
"Love is an act of will - namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love." - bell hooks, All About Love


"May we embody Rest, Joy, and Justice."

At Consult with Kristine, our mission is to empower growth, nurture community, and create meaningful change. Rooted in arts, culture, nature, education, and advocacy, we envision and curate safe spaces and brave places that serve as incubators for businesses, schoolhouses for learning, and hubs of transformation.

Guided by our dedication to fostering holistic development, we stand at the intersection of innovation and tradition. Our think tank is a haven for research, development, and training, where ideas come to life, solutions are crafted, and knowledge is shared.

With a commitment to arts and culture, we celebrate the richness of human expression and creativity. Through education, we illuminate paths to lifelong learning and personal growth. Advocacy drives us to create positive change, championing equality, diversity, and justice for all.

Join us as we sow the seeds of innovation, cultivate the soil of community, and nurture the growth that propels individuals and society forward. At Consult with Kristine, we believe that by going back to fetch the past and nurturing the present, we shape a thriving future for all.


Consult with Kristine envisions empowering individuals and organizations to collaboratively tackle the systemic issues at the root of public health, social, and environmental challenges. We are committed to challenging the prevailing exhaustion of imperialist, white supremacist capitalist patriarchy by infusing purpose into marketing, education, and facilitation, driving trauma-informed solutions. Our unwavering dedication is to forge an equitable and just society, where every individual can flourish and achieve their utmost potential. Our concentration is on enabling arts and culture entrepreneurs, nonprofit organizations, and social enterprises to catalyze profound impact within their communities and beyond.


These principles resonate with the potential of integrative arts and well-being to address the challenges of IWSCP and create spaces for healing, liberation, and social change. They offer a holistic framework that goes beyond individual well-being to encompass collective empowerment and action.

Trauma-Informed Purpose Statement

"As a trauma-informed educator, my calling resonates with a deep passion to wholeheartedly serve the communities that I am a part of. Recognizing the profound impact of trauma on individuals, I am dedicated to being a steadfast source of spiritual support, offering a vital social-emotional anchor that extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

Within the classroom, my mission is to create an environment that is not only academically enriching but also emotionally nurturing. I understand that the effects of trauma can ripple through various aspects of a person's life, and I am committed to fostering an atmosphere of safety, empathy, and understanding. This means not only imparting knowledge but also actively addressing emotional well-being and mental health as integral components of education.

Beyond the classroom walls, I strive to extend my support to the broader community. I am aware that the challenges individuals face don't end with the school day, and my commitment transcends those hours. By embracing trauma-informed practices, I am equipped to offer guidance, comfort, and encouragement to individuals navigating their personal journeys.

My role as a spiritual support extends to being a compassionate listener, a source of strength, and a facilitator of healing conversations. I believe that by acknowledging the experiences of trauma and fostering an environment of openness, we can create space for growth and resilience.

In essence, my purpose is to be a beacon of unwavering support, a grounding force that nurtures the emotional and spiritual well-being of those I serve. Whether within the confines of the classroom or in the broader community, my calling is to uplift individuals, provide solace, and foster an environment where healing, growth, and learning intertwine seamlessly."

- Kristine Leslie, Change Agent and Impactpreneur

Water and Land Acknowledgement

Welcome to Maple Nation, a bioregion that encompasses the Northeast region of New Jersey. Although Consult with Kristine operates remotely and extends our services across the United States, Turtle Island, we are mindful of the land and water upon which we live, work, and connect with communities.

We acknowledge that Maple Nation is situated within the traditional territory of diverse Indigenous peoples who have nurtured and protected this land and its waterways for countless generations. Specifically, we recognize that the Leni-Lenape people are the original stewards of this region, with a profound history and ongoing connection to this land and its waters.

In honoring the Leni-Lenape and other Indigenous communities, we pay tribute to their elders, past and present, and express gratitude for their enduring contributions to the land, water, culture, and collective well-being.

As we engage in our work within Maple Nation and across Turtle Island, we understand the importance of recognizing and respecting the Indigenous peoples who have cared for and sustained these territories, both on land and in the waters that surround them.

In the spirit of unity and understanding, let us walk together with respect, humility, and a commitment to supporting the rights and thriving of Indigenous communities. This water and land acknowledgment is a step toward reconciliation and building a more equitable future.

May our actions and words demonstrate our dedication to learning, unlearning, and fostering meaningful relationships with the original inhabitants of this land and its waters, guiding us on a path of shared stewardship and appreciation for all that Maple Nation provides.

Digital and Technology Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that data equity and digital technological colonialism are deeply intertwined. Systems of data collection, analysis, and use have the potential to perpetuate injustices and reinforce existing power disparities. We are committed to the following principles in addressing these concerns:

We believe that addressing these issues is crucial in harnessing the power of data and technology for the betterment of all, working towards a future free from [digital] exploitation and oppression.