Event Lists and Information

Science Olympiad includes 23 official events covering multiple areas of science for students to compete in each year. Some events are in a rotation and are only offered for 2-3  years at a time. Other events may have a few key concepts or parameters changed each year. 

2023-2024 Kansas Forestry List <---link to pdf file
This is the national tree list with the Kansas native and introduced trees underlined (this list is for both divisions). At Regionals and State in Kansas, expect only those underlined trees to be included. Check with Invitational tournament directors on what they will include.

2023-2024 Division B Events (Middle School)

Below is a chart of the upcoming events. Additional resources for each event can be found on the SO Inc website.

Division B Events

2023-2024 Division C Events (High School)

Below is a chart of the upcoming events. Additional resources for each event can be found on the SO Inc website

Division C Events

Rules manuals with specific details of each event can be downloaded for free from the National Science Olympiad store---available September 5, 2023!