EMAIL至︰ksyecon@gmail.com 或WHATSAPP︰51651751。


Master of Art in Economics in The University of Oklahoma

Bachelor of Social Science in Economics (Hon.) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Economics) in The Hong Kong Baptist University

Graduate Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society

Post Experience Diploma in Statistics in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ACCA Paper 1 to Paper 4

LCCI - Level 1 to Level 3 (Accounting)

Teaching Economics at HKCEE, HKALE and HKDSE level for more than 20 years.

Marker of HKCEE and HKDSE for more than 20 years

Email : ksyecon@gmail.com

Website : https://www.ksyecon.com

Whatsapp: 51651751
