Baseball Card Collector Problem.math

1r. This is slightly different from the coupon collecting problem. A pack of r distinct cards (coupons) can be collected at one time.

Where r is >1 and r is < N - 1

for the R code below, r can equal 1.

examples call function with:

  • coupons.r(50,10,100) #collecting states 10 at a time (r=10)
  • coupons.r(50,1,250) #coupon collecting problem 1 at a time (r=1)
  • coupons.r(80,20,60) #Keno numbers drawn 20 at a time (r=20)
  • coupons.r(52,10,100) #collecting cards from a deck of cards 10 at a time (r=10)

Returns a matrix for probability and one for the mean wait time starting from a number of cards or coupons (most want to know from 0)

coupons.r(50,10,100) = coupons.r(# of coupons, r drawn at a time, # of draws for return matrix)