Usenet: Xbooks

A lot of my old activity online in the 90s was on Usenet, and particularly as an undergrad, I haunted the newsgroup rec.arts.comics.xbooks.
These are copies of my old posts from there in chronological order, but with my deadname updated, the names of others may be partially obscured, but links to the Google Groups copies of the originals will probably still be included.

Rather than keep formatting precisely as it was, I'll clean up the spelling and put quotations of people other than myself in italics, to keep the line lengths automaticly adjusted instead of the old 80 character limits.  I'm also removing my old e-mail address from the copies since someone else has that address now.


1993 April 14 20:03 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Prof. X's legs (was Re: Juggernaut's Powers?)
From: Krista Siren

Apr 14, 1993, 8:03:58 PM

Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks

In article (Ranger Bob G...) writes:

>Just some more info: The ruby confers the power of the "Crimson Bands of Cyttorak" to whomever touched it. When Cain picked up the gem, it transformed him into the Juggernaut, also envelopping him in the armor he wears. I believe (I'm cheating: using What If? 13 to give info :) that this is also where Xavier was crippled, by falling rocks, and right after, met Magnus (Magneto) for the first time. Oh, and it was the Korean War, BTW.

Actually, Xavier "Managed to escape by a hair's breadth...while the creature within the cave [Juggernaut] was buried beneath a trillion tons of falling rock and rubble!" (Juggernaut/Prof. X origin issue - X-men #12)

He didn't lose the use of his legs until his meeting with Lucifer in his palace in Tibet. Lucifer dropped a "great slab" from the ceiling on Charles "for daring to oppose that which no mortal can comprehend!"

(X-men 20) Boy that has me shaking in my sneakers.

Incidentally, both stories (in fact X-men 11-21) are available in the Marvel Masterworks No. 7 hard cover - cheaper than the back issues now I imagine, but still a little steep at $29.95 Other issues of interest in this volume include the first Sentinels stories.

Now where was I?

Oh yeah... Later on Xavier was cloned into a healthy body after an episode with the brood (#167) and broken again in his battle with the Shadow King in the Muir Island Saga (#280).

That's all for now

Krista Siren

The Gray (Mouser@  )

1993 June 1 8:43 rec.arts.comics.xbooks X-creators FAQ version 1.2 (first version my contributions appear)
From: Eric Jaron Stieglitz
Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks
I'm not going to duplicate this whole post yet before I work out a better way to deal with the tabular formatting.

1993 September 1 16:03 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Wolverine
Krista Siren

Sep 1, 1993, 4:03:22 PM

Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks

In article... (Matador of M83) writes:

>Can someone please tell me in which comic does Wolverine make his first appearance?

The Incredible Hulk #180-181

First X appearence - Giant-Sized X-men #1

Krista Siren

1993 October 1 rec.arts.comics.xbooks X-men, Days of Future Past
Krista Siren

Oct 1, 1993, 11:13:27 AM


In article ... (Jennifer J. S.) writes:

>Ok, I was just going through my collection with an eye toward selling it and I came across a squarebound Xmen Days of Future Past (Wolvie in Civies on cover, looking cornered, with Sentinel looming I think....) which I can't find in Overstreets (which I have never used before so am not familiar with.). Is this an Annual, I didn't notice a # on it and I think I also have Days of Future Past part four somewhere in my collection..? If not where is it in Overstreets!?

>(er, Overstreet's).

The book you are looking at is a reprint of issues 141 and 142.

It is probably still in print and still worth its $3.95 cover price.

My guess is that your Days of Future Past part four is actually Days of Future Present part four - from the Fantastic Four, X-Factor,New Mutants,Xmen annuals crossover three years back. This, along with most of the Rachel Summers plot-lines, was a sequel to the DoFPast issues/book.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>


1994 January 12 11:29 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Shooting Blind
Krista Siren

Jan 12, 1994, 11:29:26 AM

In article (Mike E...) writes:

>Scott B... wrote:

>> What about ruby quartz Contact lenses?


>Now, as to contact lenses: last I checked, ruby quartz was still a crystal, and we'll assume it acts pretty much like glass. Would *you* go around with glass contacts in your eyes. Given his 'active lifestyle', what's the possibility that they'll break and he'll be blinded forever?  And, given how thin they'd have to be to fit on his cornea comfortably, how effective would they really be in stopping his optic blasts?


>If they can find a soft polymer, like plastic, which has the same filtering qualities as ruby quartz, then they have an excuse, but when you consider how much time and money has gone into developing plain old contacts, how likely do you think it is that such contacts could be developed.  (Well, ok, maybe Reed Richards could do it on a weekend, but...)


>Until then, to control his blasts, all he has to do is keep his eyes closed. Simple. (Doesn't have to use hands or anything like that.)  His main problem is he can't aim without his eyes open, and he can't afford to fire unless he can aim first.

Another problem with contacts is that they can not easily be removed in the event of an ambush. Unless it has been retconned away when I wasn't looking, the ruby crystal lenses _completely_ block Scott's optic blasts. The shield in his visor moves up when he presses a button in the thumb of his glove, allowing the blast out.

They might be useful for vacations and times when he'd be away from the X-men for a while, but he always seems to wind up in trouble anyway.

Scott Summers and Lee Forester part the tall ferns aside to reveal a cyclopean palace that must have been built ages ago by an architect using non-Euclidian geometries. As they approach they hear some murmuring inside.

Voice: "Ia! Black Goat of a Thou... Ah Cyclops, nice of you to drop by!"

Scott: "Magneto!" *Drat! I'd better get these lenses out fast!*

Magneto: "Do not be concerned about your vaunted optic blasts, dear Cyclops. Normally, I would have used my magnetic powers to completely block them, but since you have switched to contacts, I have merely procured your saline solution!"

Scott: "Then I wouldn't be able to put them back in and I'd have no control over my powers!"

Magneto: "Quite. So please, be my guest, you and your lovely friend have a seat, I have to hold the world hostage now, but I should be back for dinner."

Krista Siren


1994 January 18 11:51 Nathan's Mom
Krista Siren

Jan 18, 1994, 11:51:17 AM

In article (I D B...) writes:


> Was it Jean or Maddie who gave birth to Nathan?


> I know that Maddie is a clone of Jean but I am not sure if Nathan's mother was going by the name of Jean or Maddie?


> I was reading UX-310 and saw that Scott referred to the woman with read hair as Jean, but it didn't ring true. So, who gave birth to Nathan?

That would be Maddie in issue #201. But she isn't around Nathan for very long, as she is hunted by the Marauders and separated from her child shortly after Scott joins X-Factor. As a result, Jean spent a lot more quality time with Nathan (at least on panel) than did Maddie. The woman in both of the holograms was Jean c. X-Factor #68, long after Maddie's death. Cable's mention of another couple who cared for him once, may be an allusion to either his days with X-Factor, or to the upcoming Cyclops & Phoenix miniseries.

Krista Siren

1994 February 1 12:06 Question: X-Cutioner's Song?
Krista Siren

Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks

Feb 1, 1994, 12:06:19 PM

In article < ba18.. writes:

>Hi there,

>just a simple question. Should I get the X-cutioner's song TPB that is coming out in April? It is solicited in the latest Previews. However, the price is one factor that is stopping me from getting it. It is $24.95! If my memory serves, it 'prides' itself of having an embossed cover. Gee, I thought I've seen the last of them! Now, Marvel is doing it to the TPBs. Some of my friends said the story sucks! It is confusing and it only poses more questions than giving answers. What do you think, guys and gals, should I get it?

It depends on how much of a completist you are. If you don't have any of the following, they are of better value:

The Uncanny X-Men TPB - Dark Phoenix Saga

From the Ashes

Asgardian Wars

for more $ - Marvel Masterworks Vol 11, 12, or (24?)

actually, buying back issues of Uncanny, X-men Classic, New Mutants 1-54, X-men 1-7, or X-Factor 60-91, would likely be a better investment of your time and money.

Even if you don't like Claremont or PAD, you'd do better to get some of the more recent back issues than X-Cutioner's song.

Krista Siren

The Gray <Mouser@ >

1994 February 22 15:33 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Whatever happened to Unus?
Krista Siren

Feb 22, 1994, 3:33:58 PM

Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks

I've been wondering about this for a while, and the recent posting of the X-Villains list got me thinking about it again. What was the fate of Unus, the Untouchable, sometimes member of Magneto's BoEM. Has any relation been established between him and the Acolyte Unuscione? Nice name, meaning child or descendant of Unus. Their powers are similar, although she's able to project her force field outward.

Krista Siren

The original post for this one appears lost
1994 March 15 00:41 rec.arts.comics.xbooks re: Summers family tree requested

From: Sonja [full name redacted]

Mar 15, 1994, 12:41:15 AM

Krista Siren (mouser@ ) wrote:

: Oops, Didn't put in all of the Cable clan last time. His wife's name escapes me - It was in Cable #1, but I don't have that with me.

I think it was Jenskot (looks like a combination of Jean and Scott???).


1994 June 15 11:44 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Stryfe.  Who The Hell???
Krista Siren

Jun 15, 1994, 11:44:16 AM

In article ... (Robin H) writes:

>Something has been bugging me for a while. Who the hell is Stryfe????  Will someone please clear this matter up because it is bugging the hell out of me.


>Thanks in advance.



Parts of this are in the monthly FAQ, but here you go:

Nathan Christopher Charles Summers was born to Scott and Maddie Pryor Summers back around Uncanny #201. Apocalypse infected the child with a technovirus in X-Factor #67 or 68 and Askani, a woman from the future, appeared on the scene and offered Scott a chance to save his child by taking him to the future. There he could be cured, and would help to save society in some nebulous way. Scott let Askani take Nate, however, once they got to the future, it appeared the technovirus had progressed too far to save him, so the Askani sisterhood cloned him.

Apocalypse will have been alive and in charge in this future, and he wants Nate for a new body to hop into when his current one burns out.  His thugs kidnap Nate's clone, who eventually becomes Stryfe, while the original Nate miraculously recovers, hops around with Scott & Jean and eventually leads an uprising against Apocalypse, calling himself Cable.  (all this in Cable 6-8 and Adventures of Cyke & Phoenix)

Stryfe has a falling out with Apocalypse, probably because he doesn't want the blue guy to possess him. He also runs into Cable a few times and manages to trick him into killing his son (sort of). He then hops into the twentieth century via a time portal, along with Zero, while fleeing from Cable and company. Here, towards the end of the New Mutants run, he establishes the Mutant Liberation Front, and get's Richtor's father killed. Most of the time he runs around in gaudy metallic armor, talking about how brilliant he is and complaining about the failings of the MLF.  Stryfe then gets himself killed, sort of, in the worst X-over so far. He thinks that he is the original Nate Summers and wants to take it out on Scott, Jean and Cable. He frames Cable for the assassination attempt on Prof. X, gives Mr. Sinister Summers genes, booby trapped with the Legacy virus, and gets zapped by Cable while on the moon on some time portal thing.  Apparently, his mind is currently dormant inside of Cable, having made a brief appearance in that title.

Krista Siren

1994 July 18 11:45 rec.arts.comics.xbooks UX #316, the Phalanx, and Doug

Krista iren

Jul 18, 1994, 11:45:48 AM

In article ...>  (Charles L.) writes:

>In article <30683d$o93@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>, I wrote:

>|> to the Trask Sentinel empire in Uncanny #96. He is directly responsible for a "death" of Col. Mike Rossi, US Army, and agent of SHIELD. He is

>Nop! Col. Mike Rossi did survive. He showed up in early issues of NM (when they fight sentinels for the first time). Apparently he is part of Xavier's underground pals.

> Charles L.

Indeed! Which is why I put the word "death" in quotation marks. Claremont brought him back from his little airplane "accident". Somebody, I think Stevie Hunter, even asked him "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" In one of those issues which you are referring to. Apparently he took advantage of the situation and used his death to go into deep cover.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>

1994 August 1 13:45 rec.arts.comics.xbooks AGES.. i know a kettle of fish
Krista Siren

Aug 1, 1994, 1:45:02 PM

In article... (H., DUANE J) writes:

>i just want to get a idea of whereabouts they are suppose to be age wise i beginning to think that the professor must be near a hundred :)

Some age speculation deleted

>for that matter how is forge . . . he was in Vietnam so that put him in the 30-40 range . . . .he is toooo old for ororo . . bishop is her speed :)


Well,... around the time Ororo was introduced, they gave a flashback/origin story for her. During her infancy or early childhood, her parents were killed and she nearly was as well during a bombing of Cairo in 1956. At the time this put her at around Jean's age and, you might consider her to be about the same age as Forge currently is. The writers probably wouldn't say that she's 38, but they probably wouldn't put Forge in his late 30's - early forties either.

some other ages: If you assume Hank is 30 (yeesh, I would have thought 40), then Scott, Jean, Warren, Bobby, and Ororo, are in their late 20's, Bobby, being about a year or two younger than the others. Peter Rasputin turned 18 around the same time Kitty was 14 and about to turn 15 (which I seem to remember happening twice). Since Ororo was around 22 or so when that origin story came out, Pete is in his early to mid twenties, and Kitty, is in her late teens to early twenties (looks like the writers have her at 17 or 18). The old New Mutants: I think had Sam about 4 years older than Kitty, Xian about 5 years older, and everyone else 0 to 2 years older.

At the risk of causing countless groans among those who've read the group for over a year, I'll mention that I once determined via birthdays, Christmas issues, and seasonal changes, that Kitty would be 23 by the end of the Fatal Attractions storyline - this pushes everyone else's ages up, and is in disagreement with Excalibur and the current writers.

Kurt is probably about the same age as Ororo (mid to late twenties) and Sean is probably in his late thirties/early forties. Alex and Lorna are probably about Bobby's age or slightly younger (mid-twenties).  Since Magnus was in the WWII concentration camps, he's at least 60-70, although, thanks to mutant Alpha and Eric the Red, he's got the body of a 30 year old.

Hmm... I only ment to talk about Forge and Storm, oh well.

Krista Siren 

The Gray<Mouser@...> 

"The Gray Mouser is exactly twenty-five feetbelow the deepest cellar of Glipkerio Kistomerces. Even though twenty-four parts in twenty-five of him are dead, he is alive."

-Ningauble/Fritz Leiber

1994 August 2 11:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Magneto’s powers

Krista Siren

Aug 2, 1994, 11:00:26 AM


In article <> (Nick E D,) writes:

>In article <> (David R. Henry) writes:

>>>How far out into space does the Earth's magnetic field reach?


>>Pretty darn far. I wouldn't be surprised if our magnetosphere's tail ends up within astronomical spitting distance of Mars.


>All right, time to put the Physics protection suit on.


>Magnetic fields are an inversed squared relationship. That is, if you go twice as far away from the source, the signal is four times weaker. So I doubt if a significant field is detectable near mars (or the moon for that mattter).


>On the other hand, the field never diminishes to 0, so the field actually reaches across the universe, but it has little to no strength once you get too far away from earth.


>Now you can guess why physics drove me to computer science.

>Nick D. d,,,

Putting on my planetary science student hat, there may be no point where the field is zero, but there is a surface where Earth's field ceases to dominate over the field of the sun. Facing towards the sun, this surface, the magnetopause, goes out about 10 earth radii, 64,000 km, or about one sixth the distance to the moon. The earth's magnetic tail stretches away from the sun for "several million km". "Several" is left undefined by my sources, but it would have to be over a hundred or so to intersect Mars' orbit.

I don't remember exactly how this fit in with the original question, but Nick's right in that there is always a trace magnetic field, unless you screen it out with currents or superconductors. The Sun has an enormous magnetic field, which doesn't equilibrate with the interstellar field until it is more than twice Pluto's distance out.  So, unless Magneto's powers were specificly tied to Earth's field, he'd have something to play with just about wherever he went. It just might be too weak for him to do anything useful with it in a useful period of time.

Of course, writers may alter Marvelphysics as it fits the story.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>

"In what words might death call?"

"That would depend," said the small man.

"He might look at two such as you and say the Bleak Shore. Nothing

more than that. The Bleak Shore. And when he said it three times

you would have to go."


"The Bleak Shore." he repeated.

1994 August 10 19:44 rec.arts.comics.xbooks X-Force Annual (BIG Spoiler)

Krista Siren

Aug 10, 1994, 7:44:32 PM


In article <...>

 (JERRY B. R.) writes:




Review trimmed for space

>at the end of the story, it appears to me that



>Reignfire is actually Roberto Dacosta, aka Sunspot. I haven't looked at my back issues to see if this is really possible, and there are some problems with the idea. First, Reignfire has more hair than Bobby, but that could be a wig. Second, didn't Reignfire appear before Bobby disappeared? I thought so, but I could be wrong. In support of the idea is the suggestion (by Magneto, I think) that Bobby would fall into "evil" in (what was then) the future.


>I could be way off base in how I'm interpreting what I read and saw, but if I'm right, this took me TOTALLY by surprise in a way that very few comic stories have in years.



That's how I interpreted it as well. Since Reignfire did appear before

Bobby disappeared with Locus, my guess is that Bobby got shunted into a dark future like NM #48 or Days of Future Past, and then came back before he left. This fits in with all his talk about the "destruction which is coming", and the time travel aspect fits in with the Locus=Magik theory. From the art on p. 40, it would seem that Reignfire indeed wears a wig with his costume, whether or not he is Bobby.  The possibility also exists that this is the alternate future version of Bobby returned to the past and that we will see a confrontation with the "real" Bobby in the future. Gack! that sounds too much like a Summers/Richards time plot from Heck. I don't know whether to be afraid or pleased.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>

"It happened that while Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were dallying in a

wine shop near the Sidonian Harbor of Tyre, where all wine shops are of

doubtful repute, a long-limbed yellow-haired Galatian girl lolling in

Fafhrd's lap turned suddenly into a wallopingly large sow. It was a

singular occurrence, even in Tyre." F. Leiber, "Adept's Gambit"

1994 September 11 21:11 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Old X-men’toon

Around the middle of last week, Aili asked for someone to post a summary of the Phoenix saga as it appeared in the comics. Those not old, wealthy, or lucky enough to have the originals may wish to check out Classic X-men 3-13 or there abouts or Marvel Masterworks Vol. 11 and Vol. 12. for reprints of the stories.

So here we go:


#96 Night of the Demon: Cyclops broods over the loss of John Proudstar from the previous issue. He lets loose an eye blast in his anger, breaking an oddly placed ancient, rune-covered cairn. Meanwhile, Kurt, Ororo, Peter and Logan have a danger room workout, while Sean notices that Xavier is exhausted. Charles is planning a vacation and will have a "housekeeper" look after things while he is gone - enter Moira MacTaggert. Meanwhile, Mike Rossi visits Steven Lang's Project Armageddon and decides that Lang's mutant paranoia doesn't deserve government funding. Back at the School, Moira and the X-men are disturbed by Kierrok the Damned!, whom Scott accidentally released from that cairn. Wolverine manages to take him down and Xavier mind-probes him. Kierrok recovers but they drive him out of the School; Storm destroys the cairn, and Kierrok is vanquished. Later, Mike Rossi's plane goes down in flames, sabotaged by Lang.

#97 My Brother, My Enemy: 

Xavier has been having nightmares about Shiar battles in space for many weeks. He thinks he is going mad and he can almost see the face of one of the pilots. He has been reporting his dreams to Moira. Meanwhile, Alex and Lorna are ambushed while doing doctoral field work at Rio Diablo, by Eric the Red. He brainwashes them and gives Lorna the Polaris name and costume. They aim to kill Charles Xavier. Ororo, Jean, Scott, Kurt, and Peter go to Kennedy Airport to see Xavier off on his vacation. They are ambushed by Havok and Polaris, defend Xavier, and see a couple of planes destroyed in the process. Wolverine and Banshee arrive as reinforcements and Eric takes his two new pets on a retreat.

#98: Merry Christmas, X-men... the Sentinels Have Returned.: 

The X-men, plus Moira, minus Charles are spending X-mas day in NYC. Jack Kirby and Stan Lee catch Scott and Jean in a kiss right before Lang's new Sentinels attack.  They nab Jean, Sean, and Logan while Storm drives them away. In the Bahamas, a Sentinel overturns the yacht which Prof. X. and Peter Corbeau of Starcore, are on. X is nabbed when he loses concentration in a Lilandra Psiwave.  Lang glowers over his prisoners and tells him that he wants to both study them and take out the X-men, in order to destroy mutant-kind. Logan breaks all but Charles out. They flee from the sentinels and break out of the base. Corbeau arrives at the School and tells the X-men about Charles' kidnapping.  They recall that the Sentinels are concerned about current solar flares and Cerebro can not locate the captured X-men. The last panel shows that they have escaped from an orbiting space station and are exposed to the vacuum.

#99: Deathstar, Rising!: 

The Sentinels collect Banshee, Jean, and Wolverine for further study while the other X-men realize that they are operating out of SHIELD's orbital platform. Corbeau pulls some strings and gets himself and the X-men on an emergency Starcore Shuttle launch. Peter has a panic attack because of his brother's demise as a cosmonaut and Starcore scientists are increasingly worried about solar flares. Back on Earth, Sean Cassidy's lawyer is mugged by Black Tom, only after he had mailed a letter to the X-man. The X-men in the rocket fight with Sentinels outside and then inside the space station. After a difficult battle Jean psi-contacts Scott and tells him that Banshee and Wolverine are in one section, while she and Prof. X are in another and Lang means to kill them. Scott sends the others after Sean and Logan while he claims Lang. He nearly beats Lang to death when he is taken out from behind. The other X-men arrive on the scene to find themselves face to face with - The Original X-men.

#100 Greater Love Hath No X-man...: 

The first X-team fights the second X-team until Wolverine smells something wrong with Jean and guts her - revealing cables and machinery. Lang is rants that his "X-Sentinels" should have been unbeatable. The station, damaged during the fights, begins to fall apart.  Lang hops into his flying gunship and begins to attack the X-men. The controls jam and he crashes. The X-men and Corbeau try to escape in the Starcore shuttle, but it is severely damaged and the enormous solar flare is imminent.  Corbeau reveals that there is a shielded life cell, but that the pilot needs to remain outside and he wouldn't survive the flare. Jean absorbs his piloting memories and psi-knocks Scott out. She says that her TK will help screen the radiation. The others go into the life-cell and Jean pilots the shuttle. Her TK shield begins to give way.

#101 Like a Phoenix from the Ashes!: 

The Shuttle crashes into Jamaica Bay. Corbeau and the X-men except Jean rise to the surface. Scott is about to dive down for Jean when she erupts from the water saying:

Hear me, X-men! No Longer am I the woman you knew!

I am Fire! and LIFE INCARNATE! Now and forever--


She then collapses into the water. They get out of the water and Charles wipes witnesses minds. Jean is brought to a hospital and they are told that she will recover. Xavier sends all but Scott on an enforced vacation and Sean suggests his newly inherited Cassidy Keep. They arrive and get ready for a stately dinner when Black Tom and Juggernaut reveal themselves at the bottom of a pit trap.

#102 Who Will Stop the Juggernaut?: 

The new X-men battle their enemies.  Storm has a fit of claustrophobia and has a flashback to explain why.  Xavier senses her through a psychic rapport and demands that Scott go to their rescue. Scott refuses so that he could stay with Jean. Charles begins to give him an ear-full when he gets another image of Lilandra - this time in the mirror. One by one the X-men are taken out, but when Nightcrawler is thrown, he lands in shadow and turns invisible. The local leprechauns haul him away to safety.

#103 The Fall of the Tower:
The leprechauns had been held hostage by Tom and Cain against the good behavior of Eamon O'Donnell, the keep's seneschal.  They bring Kurt to the lab where Tom is holding the other X-men. Kut breaks the other X-men free while using his image inducer to disguise himself as an oddly-nimble Prof. X. Storm is elated and sweeps herself, Logan, Kurt, and Peter out of the Keep with the wind. Sean and Tom have it out with sword and axe, since their powers don't work on one another. In the process, Sean throws Tom over the battlements and into the Atlantic. Cain jumps in after him. D'ken tells Eric the Red that he will not tolerate any more failures to kill Charles and the X-men before Princess Nermani arrives on earth.

#104 The Gentleman's Name is Magneto: 

The X-men take a hovercraft out to Muir Island, see several odd lights in the sky above the island and have the boat blow up underneath them. They investigate the island and find that Magneto is responsible. Moira and Scott arrive in the blackbird and find Jamie Madrox unconscious. He reveals that Eric the Red ambushed him, broke out Magneto, and restored him to adulthood.  Magneto takes out the X-men, but Cyclops arrives and stuns him. He revives the others and orders a strategic withdrawal. Meanwhile, on the Starjammer, Christopher and Ch'od believe the Emperor plans Armageddon. Lilandra's ship is under attack near earth, and Eric the Red spies on Xavier, and the Grey family.

#105 Phoenix Unleashed!: 

The X-men return from Scotland to find Eric the Red in the blackbird's hanger. They attack and Firelord, a former herald of Galactus, attacks, trouncing them. They retreat. Eric reveals that he used Havok and Polaris to lure Firelord in and help convince him that Xavier and the X-men were trying to take over Earth, while he was only trying to stop them. Lilandra beams down into Jean Grey and Misty Knight's apt. just before her ship is destroyed. Charles recognizes her and she collapses.  The Firelord blasts through the wall in order to put a stop to the X-men and Jean as Phoenix takes the fight outside, disturbing Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum. Eric the Red arrives on the scene and Lilandra recognizes him as her exile, Davan Shakari. He renders her and Charles unconscious and sets up a stargate. The X-men arrive on the scene just in time to witness Shakari carrying Lilandra through the gate. Phoenix re-opens the gate and the X-men pursue them, leaving Charles, Prof. and Mrs. Grey and Misty Knight to deal with Firelord.

#106 Dark Shroud of the Past: 

All of this, especially the sudden loss of Lilandra proves too much for Charles and he slips into a delirium, recalling events from shortly after Moira arrived at the school: The current X-men are interrupted during a danger room session by the appearance of the first five X-men (minus Cyclops) in their original costumes, who proceed to attack the current X-men, deriding them the entire time.  Xavier realizes that the original X-men are symptoms of his fatigued mind and banishes them with a thought. A walking, caped, evil Xavier appears behind the X-men, but Charles keeps him in check by summoning images of the original X-men to pile on him.  Xavier recovers from his delirium alone in front of the stargate.

#107 Where No X-man Has Gone Before!: 

The X-men find themselves under a starry sky in front of a 20 foot tall M'Kraan crystal and face to face with the Imperial guard. D'ken has Lilandra captured at the base setting of the crystal. A fight breaks out for Lilandra and the X-men do quite well against the guard. D'ken summons the Soul-Drinker to take Lilandra, but Nightcrawler 'ports over to her, breaks her chains and bamfs her away. The Soul-Drinker takes one of the guard instead and leaves. Cyclops demands to know what's going on from Lilandra. She reveals that D'ken had discovered the location of a deadly force and announced his plans to take it. She opposed and he arrested her and started rulers that she wished to usurp the throne. There was a civil war and she fled - while she was "jinking through the binary system" she came in contact with Xavier's mind while he was marshalling forces against the Z'nox. D'ken's telepathic spies sensed their rapport would bring her to Earth, so he sicced Eric the Red on Charles and the X-men. The M'Kraan Crystal is a gate to absolute power which opens when the stars are right - they almost are. Gladiator and the Imperial Guard turn the battle in their favor until Corsair and the Starjammers arrive. The X-men are shortly fighting by their sides and Jean picks up that Corsair is Scott's father. The Guard is defeated, but D'ken out of existence. Corbeau is frightened and calls Reed Richards, who also noticed the blink but doesn't know what to do about it.

#108 Armageddon NOW!: 

wedges of the sky, centered on the crystal invert in color. Cyclops briefs the rest of the X-men on Lilandra's story.  Corbeau conference calls President Carter, the Avengers, and the Fantastic gloats as the gateway opens. For a fraction of a second the universe blinks Four. They conclude that the Universe may be about to die and there is nothing that they can do about it. Jahf, a 3' tall mauve-skinned humanoid addresses the X-men as a Guardian of the Gate into Eternity. He says that no one may approach the crystal and live. Wolverine approaches and is punched into orbit. The X-men put everything into defeating Jahf, Phoenix even slams him with a meteor, Banshee eventually destroys him with a scream which trashes his throat. Then a 4-story, Kirbian guardian - Modt arrives. Raza grabs D'ken and throws him into a face of the crystal. There is a blinding light and the X-men, the Starjammers, and D'ken find themselves inside the crystal.  Jean admiers the sphere at the heart of the crystal. It calls to her an her hand begins where she touches it. She starts to scream and everyone is struck by beams which bring up their worst fears. Jean has become ghostly and Scott's blasts go out of control. She Psi-knocks him out, but only after his blasts crack the sphere. She assumes Phoenix form and travels into the sphere. The sphere is a living energy matrix, which is dying, when it dies, the neutron Galaxy will be free, and the Universe will be destroyed. She knows how to repair it but doesn't have the strength. Storm volunteers to be her anchor to reality. Jean also asks Corsair to aid, so that the operation doesn't kill herself and Storm. She reknits the pattern and is exhausted.  The X-men return through the stargate. The Firelord leaves. Lilandra also comes through the stargate, an exile until the Shiar High Council sorts things out.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>

1994 September 13 10:23 rec.arts.comics.xbooks X-movie essentials

Krista Siren

Sep 13, 1994, 10:23:36 AM


In article ... (SHIO L. H.) writes:

>Anyway, what are the essential things the X-movie should have ? (Please omit out the obvious things like the X-mansion. These items should be background things that affect only the colour of the movie, and prevent it from being a distortion like that bat-movie.)

>Here are my essential items :-


> h) Peter's russian curse words 'Torasavish' or something like that

Just nitpicking here - I don't speak Russian, but 'Tovarish' (sp?) is not a curse word. I believe it means 'comrade','friend', 'brother', or something along those lines.

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@...>

1994 September 16 10:10 rec.arts.comics.xbooks UXM plot holes

Krista Siren

Sep 16, 1994, 10:10:45 AM


In article <...> (JERRY B. R.) writes:

>In article <...> (Wayne E P.) writes:

>>: * Wasn't the X-Mansion blow to pieces by Banshee in the P-Convenent?


>As mentioned before, I don't think anything but the computer core was actually destroyed, though this point is somewhat unclear.


>> The better question is, "Have any of his students ever gone off to college?"


>Jean did, way back in the early issues of the X-Men. She briefly attended Metro College or some such. I think Bobby also went to college at some point.


Alex Summers and Lorna Dane have studied for Ph.D's in Geology. I think Hank had already gone to college and played a lot of football there before he came to Xavier's. I had thought that Warren had gone as far as business school, but I'm not sure about that. Which leaves Scott unaccounted for. I think that the rest of the X-men had seen as much school as they had planned on before joining, and the New Mutants seem to have scattered before graduating (unless this happened during the Simonson run, which I do not own.)

Krista Siren

The Gray<Mouser@>


1995 June 23 03:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Uh…Madelyne Pryor????

Krista Siren


Jun 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <...> (David R. Henry) writes:

>Charles H. writes:


>>Hey y'all....minor spoiler warning...


>Too bad you ruined it with the subject heading. :-)














>>Had enuff space????

>>Ok...In X-Man #5 we see Madelyne Pryor (Jean's clone as far as I know) come in and meet our little wandering telekenitic timebomb. Now...I thought she was dead???? Or am I totaly off base on thnking this?

>>If anyone has got a time line on Ms. Pryor could you post it? I'm just curious on her history. Thanks y'all!

>Last I heard she was dead as of either the X-Factor issues on the Moon or else the X-Cutioner's Song. Someone else more Summers-oriented may be able to tell you more.

From the depths of a workstation cluster, with a completed thesis in hand, she emerges.

Aha! Now I can read xbooks again! Being a bit of a Cyclops fan (particularly the pre-Uncanny 201 version) I think I'll take on this task.

Maddie had been as dead as... Jean Grey, since X-Factor 38, which was towards the end of the Inferno crossover. While a 10 year old with the same name appeared in the Avenger's Annual 10, the adult Madelyne first appeared at the end of Uncanny 168 as a pilot for Scott and Alex's grandparents' cargo airline. Scott immediately noticed her striking similarity to Jean in voice and appearance.  Over the course of the next few issues they became romanticly involved, seemingly overcoming the obsticles of Scott's mutant powers and Maddie's similarity to Jean Grey. During this time it was also revealed that Maddie had barely escaped from a firey plane crash that occured on the same day as Jean's death.

Meanwhile, Mastermind had recovered from the thrashing that Jean, as Dark Phoenix, had given him and was out for revenge against the X-men. In addition to ruining Logan and Mariko's wedding, he made it appear like the Phoenix was returning and that Maddie was it. This culminated with Scott asking her if she was Phoenix and the reincarnation of Jean Grey in Uncanny 174.  She promptly slugs him in indignation, storms off and becomes... Dark Phoenix.

Well not really, she's being made a tool by Mastermind and he later does the same trick on the X-men, making Cyclops appear to be Dark Phoenix. Eventually, the X-men thwart Mastermind and later that issue (175) Scott and Madelyne get married.

Well they have 24 issues of relative peace, occasionally vexed by phone calls from Rachel and encounters with Loki. Unfortunately for Madelyne, a new title was in the works that would require the revival of Jean Grey, turning Scott into a lousy father and husband and Maddie, eventually into an evil costumed villian.

In their first encounter with Loki, Madelyne was temporarily transformed into the 7' tall Anodyne, who was able to heal with a touch. She was nearly forced into being Loki's lackey but was released when Loki was accosted by the Aesir.

During the X-men's second encounter with Loki, Madelyne was pregnant.  When they returned to Earth, they landed in Paris, in time for Magneto's trial (issue 200). She gave birth to Nathan Christopher Charles Summers between issues and was upset that while the other X-men had been able to call her from Paris, Scott had not, and that he felt he needed to lead the X-men again. Scott's character continued to deteriorate in X-Factor 1. He became more brooding than he had been in a while and after Maddie called him on it, revealed that he still thought of Jean quite a bit. He also hadn't been able to put the X-men behind him and that was interfering in family life and responsibilities.

Scott then got a call from Warren saying that Jean was alive. Despite Maddie's protests, he hopped on the plane to New York - and didn't call back for several days. By then her phone had been disconnected. She had been attacked and chased by the Maurauders and wound up in a hospital and eventually, with the X-men. Baby Nate was recovered by X-Factor. Neither group really knew where the other was for a while because of Cameron Hodge's PR for X-Factor. Maddie was with the X-men in Dallas in the 220's when the X-men 'died' and went to Australia.  Alex became rather protective of his sister-in-law, and they began to be romanticly involved.

Then she went psycho. She had become the resident computer guru and apparently was manipulating the different news reports that the X-men received about X-Factor. She became the Goblin Queen, through the mechanizations of S'ym and the demon N'Astrith and let loose a horde of demons on New York in search of baby Nate.  She planned to kill him in front of Scott in an act of vengeance and durring a struggle with Jean, revealed what Mr. Sinister had told her of her history - that she had been cloned from Jean, implanted with some of Jean & Phoenix's memories via the Phoenix, and set up to make Summers babies that Sinister could take. She tried to destroy the X-men and X-Factor in some kind of psychic/Phoenix blast, Jean held it in with her TK and Maddie died, trying to psychicly drag Jean with her. Jean got back the part of the Phoenix that had been in Maddie and got some of Maddie's memories through a psi-bond that formed during their combat, although she had to exorcise a remnant of Maddie's persona from her mind, to prevent it from taking over.

Krista Siren


http://(dead and unarchived student URL)

1995 June 28 03:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks LeaderShip Storm Vs. Cyclops and Other Rants

Krista Siren

Jun 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <...> david t. writes:

>GREG <<Unknown>> writes:


>>I find it hard to beleive that scott is a better Leader

>>He is Xavier's Favored Son . .. no more . . no less

>>I think Storm has been DownPlayed TOO DAMN MUCH since the merger of the teams

>>She is so far in the back ground that it isn't funny yet Scott is in Every Book


>>I hate the way they Recon Storm Beating Scott

>>(I hate the Way they always Recon in favor of the summers' family Tree)


>Hate to set you into a greater rabid fury, but there is NO WAY Storm could have beaten Scott without her powers. I don't believe that Maddie's intervention was a retcon, but was always part of the story. And I will repeat, IMHO Scott is by far the better leader!!

Ok, I don't have all of the Inferno issues, so I missed this one, but the fight in question was the begining of a major downhill turn for Scott as a character if not a leader. Logan probably had the kindest thing to say about him - that he felt obliged to fight, but his heart wasn't in it because of his family responsibilities.  An unmarried Scott would have been able to beat a powerless Storm.  Perhaps without the impending X-Factor plotline, Scott would have remained truer to his older character, had less difficulty with Maddelyn, thereby be in a more ANGST-free state, and been able to beat Ororo. Such as it was, he was a wreck. Only recently, since he has more or less resolved or forgotten his issues with Maddie and with Nathan/Cable has he really been approaching peak form again, where as Storm has been largely forgotten and had her character flattened by the post X-Odous crew.

What little development there has been with her character during the past 3 1/2 years (mostly early on with her relationship with Forge) has generated new difficulties for her and resolved no old ones. It's no wonder that she's wasn't at peak when the Forge marriage biz was going on, but by now she should be a bit more dynamic like the Storm of old. Maybe in the aftermath of AOA she'll turn around.

Krista Siren


(dead and unarchived URL)

1995 June 28 03:00 LeaderShip Storm Vs. Cyclops and Other Rants
Krista Siren

Jun 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM 

to In article <... (Kevin M.) writes:

>I read the story when if first came out so I can't remember. What were the rules of the match??? The only part I truly remember is Storm ripping off Cyclop's visor (For a real enemy a BIIIGGG MISTAKE!) . At which point the fight was over and Storm was considered the winner. If the fight had continued Storm would have been splatted all over the walls.

The main reason that Scott lost at this point, and likely would have in a real fight, is that - Only his visor of ruby-quartz crystal holds the awesome forces of Cyclops' Optic Blasts in check!!!! Scott's oldest axe to grind on the Wheel of Angst (tm) is fear of loosing control of his powers and causing harm to others. If he thought that there was any possibility of an innocent or a teammate being in harms way, he'd keep his eyes shut. Since the battle took place in a cityscape, any hapless Joe on the street could have been accidentally caught in the blast.

Krista Siren


(Dead and unarchived URL)

1995 July 1 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks LeaderShip Storm Vs. Cyclops and Other Rants

Krista Siren

Jul 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM

to deb (Deborah A. W) wrote:

>I wrote:

>> The main reason that Scott lost at this point, and likely would have in a real fight, is that - Only his visor of ruby-quartz crystal holds the awesome forces of Cyclops' Optic Blasts in check!!!! Scott's oldest axe to grind on the Wheel of Angst (tm) is fear of loosing control of his powers and causing harm to others. If he thought that there was any possibility of an innocent or a teammate being in harms way, he'd keep his eyes shut. Since the battle took place in a cityscape, any hapless Joe on the street could have been accidentally caught in the blast.

>hmmm wait a sec...not to be nitpciky or anything, but I thought that the battle took place in the danger room so that "any hapless Joe on the street" *couldn't* get hurt. Like you said though...he didn't want Storm to be injured from stray blasts so he took defeat.

Sure, when it actually took place in #201 it was a friendly contest in a danger room cityscape, but one or two of the previous posters implied that if Storm were a real enemy, he wouldn't have been so gentle. Well, ok, but if she were a real enemy the fight probably would have taken place in a real city and not the danger room. I suppose that's a lot of 'ifs', but that was what I put that's what I was getting at.

>deb :) Popeye of Borg: Prepare to be askimilgrated.

Wimpy of the Federation: I'd gladly be assimilated Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Krista Siren


(Dead and unarchived URL

1995 July 6 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks 2 questions
Krista Siren

Jul 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <....

(Kathleen M) writes:

>DJM.  writes:

>> 1. Professor X is rich. End of story. Don't ask for logic as to why the money never runs out.

>So why did he have to ask Warren for money after the mansion was destroyed by the Sidri (I might be wrong about the villains, but it's in that timeframe)?

>Warren was the one insanely rich. The question is, does he still have access to it (ie is it accepted by the MU denizens that Archangel *is* Warren Worthington)?

Professor X used to be insanely rich, he also had huge government grants to help out with the X-budget. When the mansion was destroyed, that time, the X-men had severed their government ties and were semi-outlaws, so Charles needed the extra boost from Warren. Presumably Professor X is again insanely rich and the need for Warren's money was a temporary thing, because during the early X-Factor issues, Warren lost a lot of his fortune due to Hodge's mechanizations. I'm not sure if he got it back, but he's been acting like he still has some of it. I'd expect the rest of the MU recognizes Archangel as Warren - he did get into the Hellfire Club recently with Betsy without having to go through the leadership.

Krista Siren


(dead and unarchived URL)

1995 July 10 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks First Appearances

Krista Siren

Jul 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <....

(Paul O'Brien) writes:

> (The Shemite) writes:


>>I need some help locating the first appearances of a quite a few X-Characters. If you where these first showed up, please reply.


>>Nanny & Orphan Maker


>Oh God. Simonson issues of X-Factor, but I couldn't be more specific.

I keep waiting for it to be revealed that that Nanny is a retooled version of Magneto's Nanny from Uncanny 112-113. Reconstructed by Zaladane after she took over much of the Savage Land, Zaladane buried hidden instructions into the robot before her defeat by Magneto circa UXM 274/5. That programing would prove to be her means of retribution! Following Magneto's return to earth and consciousness, watch Nanny and the Orphan Maker seek out old Magnus and reduce him to childhood yet again! See the white-haired babe taken into the care of the Savage Land Mutates! Eventually, of course, he must be returned to an adult status - the X-men could restore him with the aid of Shiar tech, but they must battle it out with Alter-X geneticists Beast and Sugarman for control of one of Marvel's Mightiest Mutants! Don't miss this X-travaganza!

hmmm... I think I've been reading too much of the X Facts page.

Krista Siren


(Dead and unarchived URL)

1995 July 13 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks 3 questions

Krista Siren

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


Vladimir writes:

>Who is vera gantor ?

Vera Cantor was Hank's (Beast's) librarian girlfriend from the '60s issues of the X-men. She showed up again in X-Factor #2 having loosened up a bit and opened a specialty bookstore. She disappeared for a while and returned in PAD's X-Factor #55 as a victim of Mesmero. She was freed and I don't think has been heard from since. In keeping with current events though, it may be noteworthy that she was once romantically pursued by Calvin Rankin aka the Mimic.

Krista Siren


1995 July 13 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Jester’s Court
Krista Siren

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <...(Jesse L. F.) writes:

> Now in Generation Next...


> Jubilee looks like she's now aged a fews years in the past few issues.  (About damn time...she is supposed to be about as old as Sam)

Her physical age seems to have fluctuated a bit with the artist, but she's

nowhere near the same age as Sam. Sam was 19 at the begining of the New Mutants, and even in Marvel time has surely aged two years since then.

When Jubilee was introduced, she was 13 1/2 and I think only about a year of Marvel time has passed since.

Krista Siren


Krista Siren

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... (Maria S) writes:

>In article <

>I wrote:

<incorrect statement sumarized> Sam was 19 when the New Mutants started, has aged since and is therefore older than Jubilee at ~14.

>Sorry, Krista, but Sam was nowhere near 19 when New Mutants started. Karma was the oldest member of that group at 19. I want to say Sam was 15 or 16 at the start of NM, he's now 18 or 19.

>--Maria S.

>Self-appointed guardian angel of the Kentucky X-characters

Oops, I stand corrected. For some reason I thought Xian was 21 and Sam 19, but checking the issues she was 19, he was 16, Rahne 14, Bobby 13 and I assume Dani was around Sam's age. Kitty was around 14 1/2 at the time, and since she's supposed to be almost 18 now, I guess it's been 3 or 4 years since then.

Krista Siren


1995 July 14 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks First Appearances
Krisa Siren

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM

to I wrote:

>>I keep waiting for it to be revealed that that Nanny is a retooled version of Magneto's Nanny from Uncanny 112-113.

Paul O'Brien wrote:

>Since they already gave her an origin story as a cyborg over in X-Factor, I think you'll have a long wait.

Oh the perils of a partial collection. Well I won't wish another retcon on the books.

Krista Siren


1995 July 17 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks X-2099-worth-it?

Krista Siren

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article clau... writes:

>In Article <...


>- has the Summers invasion of all things 'X' reached 2099?????


> YESS! Check out Punisher 2099 #31. Goldheart (or whatever he's called now) fires upon Jake, only to have Jake disappear. Matt Axel, who is watching from a remote terminal, then screams, "GOG AND MAGOG! A PROJECTION!"

> Unless Gog and Magog means something else that I'm missing, weren't they two of the demons who followed Longshot to earth?

Ok, break out your Torahs, Bibles and Korans.

Gog and Magog show up in Ezekiel 38 and 39, Revelation 21:8, sura 18, and sura 21. In the earliest, Gog is the name of an invading king from somewhere in Asia Minor and Magog was the name of the region which he and his horde came from. In Revelation, Gog and Magog are a source of troops for Satan and are placed in a similar role in the Koran.

Of course those were also the names of the mohawked dog-demon troops who hunted Longshot - Maybe they were originally made to film a Mojovision Bible epic, except Mojo didn't know about Earth until Longshot fled there....

Wait! I can see it now! The Last Temptation of Cyclops(tm)! - Featuring the X-Babies(tm) as the 12 err.. 8 Apostles(tm). Is Judas(tm) the X-Traitor(tm)? Be sure to catch the crossover with Paul!

Krista Siren


1995 July 20 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Iceman and Rogue
Krista Siren


Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


(David R. Henry) writes:

>Arthur B writes:

>>>Regarding the frostbite comments...

>>>Isn't Rogue invulnerable? (Or maybe just nigh invulnerable)

>>It used to be that anyone stronger than Beast could hurt her.

>Um, not in any issue I have. (Which means you may have to undertake some creative issue digging to find your proof). Rogue's been, basically, partially-invulnerable, with no real limits set on her power, for a long time. She's tough enough to survive a fall from orbit, however.

Although early on, in the Wolverine almost-wedding issue or there abouts (Uncanny 172ish), she was taken out by Viper's gun and may have died had Logan not allowed her to absorb his healing factor. Of course, Viper's gun != anyone stronger than Beast and this bit was probably mostly done to show Rogue begining to be accepted into the team and trusted by Logan.

Krista Siren


1995 July 24 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Silver Samurai

Krista Siren


Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <...

(Ken D.) writes:

> Hi, I've heard of the character Silver Samurai from the new video game, but I do not know much else about him... how long has he been in X-Men?

>Why did he choose to work for Magneto? What is his character like?

The earliest Silver Samurai appearances that I'm aware of (and certainly the earliest X-realted SS appearanances) were in New Mutants 5-7 and Uncanny 172ish-174ish. Since then, he's popped up a couple of times in X-books (some late 1st team X-factor, and Wolverine come to mind) usually in plain clothes.

In the NM issues he was mainly a hired thug type, working with Viper.  Then he found out that the head of his yakuza clan (Lord Shingen Yashida, Mariko's father) had been killed (by Wolverine - see the Claremont/Miller Wolverine ltd. series). Basically, he wanted to take over the clan, which was now being headed and reformed by Mariko. He failed in the overt attempt, and while Mariko was under Mastermind's influence, was taken into the clan as her champion. (Sound confusing? Check out the From the Ashes TPB.)

Apparently, even after Mariko was freed from Mastermind's control, she retained the Silver Samurai on the payroll, and I seem to recall him taking over the clan after her death. I have the impression that if he hasn't reformed, he is at least more restrained than his earlier appearances.

As to why did he work for Magneto - he never has in the comics. Why would he in the game? He's a villain! :-) If you really want him to have a motive, say that he's in it for the money.

Krista Siren


1995 August 8 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks (formerly) Phoenix/Cable’s Son

Krista Siren

Aug 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... (Merilyn) writes:

>Greetings, all xbookers (x-bookies? :) )

Hurry up and get your bets in, 3:2 against a Maddrox clone showing up within the next 12 issues of X-Factor!!!!

>Where did Cable's son, Tyler appear? What's his mutant(?) power and why won't Cable acknowledge him?

Tyler's most extensive and recent appearance was in the "Fathers and Sons" arc in Cable 6-8. Before that I think he was primarily in the background.  He either was Tolliver or assumed Tolliver's identity - I'm not really sure.  Tolliver was an underworld figure, a presumably non-powered Cable enemy, and the employer of Deadpool and Copycat. I've probably botched some of that as I didn't follow the Deadpool mini-series or the begining of the Cable series.

>In Cable #23 (Sept), where Phoenix (formerly) makes an appearance as the Mother Askani - I am Confused! When did she go into the future and defeat Apocalypse by starting a revolution? Is this Apocalypse the same one as the Age of Apocalypse guy? How did she become the Mother Askani? What revolution are they referring to? In which issues did this take place?

In Excalibur 75, Rachel Summers switched places with Britanic, who was bouncing back and forth along in the time stream. Britanic claims to have been Brian Braddock/Captain Britain, but only in recent issues has he started to act like it, sort of. Anyway, Rachel wound up about 1900 years in the future and founded the Askani sect, and taking charge of it for 100 years. This bit is explained in the Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix limited series. The Apocalypse who was ruling during that time is the Cable-future version of the AOA Apocalypse. Apparently, Prof. X not having been shot set him back a couple of millenia. The revolution being referred too is presumably against that future Apocalypse and is likely to be more detailed in future issues of Cable and in the upcoming Askanison mini-series.

To find out more about Apocalypse, check out the first team of X-Factor argh, my collection is spotty but he starts to show up around issue 4 or 5. In X-Factor 65-68 he tries to kidnap Nathan Christopher, the tot who would be Cable, and is thwarted in part by the first appearance of the Askani. He was left to die on the moon during the X-Cutioner's Song crossover in '92 and hasn't been seen in the current timestream since.

>(Thank you, oh great and generous souls who answer my questions)

Nah, just procrastinating.



Krista Siren


1995 August 8 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Some future stuff *Spoilers*
Krista Siren

Aug 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article ho...@ writes:

>Charlie B. wrote:

>: Jordan informs us :


>: X-Force 49 has Sebastian Shaw in it.


>: If this is *not* Shinobi, then I'm extremely pleased. He's a class villain.

>: They'd better *keep* him class, though.


>But he diiiiiied damn it! He's dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!


>He really, really died. His heart went ka-put. He was pain, he croaked, it was sad, we cried. That was it. Doesn't that MEAN anything anymore?



Sure! I mean, Thunderbird I is still dead right? Some other characters must still be dead from before Shaw's death, I mean, Douglock really isn't Doug or Warlock, and the Maddie Pryor in X-Man can't be the same as the old Maddie Pryor can she? So some current characters have a similar look (if not feel) it's not the same. Hey! Leland and the Black Rook, that guy who introduced Selene to the Hellfire Club - they're still dead, um Zsaji's dead - course she never really showed up in an X-title.  Courtney Ross and Destiny are still dead, and there's a fair crop of post-Shaw-mortem deaths like the Hellions, Pierce and Mariko that have yet to be retconned. Of course, there's probably at least as many resurrections, not including off panel "deaths" where escape was expected.

Krista Siren



Aug 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... Hubert B.) writes:

>Here's what I have so far...

I've filled out Hubert's tree by 6, including the X-treme/Summers brother possibility and left out Jean's parents, Prof. John and Mrs. Grey, their other daughter Sara, and her children for space reasons.

Krista Siren



            Philip Summers == Deborah



> M'lle Hepzibah == Christopher Summers == Katherine Ann ?????? D'Ken

> Cat/Skunk Girl | 'Corsair'               (Killed by D'Ken) ?

>            (1) |                       |                   ?

>               (5)                      |                   ?

>                                        |                   ?

>             |-----------------------------------------|   Adam-X

>             |                                         |   'X-treme'

>         Alex Summers              Jean Grey == Scott Summers == Madeline Pryor 

>           'Havok'                            |     'Cyclops' |

>                                              |               |

>                                     Rachel Summers      Nathan Summers == Jenskot

>                                     'Phoenix' (2)        'Cable' (3)(4) |




>1. Felinoids have not had much luck in the Marvel Universe - Feral is a matricide and will never be back, her sister, Thornn is an accomplice to the crime, and Tigra has been abandoned in the Outback by Bob Harras. M'lle Hepzibah is the last felinoid left.

>2. In an alternative timeline. Rachel Summers later changed over to the current timeline.

An alternate future, it should be noted, and she was last seen in Cable's future.

>3. Also 'X-Man' in an alternative timeline. Like Rachel Summers, now in the current timeline.

>4. See also, Stryfe, a clone of Nathan Summers from the future.

>5. My suggestion for the 3rd mysterious Summers brother. From Hepzibah's comments in Uncanny X-men #174, she and Corsair have been together for a long time. Long enongh to have and raise a child, perhaps? I kinda like the idea of a black and white, furry-tailed kid showing up at Emma Frost's doorstep....

1995 August 12 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Storylines
Krista Siren

Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <,,, (Maria S.) writes:

>In article <... (MMayhem2) writes:

>>Okay, how many times can they blow up one spacestation?!?!?!

>You'd be surprised. It seems that Magneto cannot have a home in space

>without someone blowing it up. :-)

>Okay, let's see if I remember this correctly. Anyone else feel free to

>add to or clarify my statements here, since I don't have my issues here

>with me and am working from memory.

>I don't remember the circumstance that damaged the original asteroid M,

>but after Magneto joined the X-men, the asteroid broke apart and fell

>to Earth in pieces. In the X-Men/Avengers mini-series, there evidently

>was one section large enough that survived that Magneto felt the need

>to go retrieve some equipment, and that action led to the X-Men's face

>off with the Avengers that time. That, I believe, was the last we saw

>of the original Asteriod M.

I'm pretty sure that there was an earlier Asteroid M as well from the original run. I'm recalling a picture of Iceman creating a tunnel between two broken sections of the satellite.

Also, I think the Asteroid M from around Magneto's trial was broken up by Warlock during his flight from Magus, right before he crashed into the school pond. This is where Magnus gets dumped in the ocean and winds up with Lee Forrester, beginning in NM 18 or 21 and continuing in the background in both New Mutants and X-men until around Uncanny 198 or so.

>Poor man's insurance must be astronomical. *snicker*

He's got a poor track record with bases all right, with other choice spots being active Antarctic volcanoes, small politically volatile nations, and *shudder* Salem Center, NY. I think the only one that has survived his vacating it is the Cthuloid Bremuda triangle base from around 150.

Krista Siren


1995 August 14 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Summers Family Tree?
Krista Siren

Aug 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... (Michael J.) writes:


>Where did Reed and Franklin Richards come into this?? What issue?? How

>did I miss this?? Weren't Franklin and Rachel an item back in Uncanny

>#141?? How can they be related?? Something's not right here.....

Agreed. Nonetheless, there is a theory that Nathanial Richards, Mr. Fantastic's father, is yet another incarnation of Cable, I think, chiefly due to his first name, his proclivity to time travel, and his uttering of the phrase "Stab his eyes!" This sort of logic could also lead to me being a future incarnation of Christopher Columbus because of my proclaiming "Sail On! Sail On!" when on a sunfish in Lake Winnepesake last week, yet it is part and parcel with the way some comic book plot lines go, and I suppose can't be absolutely ruled out. The Nate in question was a key player in the FF issues of about a year and a half ago when teenaged Franklin showed up and Reed and Dr. Doom disappeared.

Krista Siren


1995 August 21 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks New GenX…maybe spoilers
Krista Siren

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <....(Blaze) writes:

>In article <...,(Maria S) wrote:

>> In article <...> (William George F.) writes:

>> >I'm just glad they remembered the Families living in Cassidy Keep

>> Now if only Dave Cockrum had come back to draw them--THAT would have

>> been cool! (I am growing to dislike Cruz more and more).

>Better yet: if only Cruz had looked at how Dave Cockrum had drawn them.

>I'm *sure* Eamon was never that short in his first appearance.

I was too, so I checked out Uncanny 101 through 103. In 101, he's only a couple of inches shorter than Sean. My guess, though is that Cruz only looked at 103, since there Eamon barely comes up to Nightcrawler's chest. The leprechauns must have shunk him so that he was closer to their scale and more able to negotiate any secret passages peculiar to the Families, thereby evading Black Tom. Now, by GenX 8, he's been adopted by the Families and further reduced in scale so that he can be more comfortable in their living quarters. So do I get a No-Prize? ;-)

Krista Siren


1995 August 22 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks What ever happened to?

Krista Siren

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... t...@

>In article <...

"Robert H" writes:

>> Some more "What ever happenned to" stuff:

>> What about Madrox? I'm sure he had a couple spare "Selves" around who

>> were elsewhere when he caught the nasty supervirus...the longer his dupes

>> are away from him the more "Real" they become, until they become permanent.

>> Anyone with that power has GOT to be smart enough to have a couple backups

>> loose at all times. Remember the "Gee, I got shot...too bad!" episode? If I

>> were him, I would've sent a dupe on any mission anyway...too dangerous to

>> send my real self, and the dupes have all the same skills and powers anyway.

>> If he didn't take precautions like that, he deserved to die for being so

>> stupid...(Hey, Marvel...I can write up a story for ya (Hint, Hint!))

PAD has commented that he questioned the killing off of Jamie - "Why kill someone who has a built in out?" or there abouts.

> Re: Madrox, check out X-Factor# 105. In the interludes, a guy who looks a

>bit like Madrox wanders into X-Factor HQ (the security system admits him). He

>wanders around and is surprised when he sees a pic of the team on the wall.

>The last panel is a close up on Madrox in the pic...

> Time may or may not tell...

And then there is X-Factor #111, where Val spots someone who may be Jamie across the street from the Capitol Building, but looses him in the crowd when she tries to jaywalk and confront him.

Krista Siren


1995 August 22 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks What happened to John Francis Moore?

Krista Siren

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <...

(john c. f.) writes:

>I just finished reading X-Factor #115 and I noticed that John Francis

>Moore was gone, replaced with Howard Mackie. Is this a permanent change?

>If yes, what happened? I didn't see any mention of a change in writers

>in the letter's page for #113. While I respect Mackie's writing ability

>I just don't think he compares with Moore. Besides, I've really enjoyed the

>changes with X-Factor (the addition Mystique and Wild Child and the

>elimination of Guido and Rahne) and now I'm worried that Mackie will go off

>on some tangent, neglecting the current changes.

I think it's been mentioned on this group that Moore was leaving X-Factor, and so I guess that Mackie is the new 'permanent' writer. Although with PAD's 22 ish run on the title being the longest of what? 5 post-Simonson runs? just how permanent any author on that title is.

>One other question. Did Mackie change the events immediately prior to

>the Summer's plane crash? I don't recall any previous mention of a

>Sh'iar ship.

He didn't change the events - Claremont has Corsair relate a similar tale around Uncanny #154. However, it has been my understanding that neither Alex nor Scott had observed or remembered the Shi'ar involvement.

Krista Siren


1995 August 27 3:00 rec.arts.comics.xbooks Summers Family

Krista Siren

Aug 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM


In article <... (Xternal7) writes:

>Could someone briefly recap the history of Cyclops and Havoc so we could

>put Gambit's history in perspective? Who were there parents? What happened

>to them? etc. Thanks.

Christopher Summers was the son of Phillip and Deborah Summers. He was a test pilot who also flew small recreational planes on his time off.  On one such trip he brought his wife Katherine Ann, his ten year old son Scott, and his six year old son Alex along. Unfortunately, for some bizarre reason, the plane was attacked by a Shi'ar space craft and Major Summers barely had time to throw Scott and Alex out with one parachute, before the craft disintegrated.

On the way down, shrapnel from the aircraft must have damaged the parachute. The stress induced the sudden manifestation of Scott's mutant powers and he used his optic blast to slow their descent. He also got a nasty whack on the head, which, combined with the trauma of the event, rendered him partially amnesiac and caused him to have no control over his optic blasts.

With their parents presumed dead, the boys were placed in orphanages and Alex was quickly adopted. Scott, however, had the misfortune of being placed in one which was more or less controlled by Mr. Sinister, who sometimes shifted into the form of an orphan bully named Nathan. Sinister, wanted to keep an eye on Scott and manipulated events such that Scott wasn't adopted, and he didn't join Xavier's School until he was around 18.

Alex had a fairly stable childhood, and got in contact with his brother again in time for his college graduation. Shortly there after, he was kidnapped by the Living Pharaoh and had his mutant powers tapped as a battery for the Pharaoh's transformation into the Living Monolith.  

Thereafter, the history of those Summer's brothers is the history of the X-men, which has its own FAQ.

Meanwhile, their parents had not actually been killed, but captured by the Shi'ar, at this time led by Lilandra's twisted brother D'ken.  Chris was enslaved and put to work in mines, while Katherine Ann served as D'ken's concubine. Many suggest that Adam-X/X-treme could have been born of Katherine at this point.  Chris led a slave revolt and broke into D'ken's quarters, only to be thwarted by the emperor stabbing Kate to death before his eyes. Chris then escaped and took up the name Corsair, forming and leading the Starjammers, a band of interstellar pirates and semi-heroes.

If Gambit is a Summers brother, it's unlikely that he was born after the plane accident. Since Corsair has spent a significant amount of time on Earth after reuniting with Scott and Alex, and spent some of that time reestablishing contact with family members which his kids didn't know about (i.e. his parents) I don't think it's plausible that he knew about a third child. So, he probably had a relationship with someone else before or during his marriage to Kate, where the other woman concealed her pregnancy from him and the relationship ending before it became obvious. Or, Sinister could have been in the game from very early on, and made it appear as if the child died - this way the child could have been legitimate - and then delivered it to the care of the thieves guild.

Krista Siren
