
15. (with Shirshendu Ganguly) The ant on loops: Alexander-Orbach conjecture for the critical level set of the Gaussian free field. arXiv link 

14. (with Raymond Chu, Inwon Kim and Young-Heon Kim) The nonlocal Stefan problem via a martingale transport. arXiv link 

13. (with Christian Hirsch) Large deviations for the isoperimetric constant in 2D percolation. arXiv link 

12. (with Jaehun Lee) Extremal spectral behavior of weighted random d-regular graphs. arXiv link 

11. (with Shirshendu Ganguly) Universality of Poisson-Dirichlet law for log-correlated Gaussian fields via level set statistics. arXiv link

10. (with Shirshendu Ganguly and Ella Hiesmayr) Spectral large deviations of sparse random matrices. arXiv link 

9. (with Shirshendu Ganguly and Ella Hiesmayr) Upper tail behavior of the number of triangles in random graphs with constant average degree. To appear in Combinatorica. arXiv link

8. (with Wilfrid Gangbo, David Jekel and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko) Duality for optimal couplings in free probability. Communications in Mathematical Physics 396 (2022), 903-981. arXiv link Journal link 

7. (with Shirshendu Ganguly) Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of Gaussian networks with constant average degree. Probability Theory and Related Fields 184 (2022), 613-679. arXiv link Journal link 

6. (with Younghak Kwon and Georg Menz) Hydrodynamic limit of the Kawasaki dynamics on the 1D-lattice with strong, finite-range interaction. Annales Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), 2483–2536. arXiv link Journal link

5. (with Shirshendu Ganguly) Sub-critical exponential random graphs: concentration of measure and some applications. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), 2261-2296. arXiv link Journal link

4. Large deviations and localization of the microcanonical ensembles given by multiple constraints. Annals of Probability 48 (2020), no. 5, 2525-2564. arXiv link, Journal link 

3. Hypoelliptic diffusions with singular drifts. arXiv link 

2. Stochastic differential equations with critical drifts. Stochastic Processes and their applications 130 (2020), no. 9, 5366-5393. arXiv link, Journal link