The Volumetric Cloud component is a physically-based cloud rendering system that uses a material-driven approach to give artists and designers the freedom to create any type of clouds they need for their projects. The cloud system handles dynamic time-of-day setups that is complemented by the Sky Atmosphere and Sky Light using the real time capture mode. The system provides scalable, artist-defined clouds that can adapt to projects using ground views, flying, and ground to outer space transitions.

Previously, rendering clouds in real-time for games and cinematics have primarily been achieved through static materials applied to a sky dome mesh or a similar approach. Now, the volumetric cloud system uses a three-dimensional volume texture that is ray-marched to represent cloud layers in real-time. The material-driven approach provides the most flexibility for artists and designers to create clouds that can move across the sky, of any type, and can handle different times of day.

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The participating media that makes up clouds require complex lighting simulations that either aren't possible, or are too expensive, for real time simulation on consumer-grade hardware. The Volumetric Cloud system employs ray- marching and approximation to simulate cloud rendering for scalable real-time performance across many supported platforms and devices. This makes it possible to support real time time-of-day simulations that support the multiple light scattering effect of lighting, shadowing from clouds and onto clouds, light contribution from the ground onto the bottom layer of clouds, and much more.

Light rays that travel through a volume have the potential to scatter on particles within the volume before reaching your eye, or a camera sensor. This effect of light is called multiple scattering, and it is what defines the distinct appearance of clouds. In a cloud, the droplets that make up the cloud usually lead to an albedo that is close to a value of 1, meaning that light is almost never absorbed within the volume. Light that is not absorbed passes through the volume making the scattering effect very complex in the process. The multiple scattering effect of the participating media affects light travel through the cloud volume; it's what makes them look bright while also appearing very thick.

An important aspect of clouds is due to how they occlude light and cast shadow on surfaces. Cloud occlusion and shadowing is primarily handled by atmosphere lights and the volume material used to represent the cloud. These components enable you to control different aspects that define the look of your clouds, such as having sunlight shafts, or cloud self shadowing.

Beer shadow maps use cascaded shadow maps to support far shadow distances for clouds and casting shadows on the ground. They are also faster to render, but are less accurate and lack volumetric self shadow color. Beer shadow maps are usually enough for clouds viewed from the ground.

Atmosphere lights, such as ones for the sun and moon, provide control for cloud and atmospheric shadowing. With them, you can control the strength of shadows, the distance that cloud shadowing happens from the current camera position (in kilometers), and whether clouds can self-shadow and cast shadows into the atmosphere, to name a few.

Casting shadows onto the atmosphere and clouds from opaque objects is enabled with Cast Shadows on Atmosphere and Cast Shadows on Clouds. Shadowing for large objects is achieved using a large enough Dynamic Shadow Distance or using Far Shadow Distance on the Directional Light to shadow objects that enable the Far Shadow flag in their details.

The Sky Light component provides a Real Time Capture mode that handles interactions with atmosphere, clouds, height fog, and opaque meshes using an Unlit material that is tagged Is Sky. This mode makes it possible to create natural-looking and dynamic time-of-day simulations without sacrificing performance.

Sky Lighting Cloud Ambient OcclusionSoft ambient shadowing is an important part of defining the natural look of clouds. The Sky Light component uses the Cloud Ambient Occlusion properties to control how much light clouds can block coming from contribution of the sky and atmosphere lights. These properties can be found under the Atmosphere and Cloud section in the Details panel of the Sky Light.

The volumetric clouds system is a core part of the available atmospheric components that make up the sky and planet's atmosphere. The following sections will help you get started in setting up and using these components together with the cloud system.

The Sky Light component provides scene reflections for volumetric clouds. The Volumetric Cloud component enables you to control the number of samples used to ray march reflection surfaces in the scene from the Details panel under the Cloud Tracing section. You can scale the number of samples used for reflections of clouds and for the shadowed reflections of clouds.

Reactive modes supporting cloud intersections with opaque surfaces but with traces completed at a lower resolution:  r.VolumetricRenderTarget.Mode 0 is the recommended option for quality. It supports fast-paced gameplay that may have ground-to-space transitions, or flying through clouds. Clouds are fast to trace but can appear to have low resolution. Traces happen at quarter resolution, reconstruction at half resolution, and upsample on screen at full resolution.

Set r.VolumetricCloud.HighQualityAerialPerspective to 1 to enable cinematic aerial perspective for clouds to use high quality ray tracing instead of low resolution LUTs.

A material using the Volume material domain drives the look of clouds using volume textures. A volume texture is a 3D texture that is sliced into a series of 2D textures aligned to a grid. These types of textures within a material are used for different volumetric effects, like smoke and clouds, because they work well for things like light traveling through a volume.

Along with the attributes controllable in the Volumetric Cloud Component and Material, the volume texture is the basis that provides the initial look of your cloud and helps define what is possible. Volume textures open up the possibilities through your cloud material to create many different types of clouds and effects.

The examples below demonstrate several varieties of clouds that can be created using a single volume material with some adjustable parameters through instancing. This example uses the M_volumetricCloud_02_Profiles_Soft that is available in the Volumetrics plugin content (see below).

To use them effectively, create a Material Instance of the cloud material and apply that to the Volumetric Cloud component's Material slot. When you open the instance of the material, you'll be able to change parameters to render the clouds and achieve a desired look, density, scale, and much more.

Place individual clouds Blueprint Actors in your scene using the example set up in this plugin folder. The individually placed Blueprints in the scene can be scaled, rotated, and moved along the X and Y-axes. The Volumetric Cloud component is required to be in the scene as well along with an assigned cloud material to be used. The Blueprint Cloud Actor enables additional customization and placement of clouds within your scene.

Start painting clouds onto your skies using this example set up to add sparse or densely-packed clouds to your scene. This example uses a play-in-editor game mode with a simple user interface to paint clouds using your mouse cursor that can scale the brush, its intensity, and more.

Managing performance and scalability across multiple platforms is important when developing your projects. The sections below contain information on scaling the quality of clouds and other features relevant to capturing and lighting clouds in your projects.

For different platforms, it's important to strike a balance between performance and quality. The Cloud Tracing properties enable you to scale the tracing quality of key cloud attributes, like clouds in reflections, shadowing samples for clouds and clouds in reflections, and the distance from the camera that cloud shadowing should stop.

The basis of rendering clouds starts with your volume material and the Volumetric Advanced Output and Volumetric Advanced Input expressions that are used in the Material Graph. While you can parameterize a lot of aspects of your cloud material to control some of its attributes through material instancing, some can only be set on this node from the base material.

Enable Ground Contribution if your frame budget allows. It adds some costs to tracing to sample the shadowed lighting contribution from the ground on to the bottom layer of the clouds.

The cloud system doesn't support Ray Tracing features and only takes into account the clouds as rendered into the Sky Light. Tracing volumetric clouds for reflections would be significantly costly to performance.

What this mod does remove the 2D clouds in Spectra while retaining the aurora on the planets that have them. With the previous clouds removed you can use blackracks volumetric clouds along side the auroras of Spectra (It looks so pretty!!!)


If you have any graphic mods such as Eve, astronomer's visual pack, Sve ect you need to delete them. Any mods that provides clouds/cloud textures get rid of them. Once that has been done unzip the download and move Spectra into your game folder along with the Module Manager 4.2.2 (unless you already have it)

The problem is now fixed in UE5.0.

The clouds render in UE4.27 too, but the clouds in the left eye are jittering and render over solid objects. To fix it you need to change two lines of code and build UE4.27 from source. These two lines from this UE5.0 git commit: e24fc04721

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