뉴욕한국학교 2024년도 봄학기 등록 안내사항

Korean School of New York 2024 SPRING Semester Registration Information

2024년도 봄학기를 맞이하여, 본교에 자녀를 보내주시는 여러분을 환영합니다.

Welcome all of you who are sending your children to our school, KSNY, in the 2024 SPRING Semester.

이번학기 개학은 1월 27일 이며, 6월 15일까지 진행됩니다.

The Spring Semester runs from January 27 to June 15.

Jan. 27: First day of School @ In-Tech Academy 9:20 AM

Feb. 10: ‘Seol-janchi’ Celebrating Lunar New Year

Mar. 30: NO school (Easter Holiday Recess)

May 4: KSNY hosting [22nd Northeastern Children’s Singing Contest]

May 18: Field Trip & Picnic @ Macy’s Park in Ardsley

June 15: Semester Ends with Class Presentation & Graduation Ceremony

등록시  아래의 학생정보란을 클릭하여 내용을 입력하여 주십시요. 

Registration can be completed when paying the tuition and filling out the student information below.