Invited Talks

8 Nov 2023 "Women’s Writings in Prakrit", as a part of a series of talks on "Women's Writings in Sanskrit" organised by Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems at Chanakya University, Bangalore

10 Sep 2023 Life, Truth, and Beauty: the Vision of Coomaraswamy”, and Valedictory Address in the International Conference on Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, jointly organised by IGNCA, Regional Centre Bengaluru, and the Mythic Society, Bangalore. 

10 Mar 2023 Anarthakośa”, organised by South California Karnataka Samskritika Sangha, California, USA, as a part of their Golden Jubilee celebrations

17 Feb 2023 The Theory of Kāraka”, in the Seminar on "Pāṇini and Foundations of Language Study" organised jointly by IIT Madras, Ministry of Education GoI., AICTE and Central Institute for Indian Languages (CIIL)

28 Jan 2023 “An Introduction to Kannada Literature”, organised by Indic Academy

23 Dec 2022 “Fa-Hien's Travel in India ”, organised by AKS Auro Chair Centre, AURO University, Surat., as a part of a Lecture Series. 

17-19 Dec 2022 2 Lectures - “Indian Aesthetics: An Overview” and “Indian Aesthetics: Retrospect and Prospect”, as a part of  a Workshop on The Uses of Indian Aesthetics: Contestations and Conversations with Western Theory, organised by Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT-Madras

9 Oct 2022 Humour in Sanskrit Literature”, organised by Vyoma Linguistic Labs, Bangalore

8 Feb 2022 A Yogic View of Maṇḍala-brāhmaṇopaniṣad”, organised by International Mysore Yoga Conference 2022

2 Oct 2021 “The Metaphysical Significance of the Mūrti of Naṭarāja” – Bharatiya Itihas Lecture Series, organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, (Washington D.C Chapter). 

24 Sep 2021 “Rājadharma and Daṇḍanīti in Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra” – In the National Two-day Workshop on “Textual Sources of Rājadharma and Daṇḍanīti” organised by jointly by the Centre for Civilisational Studies of Rashtram School of Public Leadership and the Sanskrit Club, IIT Roorkee.  

6 Sep 2021 Abhijñāna-śākuntale Durvāsaśśāparahasyam” – Special Lecture (in Sanskrit) organised by Central Sanskrit University, Ganganatha Jha Campus, Banaras.

22 Aug 2021 "Saṁskr̥te Vijñānam" – Special Lecture (in Sanskrit) on Sanskrit Day Celebration. Organised by Rashtriya Samskrit Vidya Peetha, Tirupati.

31 Jul 2021 "Hindu Metaphysical Foundation of Aesthetics" - Valedictory Address at the Hindu Aesthetics Conference. Organised by Indic Academy.

24 Apr 2021 Yogatārāvalī : An Overview” at the International Conference on the Philosophy and Praxis of Yoga – Haṭha Yoga: Unravelling Texts and Traditions. Jointly organised by Indic Academy and Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram.

15 Feb 2021 Invited talk as Chief Guest at the inauguration on the new online course “Saṁsādhanī Praveśikā”. Jointly organised by IIT Roorkee and Team Saṁsādhanī, Hyderabad Central University.

27 Jan 2021 Svādhīna-sañjīvanam”. Mysore Yoga Traditions Conference 2021. Jointly organised by Samskriti Foundation and Ashtanga Yoga Studio.

26 Jan 2021 Maṇḍalabrāhmaṇopaniṣad – A Yogic Upaniṣad”. Mysore Yoga Traditions Conference 2021. Jointly organised by Samskriti Foundation and Ashtanga Yoga Studio.

27 Nov 2020 “Atomic Habits” – Book Review in Book Review series of e-Lectures. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

10 Oct 2020 Amarakośa – The Original Thesaurus”. First of a Book Review series of e-Lectures. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

27 Sep 2020 “Significance and Future of Sanskrit Studies and Allied Areas”. A Panel discussion in the Sanskrit Conclave SAMARPANAM conducted by IIT-Rourkee.

16 Jul 2020 "The Beauty of the Nāndī Verses of Kālidāsa". Organised by the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

07 Jun 2020 “The Kāraka Theory” – First of the Prof. S.A.Dange Memorial e-Lecture Series. Organised by Kavikulaguru Kalidas Saskrit University, Ramtek.

23 May 2020 Śivānandalaharī”: Gāna-Vyākhyāna. Global Festival of Oneness. Organised by Advaita Academy.

11 Mar 2020 “The Beauty of Chandas: Blend of Mathematics and Music”. Workshop on Ancient Indian Mathematics and Astronomy organised at IITM by SRSJM Chair.

2020 Series of talks on Yogatārāvalī. IIT Madras under the joint auspices of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Chair and Samskrita Samiti, IIT-M.

2020 Series of talks on Kumārasambhava of Kālidāsa. IIT Madras under the joint auspices of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Chair and Samskrita Samiti, IIT-M.

5 Mar 2020 Upaniṣad-s : some motifs and metaphors”. A Special Lecture. Vivekananda Study Circle, IIT-Madras.

19 Feb 2020 Talk on “Vakrokti-jīvita: A Novel Perspective in Indian Poetics”. Sri Gunturu Seshendra Sarma Endowment Lecture for Sanskrit. School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad.

14-Feb-2020 Subhāṣita-rasāsvādaḥ” (in Sanskrit). On the occasion of the Annual Day of Samskruta Samiti. Samskruta Samiti, IIT-Madras.

2 Feb 2020 Talk on “Art: Philosophical Insights of Ananda Coomaraswamy”, Smt. Jayalakshmi Ramachandran and Sri K R Krishnaswamy Memorial Endowment Programme. The Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

29 Jan 2020 Inaugural Keynote address on “Vasanta Panchami Sangeethotsav”. Chowdaiah Memorial Hall. Organised by Bharatiya Samagana Sabha, Bangalore.

19 Jan 2020 Talk on “Bhāratīya-jīvana-dr̥ṣṭiḥ” (in Sanskrit) in the Seminar on Bhāratīya Jīvana Dr̥ṣṭi. Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthan, Chennenahalli, Bangalore.

22 Jun 2019 Talk on Anarthakośa. At The Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore. Organised by NRI Parents’ Association, Bangalore.

18 Aug 2019 Talk on Kālidāsa’s Kumārasambhava – Gāna-Vyākhyāna. Suvidha, Bangalore.

22 Sep 2019 Talk on Kaṭhopaniṣad. Vivekananda Study Circle, IIT-Madras.

19 Sep 2019 Valedictory talk – Sambhāṣana-śibira, Samskrita Bharati, IIT-Madras.

16 Sep 2019 Talk on “Kaliviḍambana Kāvya”. Samskrita Samiti, IIT-Madras.

22 Aug 2019 V Raghavan – Birth anniversary book release. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai.

20 Aug 2019 Founder’s day lecture. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

14 Mar 2019 Talk on “Dilīpa Parīkṣā”. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

3 Mar 2019 Talk on “Western Analysis of Ṛgveda”. As a part of the Ṛgveda Seminar. Veda Vijnana Gurukula, Chennenahalli.

1 Mar 2019 Talk on “Saṁskr̥tetara-bhāratīya-sāhityasya Saṁskr̥ta-sāhityasya ca taulanikaṁ bhāṣā-vaijñānikaṁ viśleṣanam”. Rashtriya Samskrit Vidya Peetha, Tirupati.

26 Feb 2019 Talk on “Significance of Abhīti-stava”. Agnihotram Ramanuja Thathachariar Endowment lecture. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

22 Feb 2019 Addressing Plenary Session at the Chronology Conference. Organized IHAR, Houston and IGNCA, New Delhi.

16 Feb 2019 Talk on Contribution of NS Anantharangachar to Stotra Literature. NS Anantharangacharya Endowment Lecture. Organized by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore.

13 Feb 2019 Talk on “Beauty: The Indian View”. Krishnaswamy Memorial Endowment Programme. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

6 Oct 2018 Talk on Gajendra Mokṣa of HH Rangapriya Swamiji. Organized by SriChintanam, San Francisco.

6 Oct 2018 Talk on Mukundamālā of Kulaśekhara Alvār. Organized by SriChintanam, San Francisco.

29 Sep 2018 “The Relevance of Sanskrit in Today’s Age Advanced Technology”. Samskrita Bharati, Irvine, LA

28 Sep 2018 Talk on Kṛṣṇa Karṇāmṛta of Līlāśuka, Sri Venkata Krishna Kshetra Temple, Phoenix, AZ.

22 Sep 2018 Talk on Abhijñāna Śākuntala of Kālidāsa as a part of Brundavana Sahityotsava. Brundavana, New Jersey.

8 May 2018 Talk on Kumārasambhava of Kālidāsa. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

21-23 Apr 2018 A Series of 3 talks on Paspaśāhnika of Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali. (Mahāmahopādhyāya N Ranganatha Sharma Memorial Lecture Series). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

17 Jan 2018 Talk on Kaṭhopaniṣad. Veda Vijñāna Gurukula, Chennenahalli, Bangalore.

24 Nov 2017 Talk on Kalāvilāsa of Kṣemendra. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

16 Sep 2017 Talk on Kalividambana Kāvya of Nīlakaṇṭhadīkṣita. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

2 Jun 2017 Talk on “Care for environment: Ideas from Ancient India”. On the occasion of Environment Day. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

13 May 2017 Talk on Na Kasturi’s Anartha Kośa. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

28 Apr 2017 Talk on Prapatti. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

4-5 Feb 2017 “Science in Ayurveda”. In the National-level Seminar on “Science and Technology in Indic Tradition: Critical Perspective and Current Relevance”. Indian Council for Philosophical Research, New Delhi and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

3 Dec 2016 Talk on Sundarakāṇḍa of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa. Parampare, Mysore.

5-6 Nov 2016 Manoroga – Ārṣa mattu ādhunika cintane” (in Kannada) at the State-level Seminar on "Yoga mattu Manoroga". Bharati Yoga Dhama, Mysore.

25-27 Oct 2016 Inaugural address at "Dialog across traditions : Modern Science and Ancient Insights on Reality". Centre for Foundational Study, Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, and the ICPR.

20-21 Oct 2016 Talks on Abhyankara Bhāṣya. Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

28 Aug 2016 Talk on “Yatirāja-saptati” of Śrī Rāmānujācārya. Jayarama Seva Mandali, Bangalore.

24 Jul 2016 Convocation address at Shanti Dhama. Om Shanti Dhama, Bangalore.

21 Apr 2016 “Gajendra Mokṣa of HH Rangapriya Swamiji ” (Sri P N Raghavan Endowment Lecture). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

7 Feb 2016 “Vacana Sāhityadalli Vedānta”. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Gulbarga. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

22 Sep 2015 “Conflict in the Mind of Duṣyanta as portrayed by Kālidāsa” (As a part of Sanskrit Week Celebrations in Karnataka Samskrit University). Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore.

7-8 Sep 2015 “Maṇḍala Brāhmaṇopaniṣad” (N V Sreenivasan Endowment Lecture). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

19 Aug 2015 “Brahma Sūtra Bhāṣya” (Smt. Rajalakshmi Anand and Sri H Anand Memorial Endowment Lecture). Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

21 Jun 2015 Kūrma Purāṇa”. Mittur Timmappayya Trust, Dakshina Kannada Dist.

11 Jun 2015 Maṇḍala Brāhmaṇopaniṣad” (B V Narayana Reddy Endowment Lecture). Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

19 Apr 2015 “A Comparison of Description in Kalidasa's Śākuntala and Jaggu Vakulabhushana's Prasanna Kāśyapa” at the Seminar on 20th Century Sanskrit Poets of Karnataka. Dvaita Vedanta Foundation, Bangalore.

19 Apr 2015 “Overview of Pali Grammar”. Mahabodhi Society, Bangalore.

27 Mar 2015 “Rāmāvatāra” Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

19 Mar 2015 “Fauna in Upaniṣadic Literature”. S V Vedic University, Tirupati.

7 Mar 2015 “Pāli Grammar”. Pali Institute (International Institute of Pali, Sanskrit and Comparative Philosophy, HRD, Govt. Of India).

27-28 Feb 2015 “Research Methodology, Manuscriptology, and Textual Criticism” (Series of 4 Invited Lectures). Guruvayur Campus, Puranattukara, Thrissur District, Kerala – 680 551. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed University (under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India).

5 Feb 2015 “Pāli Grammar”. Pali Institute (International Institute of Pali, Sanskrit and Comparative Philosophy, HRD, Govt. Of India).

16 Jan – 21 Feb 2015 Yoga Vāsiṣṭha” (Parts 11-16) Telecast under “Mārga Darśana” Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

9 Jan 2015 Yajña-Dāna-Tapas” Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

30 Dec 2014 “Pāli and Prakrita Languages”. Siddhartha Law College Campus, Court Road, Gulbarga – 585 102; Organized by  Pali Institute (International Institute of Pali, Sanskrit and Comparative Philosophy, HRD, Govt. Of India).

12 Dec 2014 Kaṭhopaniṣad” (Part 3) Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

21-22 Nov 2014 Grantha Sampādana Vidhi  with respect to Nartana Nirṇaya” Lecture delivered as a part of “Shastra Utsav 2014” Programme on the critically edited and translated text of Nartana Nirṇaya by Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. R Sathyanarayana. Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi.

10 Oct 2014 Kaṭhopaniṣad” (Part 2) Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

25 Sep 2014 Talk on Navaratri Festival (and Inauguration of Festivities). Abalashrama, Gandhi Bazar, Bangalore.

17 & 24 Sep 2014 Yoga Vāsiṣṭha” (Parts 9&10) Telecast under “Mārga Darśana” Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

24 Aug 2014 Gandhi mattu Gīte” (In Kannada). In a Seminar on “Mahātma Gāndhījiyavarige Preraṇe Nīḍida Kṛtigaḷu” (“Works that Inspired Mahatma Gandhi”). Under the combined auspices of Gandhi Peace Foundation, Bangalore; Karnataka Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi, Bangalore; & Gandhiyaana Publishing House, Bangalore.

16 & 20 Aug 2014 Svātantryada Vividha Mukhagaḷu” (In Kannada) (Discussion on the concept of Independence). Telecast in 2 installments in Aug 2014. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore (under Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India).

2014 “Ritual, Art, and Psychology” (Two lectures). In:  The International Summer School on “Living Philosophies and Cultures of India” (between 24 Jul - 7Aug 2014). Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Samsthan, Veliyanad, Kerala and Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka.

22 Jun 2014 “Kālidāsa’s Bhārata” – Talk delivered at Jayanagara Shaikshanika Sabha. Under the combined auspices of Samskrita Bharati, Bangalore and Jayanagar Shaikshanika Samithi.

3 Jun 2014 “Vedānta Deśika’s Hayagrīva Stuti”. Sri. K Narayana Iyengar Endowment Lecture. The Mythic Society, Bangalore.

11 Apr 2014 Kaṭhopaniṣad” Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme, Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

2014 Yogavāsiṣṭha” (In Kannada) (Series of 10 talks on Yogavāsiṣṭha). Telecast under the “Mārgadarśana” Programme in 2 installments in February and Aug 2014. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore (under Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India).

21 Feb 2014 Participated in Discussion on Aspects of Language on International Mother Language Day. Telecast under “Jīvana Darśana” (Live Phone-in) Programme. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India.

7-8 Feb 2014 Presided over a Session of the UGC-sponsored Seminar on “Changing Worlds and Words”. BMS College for Women, Bangalore.

1 Feb 2014 Participated as a Poet in and conducted the Kavi Goṣṭhi on “Vasanta” (“Spring”). Telecast under “Saṁskṛta Saurabha” Programme. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore. (Under Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India).

10-12 Jan 2014 Chaired the session on “Ādhunika-sāhitye Vacovicchittayaḥ” (“Idiomatic expressions in Modern Sanskrit Literature”). In National Workshop on “Study of Idiomatic Expressions in Samskrit”. Under the combined auspices of Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore and Research Unit, Samskrita Bharati, Bangalore.

28-29 Dec 2013 Keynote address given in “Arsha Dhara” (2nd National Conference on Vedic Sciences with Baba Ramdev as Chief Guest). Dharma Jagrti Trust. Organised at The Mythic Society, Bangalore.

25 Dec 2013 “Story telling: Man-Nature Interactions in Ancient Indian Literature”. On the occasion of Purnapramati Jaatre. Purnapramati  Foundation, Bangalore. Held at NSS Bhavan, Bangalore University Campus, Bangalore.

20 Oct 2013 “Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence”. In The National Convention on Contribution of Sanskrit to Modern Science and Technology. Held as a part of Sanskrit Day Celebrations. Samskriti Foundation, Mysore.

Held at ISKCON, Bangalore.

13-14 Sep 2013 Chaired a Session during the 2 day Seminar “Janna Sāhitya Sambhrama”. Dept. of Education, Karnataka State Government and Bangalore North Education Society, Bangalore.

7 Sep 2013 Saṁskṛta Sāhityadalli Vijñāna” (“Science in Sanskrit”) (In Kannada) as a part of Sanskrit Day Celebration. Samskrita Sagara Pratishthanam, Sagara, Karnataka.

5 May 2013 Invited to deliver a lecture on “Values of Gītā” on the occasion of Gita Jayanti at International Gītā Forum, Singapore. International Gita Forum, Singapore and Hindu Endowments Board, Singapore.

4 May 2013 Invited to deliver a lecture on “Goals of Life”. Kannada Sangha, Singapore. At The Clubhouse, Aquarius by the Park, Bedok Reservoir View, Singapore.

20 Apr 2013 Invited Talks on Kāraka Theory. In TDIL (Technical Development of Indian Languages) Project Workshop. Under the combined auspices of University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad and CDAC, Bangalore, Held at VV Towers, Bangalore.

3 Apr 2013 “Nation-building through Personal Values (Yama) and Social Values (Niyama)”. In Workshop for students on Personality Development. DISHA, Bangalore in collaboration with BMS Women’s College, Bangalore.

7 Mar 2013 "Maxims of Textual Criticism". In National Workshop on Research Methodology, Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism (6-12 Mar). Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed University, Guruvayur, Kerala.

6 Mar 2013 “An Introduction to Research Methodology”. In National Workshop on Research Methodology, Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism (6-12 Mar). Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed University, Guruvayur, Kerala.

16 Feb 2013 “Kālidāsa”. Under the Chintana Lahari Programme. ISOL Talent Consulting Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.

19 Jan 2013 “Nāgavarma-Bāṇabhaṭṭara Pātra Nirvahaṇā Krama” (In Kannada) (“The Manner of Portrayal of Characters by Nāgavarma and Bāṇabhaṭṭa”). In the Seminar “Bāṇabhaṭṭa – Nāgavarma Samāveśa”. Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore and Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore.

4 Jan 2013 Invited Lecture on “Pratimaala”, an ancient art form. Available online on Temple Sounds,, Bangalore. 

30 Dec 2012 Mahābhāratadalli Śrī Kṛṣṇa” (In Kannada). In 20th Havyaka Sammelana. Havyaka Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Kumta, Karnataka.

5 Dec 2012 "Critical Edition of the Mahābhārata" and on “Role of Chandas”.  In Workshop  on Manuscriptology and Paleography, Jain University, Kanakapura Campus, Bangalore.

4 Oct 2012 "Message of the Mahābhārata". R C College of Commerce, Bangalore.

3-8 Sep 2012 Invited Lectures on Symbolic Logic. In Workshop entitled “An Introduction to Knowledge Representation in Eastern (Navya Nyaya) and Western Logic”. Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan, Veliyanad, Kerala.

25 May 2012 Aṣṭāvakragīta” (In Kannada) Panel Discussion with Shatavadhani Dr. R.Ganesh. Telecast live under the “Jīvanadarśana” Programme. Chandana, The Kannada Channel of Doordarshan, Bangalore (under Prasara Bharati, Govt. of India).

6 May 2012 “Śrī Śaṅkara’s Stotra Sāhitya” as a part of Śrī Śaṅkara Jayanti Celebrations. Musical rendering of the Stotras by Ms.H R Meera. Organised by Sri. B V Rangarao. At 217, Sri Sharada Krupa, 6th Main, 7th Cross, Tatanagar, Bangalore - 92.

26 Apr 2012 Sārasvata Lokakke Śrī Śaṅkarācāryara Koḍuge” (“Contribution of Śrī Śaṅkarācārya to the Literary World”) as a part of Śrī Śaṅkara Jayanti Celebrations. J P Nagar Sri Vinayaka Seva Mandali, Bangalore

31 Dec 2011 – 1 Jan 2012 Ādhunika-vijñāna-dṛṣṭyā śakti-svarūpa-pariśīlanam” (In Sanskrit) In the National Seminar on “Śāstreṣu Śaktipadārtha-pariśīlanam” (“Analysis of the Concept of Śakti in various Śāstras”). Samskriti Foundation, Mysore.

3 Dec 2011 “Kālidāsana Kumārasambhava” (In Kannada). Sri Muttur Purushottama Shastri Memorial Endowment Lecture. The Mythic Society, Bangalore.

26 Nov 2011 Śāṅkara Stotra Sāhitya” (In Kannada). On the occasion of the Anniversary of D Subbaramayya Trust. Gayana Samaja, Bangalore.

13-14 Jul 2011 Invited as Sarasvatātithi (Man of Letters as Guest) Valedictory Address at Brahmarshi Daivarata Sambhrama. Karnataka Samskrita University, Bangalore.

6 Jun 2011 Invited talk on “The Concept of Self in the Upaniṣad-s”. Department of Psychology, Bangalore University, Bangalore.

23 Apr 2011 “Jayadeva’s Aṣṭapadī”. Lecture-Demonstration (along with H R Meera). In Two-day Seminar on Jayadeva Ashtapadi (Geeta Govinda) Concept, Work, Views and Performance. Ponnayya Lalithakala Academy, Bangalore.

24 Jan 2011 Participated in Panel Discussion on “Dharmic Sustainable Development” led by Sri. Rajiv Malhotra and Dr. T.S.Mohan. Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

18 Sep 2010 "Puruṣottama Shri Rama". In M L Shankaranarayana Memorial  Endowment Lecture. Indian Institute of  World Culture, Bangalore.

24-26 Aug 2010 Six lectures on Manuscriptology. In Seminar on “Deciphering and Preparing Critical Edition of Unpublished Medical Manuscripts” (19 Aug – 7 Oct). FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

19 Apr 2010 Namma Ācāryara Sandeśa” (Messages of Śrī Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja and Madhva). Sahakara .Nagara Sangeeta Sahitya Sabha, Bangalore

12 Jan 2010 "Role of Āñjaneya in the Rāmāyaṇa". In C V Nagendra Memorial  Endowment Lecture. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

26 Jun 2009 "Yoga Philosophy and Āyurveda". In Orientation Training Programme for Lecturers in Colleges of Āyurveda on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda”. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

25 Jun 2009 " Sāṅkhya Philosophy and Āyurveda". In Orientation Training Programme for Lecturers in Colleges of Ayurveda on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda”. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

4-7 Jun 2009 "Vedantic Mind". In Conference on “Mind Mystery”. DVD of the proceedings has also been released Sri Kailash Ashrama Mahasamsthana Trust, Bangalore.

21 Apr 2009 " Sāṅkhya Philosophy and its Relevance to Āyurveda" (2 Talks). In Orientation Training Programme for Lecturers in Colleges of Ayurveda on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda”. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

7-8 Mar 2009 "Influence of Sankhya on Ayurveda". In National Seminar on “Contribution of Indian Philosophical Systems to Ayurveda”. Under the combined auspices of Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Acton, Thiruvanantapuram, Kerala & Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of INDIA.

9-10 Feb 2009 "Methodology to be adopted for translation of Sanskrit Commentaries to English (with special reference to Āyurveda)". In the National Workshop on “Translation of the Commentaries of the Principal Works of Ayurveda”. Under the combined auspices of CIIL (Central Institute of Indian Languages), Mysore & FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

9 Aug 2008 "Sanskrit Dramas (limited to Ratnāvalī, Pañcarātram and Bhaimī Pariṇaya Nāṭaka Saṅgraha)". Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore.

6 Aug 2008 "Relevance of Yoga Philosophy to Āyurveda". In Seminar on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda”. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

4 Aug 2008 "Relevance of Sāṅkhya Philosophy on Āyurveda"; In Seminar on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda”. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

3 Jul 2008 "Significance of Upanayana Saṁskāra". In Samskaras for Achieving Excellence. Sharadambal Seva Samiti, Chennai.

1 Jun 2008 “Vedānta Deśika”. Invited lecture on the occasion of Tirunakshatra Utsava of Sri Ramanujacharya. Adarsha Samskrita Mahavidyalaya, Bangalore.

25 Mar 2008 "Relevance of Sāṅkhya Philosophy on Āyurveda". In Seminar on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda” under Re-Orientation Training Program(ROTP) for Lecturers in Colleges of Ayurveda. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

23 Mar 2008 "Relevance of Yoga Philosophy to Āyurveda". In Seminar on “Contemporary Relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Āyurveda” under Re-Orientation Training Program(ROTP) for Lecturers in Colleges of Ayurveda. Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

14 Feb 2008 "Relevance of Sāṅkhya Philosophy to Ayurveda". In the Re-Orientation Training Porgramme (ROTP) for Lecturers in Colleges of Ayurveda on “Contemporary relevance of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Ayurveda” (10-16 Feb). Under the combined auspices of the Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore.

6-7 Oct 2007 "The Sāṅkhyan Basis of Āyurveda". In Contribution of the Indian Philosophical Systems to Ayurveda. FRLHT(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), Bangalore & ICPR(Indian Council of Philosophical Research), Delhi. Held at Choksi Hall, IISc, Bangalore.

28-29 Sep 2007 "Bhoja's Campūrāmāyaṇa". In Sanskrit Seminar on Bāṇa and Bhoja. Surana College, Bangalore.

28-29 Sep 2007 Valedictory Address of Spoken Sanskrit Workshop. Samskrita Sangha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

23 Jul 2006 "Kāl̥idāsanu Kaṇḍa Bhārata Bhūmi". In Grishma Saurabha; Saroja Krishnamurthy Commemorative Lectures. Kolara Samskrita Sangha, Kolar, Karnataka.

18 Jun 2006 "Art as Yoga". Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

21 Dec 2005 "Sri Ananda Coomaraswamy". Bhavan’s Gandhi Centre of Science and Human Values, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore. Held at Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

16 Oct 2005 Aṣṭabhujāṣṭakam”. Invited lecture on the occasion of Śrī Vedānta Deśika Kāvyotsava. Adarsha Samskrita Mahavidyalaya, Bangalore.

24-26 Apr 2005 "Kāḷidāsana Kumārasambhava" (Series of 3 Talks). Combined auspices of Kavyaloka and Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs; Bangalore.

14-18 Apr 2005 "Ādhunika ṛṣivarya Ananda Coomaraswamy" (Series of 5 Invited Talks). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

23 Jan 2005 “Science and Samskrit”. In Vikāsa-2005 (Saṁskṛta-cchātra-samāveśa – Convention of Sanskrit Students). Samskrita Bharati, Bangalore. Held at KLE Nijalingappa College, Bangalore.

9 Jan 2005 "Upavedagaḷu" (Amabalapadi Dattinidhi Endowment Lecture). Under the combined auspices of Brahmashri Mitturu Purohita Timmayya Bhatta Sampratishthana, Idkidu; Ambalapadi Datti Nidhi; and Raashtrakavi Govinda Pai Samshodhana Kendra, Udupi, Karnataka.

18 Oct 2004 Tapas – an Analysis”. Ramakrishna Vidyarthi Mandiram, Bangalore.

17 Oct 2004 Valedictory Address of Samskriti Shikshana Shibira. Manisha Samskritika Prathishthanam, Veda Vijnana Gurukula, Chennenahalli, Bangalore.

2-3 Oct 2004 "Advaita and Universal Peace". In Social Dimensions of Advaita. Advaita Samshodhana Pratishthana, Bangalore. Held at SSMRV College, Bangalore.

6 Aug 2004 “Kāvya” during the Seminar on “Kāvya and Nṛtya”. Heritage Yukti, Bangalore.

2 Jul 2004 “Vyāsa” on the occasion of Vyāsa Pūrnimā. Veda Vijñāna Gurukula, Chennenahalli, Bangalore.

4 Jul 2004 "Kumārasambhavam" (Series of 3 Invited Talks). Tirunarayana Trust, Bangalore held at Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

24-28 Jun 2004 "Śākuntala Rasāsvāda" (Series of 5 Invited Talks). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

20-21 Dec 2003 Two talks : “Yajña” and “Tapas” as a part of Shankara Jayanti Celebrations. Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya, Holenarsipur, Karnataka.

9 Oct 2003 “Ananda Coomaraswamy’s Metaphysics”. Under the combined auspices of IGNCA Southern Regional Centre, Bangalore, and Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

8 Oct 2003 “Ananda Coomaraswamy’s Life and Art”. Under the combined auspices of IGNCA Southern Regional Centre, Bangalore, and Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

14 Sep 2003 “Sanskrit and Natural Language Processing in Computers”. Sri Tirunarayana Trust, Bangalore. Held at Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

5 Sep 2003 “Āyurveda and Sāṅkhya” as a part of Introductory Course on Ayurvedic Sciences (22 Aug – 22 Oct). Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore.

14 Aug 2003 "Natural Language Processing: Sanskrit as the Key-enabler". Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

27 Jun 2003 "Vedanta and Music". In Seminar on Vedanta and Music (18-27 Jun). Advaita Samshodhana Prathishthana, Bangalore. At SSMRV College, Bangalore.

27 Jun 2003 Panel Discussion on “Universal Peace Through Vedanta and Music”. Advaita Samshodhana Pratishthana, Bangalore. At SSMRV College, Bangalore.

30 Mar 2003 Dharma mattu Vijñāna” (In Kannada)(). In the 16th Annual Festival of Sharadadevi Adhyatma Mandira. (29-30 Mar). Sharadadevi Adhyatma Mandira, Bangalore.

2 Feb 2003 Kāḷidāsa Kāṇisiruva Tapassu”. As a part of Chintana Chetana Lecture Series (26 Jan – 2 Feb). Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

31 Mar 2002 Participated in the discussion on “Indian Culture and the Rāmāyaṇa”. Yugayathri, Bangalore. Held at Ananya Sabhangana, Bangalore.

2001 "The Concept of Anvīkṣikī". In National Seminar on Arthashastra. (31 Dec, 2001 – 1 Jan, 2002) Poorna Prajna Samshodhana Kendra, Bangalore Held at Sri Kanakamantapa, Udupi, Karnataka.

20 Dec 2000 “Kāraka Theory” for UGC Refresher Course in Sanskrit. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.

20 Dec 2000 “Analysis of the Portrayal of Duṣyanta’s Character in Kālidāsa’s Abhijñāna Śākuntalam” for UGC Refresher Course in Sanskrit. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.

2 Dec 2000 “Concept of Heedlessness (pramāda) in Upaniṣad-s”. In the Seminar on “Vedantic and Secular Thoughts from Veda and Upanishads”. * This was recorded and broadcast by All India Radio, Bangalore a week after the programme (26 Nov). Under the combined auspices of : World Association for Vedic Association Studies (WAVES), Los Angeles, USA Inc., India Branch, Bangalore; Vedadhyayana Kendra, Bangalore and Sri Sringeri Sankar Mutt, Bangalore.

23-24 Sep 2000 "Natural Language Processing and Computers". In Seminar on Scientific and Technical Tradition of India. Under the combined auspices of Yugayathri, Bangalore, and BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.

10 Apr 2000 Invited talk on “Arthaśāstra”. Samskrita Sangha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

25 Feb 2000 "A Critical Assessment of Deviations Wrought by Bhavabhūti in his Uttara Rāma Carita". In Seminar on “Uttararāmacarita-vaibhavam”. Also delivered Valedictory Address B H S First Grade College, Bangalore.

25 Mar 1999 "Śivatattva-ratnākaradalliya Laukika Hāgū Śāstrīya Viṣayagaḷu" [="Secular and Technical Themes in Śivatattvaratnākara"] (in Kannada). Kannada University, Hampi, in collaboration with Shri Shivaratrishvara Datti Nidhi, Mysore.

11-16 Jan 1999 "Turīya as set forth in Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad". In Six-day Symposium on Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad and Gauḍapāda’s Kārika-s. Advaita Samshodhana Prathishthana, Bangalore.

10 Jan 1999 “Sanskrit and Linguistics”. Under “Roots” Program of Vignana Bharati, directed towards Software Engineers. Vignana Bharathi, Aksharam, Bangalore.

22-24 Dec 1998 Lecture-Demonstration of Composing Śloka-s in Sanskrit. In Daṇḍi-Samāroha. Rashtreeya Vidyalaya Institute of Sanskrit Studies, (an associate organ of NMKRV First Grade College for Women), Bangalore.

1 Dec 1998 Invited talk on “Relevance of Sanskrit”. Samskrita Sangha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

27 Sep 1997 “Karnaugh Maps and Pāṇini”. In Symposium on “Sanskrit and Computers”. Held at Choksi Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, under the Combined auspices of Indian Institute of Science & Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore.

22 Aug 1997 “Relevance of Samskrit to Modern India”. Jnanodaya School (run by Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri), Bangalore.

1-31 Aug 1997 “Kālidāsa” (18 Aug). During Saṁskṛta Sandhyā – 1997. Karnataka Samskrita Parishat, Sri Sringeri Shankara Matha, Bangalore.

29 Apr 1997 “Phonetic Laws and Morphology”. Dept. of Sanskrit, Bangalore University, Bangalore.

27 Mar 1997 “Samāsa-s in Sanskrit Grammar”. In five-day Language Teachers’ Workshop. Pre-University Board, Govt. of Karnataka and Acharya Pathashala Arts and Commerce College, Bangalore.

7 Aug 1996 “Portrayal of Conflict in Kālidāsa’s Śākuntalam”. Inaugural Talk for the Spoken Samskrit Workshop. Sanskrita Sangha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

4 Jan 1996 “Grammar Teaching Techniques”. In the Orientation Course for College Teachers. Director of Pre-University Education, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore. Held at Old Fort Junior College, Bangalore.

26 Nov 1994 Kāḷidāsanu Nirūpisiruva Rājanīti” (“The Science of Polity as Portrayed by Kalidasa”). Kolara Samskrita Sangha (Branch of Akhila Karnataka Samskrita Parishat), Kolar, Karnataka.

25 Aug 1993 “Contribution of Ananda Coomaraswamy to the Field of Science and Technology”. As a part of a Series of Talks in Memory of Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy (24-26 Aug). Manthana, Chintaka Lekhakara Vedike. Held at Rashtrotthana Parishath, Bangalore.

17 Jan 1992 “Bhakti as Propounded by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya”. As a part of Popular Lecture Series. Sri Abhinava Vidya Bharathi Trust, Bangalore. Held at Sri Sringeri Shankara Matha, Bangalore.

13 Jan 1991 Inaugural Address for Yoga Classes. Rashtrotthana Sharirika Shiksha Kendra, Bangalore.

15 Nov 1985 Maharṣi Yājñavalkya mattu Upaniṣattugaḷu”. As a part of Maharṣi Vālmīki and Maharṣi Yājñavalkya Jayanti. Bharatiya Samskriti Vidyapeetha, Vijayanagar, Bangalore.

22 Sep 1985 “Dramatic Element in the Plays of Bhāsa”. In Seminar on Bhāsa. V.V.S First Grade College for Women, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Bangalore.

21 Oct 1984 Kāḷidāsana Kāvyagaḷalli Ādhyātmika Maulyagaḷu” (“Spiritual Values in the Works of Kalidasa”). Chikkaballapura Samskrita Sangha (Branch of Akhila Karnataka Samskrita Parishat), Chikkaballapur, Karnataka.

27 Sep 1984 Saṁskṛtada Khaṇḍa Kāvyagaḷu” (“Khaṇḍa Kāvya-s in Sanskrit”). As a part of Sāhitya Upanyāsa Māle (series of lectures on Sanskrit Literature)(Sep 26 - Oct 1). Rashtriya Vidyalaya Samskrita Adhyayana Samsthe, Bangalore.

5 Sep 1984 “Ideals of Indian Education”. As a part of A three-day Seminar “A Focus on Ananda Coomaraswamy, Sketches of His Life Work” (4 - 6 Sep). Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

1984 “Myths and Symbolism”. In National Seminar on Mythology. The Mythic Society, Bangalore.

29 Sep 1983 “Śrīharṣa”. As a part of a lecture series : Introduction to Sanskrit Poets (19 - 29 Sep). R V Institute of Sanskrit Studies, Bangalore. 

10 Sep 1983 “An Analytical Study of the Devotional Lyrics of Vedānta Deśika”. MES College, Bangalore.

12 Jul 1983 “Daṇḍin”. As a part of a lecture series : Sanskrit Poets (2 - 21 Jul). Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

25 Jun 1983 Kālidāsanū Vedāntavicāragaḷū” (In Kannada) (“Kālidāsa and Ideas of Vedānta”). Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya, Bangalore.

25 Dec 1982 “Spiritual Values in the Works of Kālidāsa”. Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

14 Nov 1981 “Sanskrit in Primary Education”. 4th All Karnataka Sanskrit Conference. Akhila Karnataka Samskruta Parishat, Bangalore.

20 Feb 1981 Śākuntaladalli Puruṣakāra mattu Daivakāra” (“Fate and Free Will in Śākuntala”) in Kālidāsa Samāroha and Vārṣikotsava (16 - 22 Feb). Akhila Karnataka Samskrita Parishat, Karnataka. Held at Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bangalore.

13-15 Oct 1978 Bengaḷūru Viśvavidyālayada Padavi Taragatigaḷalli Saṁskṛta” (“Sanskrit in the Graduate Courses of Bangalore University”). In the Second Akhila Karnataka Samskṛta Sammeḷana. Mahakavi Kalidasa Mantapa, Sri Siddaganga Kshetra, Tumkur. “Significance and Future of Sanskrit Studies and Allied Areas”. A Panel discussion in the Sanskrit Conclave SAMARPANAM conducted by IIT-Rourkee.