Regarding incentives based on the quality of care, the P4P program has undergone a two-stage evolution, with the initial establishment of disease management activities the shared care network (SCN) followed by the integration of reward systems for examinations and these activities. The pilot SCN proposed in Taiwan, called the Lan-Yang Diabetes Shared Care System (LYDSCS), which was first experimentally implemented in I-Lan County in 1996, was collaboratively executed by governmental authorities (the central Bureau of Health Promotion and local government) and hospitals[36]. After the successful implementation by I-Lan County, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) integrated external incentives with this SCN as the first generation of the diabetes P4P program in 2001, which not only enforces the execution of suggested activities from the SCN but also highlights the adherence to guidelines for physicians to conduct the necessary examinations[35,36,41]. Based on the regulations for the incentive structure described in the 4th to 9th proposals for the diabetes P4P programs from 2006 to 2012, a team can receive a one-time sign-on payment of US $13 per patient enrolled in the P4P program at the hospital. In addition to the regular fee-for-service charge from the annual global budget, a team earns US $108 (not including the enrollment fees) for each patient who completes the cycle of care in a year and whom the team sees at least four times per year. The incentives (US $108) include three follow-up fees (total US $21), a one-time yearly evaluation fee (US $27), and physician fees that are paid four times, once for every patient visit except for visits to stand-alone clinics (total US $60)[14].

Regarding the development of agreements that facilitate care coordination within and across organizations, some local counties, such as Changhua, have expanded the role of public health nurses and dietitians in health centers to cooperate with private primary care physicians[22]. In addition, some small facilities cannot hire a diabetes team due to cost considerations; however, by sharing labor from large facilities with small facilities, adequate economies of scale can be attained[36].

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In Taiwan, systems that are used to monitor patient records or hospital performance, such as the CIS, are built at three levels. (1) At the national level, hospitals must report patient clinical outcomes via the virtual private network (VPN). The NHIA provides a website for every hospital to track and query their patients[41]; (2) At the local government level, some counties, such as Changhua County, have built the diabetes care management information system (DCMIS) to promote the use of clinical information in primary care. The DCMIS includes functions such as registration, reminders, descriptive statistics, and quality report production[39]; And (3) At the hospital level, hospital-made systems are usually richer than nationwide-level VPN systems. Hospitals can set up a diabetes registry that automatically captures their hospital information system records and monitors data for patient follow-up visits, such as patient demographics, telephone interview records, clinical chemistry values (outcomes), and health education records[34].

In Taiwan, systems designed to provide performance feedback and/or reminders, such as the DSS, are built at two levels. (1) At the nationwide level, a public report card system is used in Taiwan[46] through which hospitals can receive feedback on diabetes quality, conduct benchmarking, and improve their performance[34,35,39]. And (2) At the hospital level, hospitals may make their own DSS, which can require the implementation of alert functions and reminders for guideline adherence[34,35]. All of these monitoring measures align with evidence-based guidelines.

Part of the Bigfoot Unity Program includes ongoing, remote care from your health care provider. The Bigfoot Unity System makes this simple for you by passively collecting data in the background, without any work on your part. The data is then automatically available to your clinician through a secure, online portal.8 That means your data is stored and accessible in one simple place, supporting your health care provider to deliver remote care to you, conveniently, between office visits. 

Bear in mind, however, that YOU always remain wholly in control of day-to-day management of your diabetes. The remote care, that the system enables, never automatically administers insulin or alerts your provider to take proactive action. Bigfoot is your partner to help you control diabetes rather than letting diabetes control you.

+ Fingersticks are required to use the Bigfoot Meter for diabetes treatment decisions when (1) Sensor data is not available, (2) when the words "Use Meter" on the White Cap, or (3) if the Sensor glucose reading does not match how the user feels.

++ Scanning is required every 8 hours for 14 days to get a complete glycemic picture.

The circular shape of the sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott and used with permission.

The National Diabetes Program was coordinated through the Ministry of Health under the NCD section and was directly placed under the National NCD steering committee. The rollout of NDP program was made to utilize the already existing health infrastructure to bring out comprehensive diabetes & other NCD services to the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care while also introducing; nutrition & counseling in the clinics, foot examination, eye screening component and establish linkages with the Reproductive & Child Health clinics to target gestational diabetes. Public private partnerships with (FBOs, Private, and other health care providers) together with appropriate and effective referral system were put in place. Community involvement was strengthened through creation of awareness and education session on prevention and control of NCD risk factors. This led to an increase in demand for NCD care and services in the country.

Several types of evaluation can be used to assess diabetes prevention and management programs. Each type of evaluation serves a different purpose, and the most appropriate type of evaluation depends on the stage of program implementation. For a detailed overview of different evaluation designs and frameworks, see Evaluation Design in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.

Advancing the Science of Quality Improvement Research and Evaluation: Diabetes Initiative


 Presents an example of an evaluation of the Diabetes Initiative, a 30-month, multi-site program to improve diabetes self-management, demonstrating how to design and conduct an evaluation specific to diabetes self-management programs.

 Organization(s): Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, also known as the Healthier You programme, identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and refers them onto a nine-month, evidence-based lifestyle change programme.

Research shows the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has reduced new diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in England, saving thousands of people from the potentially serious consequences of the condition. It cuts the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more than a third for people completing the programme.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017: Estimates of Diabetes and its Burden in the United States. Retrieved from -diabetes-statistics-report.pdf [PDF - 786 KB]

At Genesis HealthCare System you'll find compassionate care from our registered nurses and dietitians, programs, classes and support groups to help you and your loved ones manage your diabetes and live more healthfully.

Learn about diabetes and discover how to effectively manage your condition through our Diabetes Self-Management Education Program. Our program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) as providing quality self-management education.

The program meets twice a week for eight weeks and is available to anyone with prediabetes, type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. A friend or family member may join the program as a support person or exercise buddy. Cost is $100. Financial aid is available.

"Tips for Preventing Diabetes" - Allison Dale, DNP, a Board-certified nurse practitioner specializing in Endocrinology, talks about tips for preventing diabetes. Ms. Dale discusses who is a high risk, the types of exercise and diet that can help, and why screenings are so important. Listen Here.

MCOD diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Singapura untuk tujuan menempatkan pentingnya manfaat pencegahan dan pengendalian Diabetes dalam agenda global, saling berbagi best practices internasional; pengalaman dan inovasi dalam memodifikasi faktor risiko diabetes; serta membangun kapasitas dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dan gaya hidup sehat.

Menkes berbicara mengenai langkah-langkah strategis Pemerintah Indonesia mencegah dan mengendalikan diabetes pada 4 kesempatan yaitu Diskusi Panel II (Tackle Diabetes through Supportive Environments), Ministers Working Breakfast, Ministerial Round Table dan ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting Luncheon.

Pencegahan dan pengendalian diabetes jelas membutuhkan perhatian semua orang dan juga kebijakan nasional dengan pendekatan revolusioner. Penyelesaian masalah diabetes terkait dengan perubahan perilaku dan membangun sinergi positif antar K/L untuk menumbuhkan iklim yang kondusif pada aspek pencegahan dan perubahan perilaku pada tingkat individu, keluarga dan masyarakat serta institusi seperti tempat kerja.

Inovasi-inovasi dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian serta pengobatan diabetes juga dinilai sangat penting untuk dilakukan, diantaranya pentingnya diabetes registry, penggunaan aplikasi pada telepon seluler untuk pencegahan risiko dan kontrol, peringatan otomatis secara reguler untuk olah raga pada area publik (bandara, stasiun, pasar, super market). 2351a5e196

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