The Last milestone in learning Hindi Typing is Hindi Typing Code reserved for typing special keys of Hindi keyboard which are not provided on keyboard keys so they are typed using ALT and NUMERIC code combinations. These special characters are very important to learn because Hindi Typing is incomplete without them. They are frequently needed in any Hindi Typing exam so, That they must not be ignored at all. Here we have provided the exhaustive list of ALT code combinations which are also called Hindi Typing Code, you can try for yourself on the onscreen keyboard. You can type these Key Combinations using either numeric keypad or numeric keys given above the alphabetic keys. For Example, you want to Type '' you need to type ALT+035.

Since I have a very odd keyboard it is missing alot of the necessary symbols I need for programming. I found a neat little trick to attain any symbol you want. The windows keyboard has something called 'alt codes' that letter type in any letter or symbol by holding 'alt + the number of the symbol or letter you want' e.g. the code for backslash would be 'alt+92'. The symbol will appear once you let 'alt' go. Here is a list of further shortcuts. Just hold 'alt' and type in any of the codes here to attain the symbol beside it. You can google more if you need anything else. Hope this helps someone.

Kruti Dev Hindi Typing Shortcut Key Download Pdf

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