My PhD thesis: Fundamental Groups of Certain von Neumann Algebras.


     [5] McDuff and Prime von Neumann algebras arising from Thompson-Like Groups  (with Rolando de Santiago and Patrick DeBonis ),

           preprint 2023, arXiv

     [4] Semidirect product rigidity of group von Neumann algebras arising from class S , inductive limits and fundamental group (with Sayan Das)

          preprint 2022, arXiv.

[3] Examples of property (T) II1 factors with trivial fundamental group (with Ionut Chifan, Sayan Das and Cyril Houdayer).

      American Journal of Mathematics, vol 146, no 2, 2024, 435-465,,  (arXiv, article).

[2] Subgroups of Lacunary Hyperbolic Groups and Free Products. 

      preprint 2020, arXiv.

[1] Some applications of group theoretic Rips constructions to the classification of von Neumann algebras (with Ionut Chifan and Sayan Das). 

      Analysis & PDE ,vol 16, no. 2, 2023, 433-476, (arXiv, article) 

Some links: My math genealogy, Google Scholar, arXiv, researchgate.

List of open problems in operator algebras: