Teacher's Page

Coach Keeto

When asking Coach about sports for the rest of the year he told me the school won't be able to practice sports. It is too far into the year and we have no where to practice at, at this point. Coach said they will be doing sports next year. If kids are interested and want to sign up please do so! Coach said the Boys ‘n’ Girls Club won't be opened for a while for sports. However, the Club is opened from 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m to watch kids. The club isn’t even fixed yet, so they still have damage. One last thing, always remember, GO KODIAKS !!!!!

-Kayley Webb

Mr. Raf

When asked if he could have any animal as a class pet, Mr. Raf told us, he would choose a tiger, yes , A TIGER.

If Mr. Raf could have just one wish he can do in school, but don’t necessarily always have the supplies for he would do a lot more field trips.

We asked Mr. Raf what he will be doing for Spring Break this year, he responded with, " I've got BIG plans -- THE BEACH!"

For the month of March students will be finishing up the topic of World War I and hopefully beginning World War II. In Careers, he is planning to continue their current curriculum and have a big speaker. One of his favorite classes is The Art of Strategies; he has a lot of fun. He enjoys teaching and playing in this class.

Sam High & Jacob Sasiela

Mrs. Katherine

Mrs.Katherine is planning to celebrate her birthday and spend time w her family this Spring Break. We asked Mrs.Katherine if she could have one class pet what would it be she said it would be a ferret or 2. We also asked what is one thing she wishes she could improve about her class and she said “ she would like to do more projects that involve technology, but it’s difficult because we do not have always have the same number of devices to match with the number of students.”

-Logan Hansen & Faith Ross


This month we asked her three question about just random stuff. First we asked "what she has planned for Spring Break?" She told us, “a lot of sleep.” We then ask if she had a class pet what would be? She said a “sugar glider." Lastly, we asked what is something you wish you can do, but don't have the funds for? She said “travel the world.”

In Food Science for March she will be going over and she said talking about morarated food. Then in biology we are detecting owl platelets.

-Chris Cooper

Mrs. Leigh

This month Mrs. Leigh's main focus is teaching basic math skills to all the students who are struggling in the lower levels of math to grasp the foundational skills they will utilize throughout the rest of their math careers. The more advanced kids are kicking it up a notch, knocking out as many topics as possible to ensure that they are getting their credits they need in order to graduate.

Thanks Mrs. Leigh for all your hard work!

-KSOD Staff & Students