Current Work
Current Work
Creating positive experiences through art and cultural practices to foster vibrant, inclusive communities.
Creating positive experiences through art and cultural practices to foster vibrant, inclusive communities.
Small Joys
Small Joys
Joy is an enduring emotion that carries us through life's highs and lows.Let's build small joys into our daily life so that with practice we get better at living a life of joy and well being.
Building relationships with ourselves and others, finding our purpose in life, recognizing and celebrating the presence of grace and taking care of our bodies and minds are essential joy practices. Small joys are based on these practices.
Joy is an enduring emotion that carries us through life's highs and lows.Let's build small joys into our daily life so that with practice we get better at living a life of joy and well being.
Building relationships with ourselves and others, finding our purpose in life, recognizing and celebrating the presence of grace and taking care of our bodies and minds are essential joy practices. Small joys are based on these practices.
The Science
The Science
What is Joy? How is it different from happiness and other positive emotions?
Joy is a mix of emotions, primarily gladness and happiness, awe and gratitude. Happiness and joy are often understood to mean the same thing. While happiness is certainly related to joy, joy is an enduring overall feeling of pleasantness. It feels light and free. Our attention and thinking are broadened by joy.