Call for Papers 


Envisioning Tomorrow's Tech: Seoul to Silicon Valley

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, July 12-13, 2024

The Korean Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (KrAIS) is excited to announce its upcoming annual Summer Workshop, to be held at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea. As a chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), KrAIS is dedicated to fostering scholarship among AIS members of Korean heritage and beyond. We extend a warm invitation to researchers and professionals across the globe who are involved in the development, application, and utilization of information technologies to participate in our event.

This year's theme, “Envisioning Tomorrow's Tech: Seoul to Silicon Valley,” encourages a forward-looking dialogue on the evolution of technology. Leveraging Seoul's dynamic status as a tech hub, this theme invites participants to explore the future of technology. In this conference, we will discuss global tech trends, the future of innovation, and strategies for addressing the uncertainties of an AI-driven future. The Workshop aims to serve as a dynamic platform where KrAIS scholars and professionals can engage in meaningful discussions on these critical research topics.

The Workshop is designed as a venue for the exchange of ideas, the promotion of cooperation among attendees, and the facilitation of connections with Korean scholars. Furthermore, it aims to offer valuable networking prospects for graduate students and junior faculty to refine their research skills, advance their academic pursuits, and progress in their careers through direct engagement and advice from both their peers and senior scholars. Importantly, a Doctoral Consortium will be organized as part of the Workshop, scheduled for the second day of the conference (7/13).

In line with our theme, we are seeking submissions that address global tech trends, innovation futures, and strategies for an uncertain AI-driven world. Submissions can be in the form of completed full papers or work-in-progress short papers. Each submission will undergo a review process by our program committee. Accepted full papers will be discussed in-depth with a designated discussant – a senior scholar with notable publishing or editorial experience (e.g., former and current SE, AE, and reviewers from Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly). Meanwhile, accepted short papers will be presented in a dedicated session without a discussant. We especially encourage doctoral students and junior faculty to submit their work. Papers authored by students will be given priority consideration.

Join us for a compelling exploration of technology’s future.


Important Dates: 

Submission System Open: March 8, 2024

Submission Deadline: April 24, 2024, 11:59 PM (Time zone: Seoul, Korea)

Notification of Acceptance: May 23, 2024

Workshop: July 12-13, 2024


Areas of interest for submissions include (but not limited to):

●  Artificial Intelligence

●  Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications in Business

●  Bias and Ethical issues in Data Science Practices

●  Blockchain Technologies, Cryptocurrencies, and FinTech

●  Crowd Markets

●  Crisis Management and IT processes

●  Digital Advertising

●  Digital Collaboration

●  Digital Entrepreneurship & New Business Models

●  Digital Transformation and IT Innovation

●  E-Commerce

●  Economics of Digital Goods and IT

●  E-Government

●  Explainable AI and Predictive Modeling

●  Healthcare IT

●  IT Productivity and Sustainability

●  IT and Labor Market

●  IT and societal problems

●  Information and Cyber Security and Privacy

●  Internet of Things

●  Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Business

●  Mobile and Digital Environments

●  Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision for Business

●  Personalization Technologies and Recommendation Systems

●  Predictive Analytics and Data Science

●  Ethics of IS

●  Sharing Economy

●  Social Networks and Social Media

●  Software Engineering, Open-Source Software, and Open Standards


Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award: 

KrAIS will offer best paper awards and best student paper awards.



Authors are asked to submit either completed full paper or research-in-progress short paper complying with the Workshop formatting requirements. All submissions must be in English. You can download the submission template (for full and short papers) at 


Page Limit Requirements: 

The Workshop accepts both completed full papers as well as research-in-progress papers.


Completed full papers must not exceed fifteen (15) double-spaced pages and must conform to the Workshop submission template. The 15 pages must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.

Research-in-progress short papers must not exceed five (5) double-spaced pages and must conform to the Workshop submission template. The 5 pages must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.


Authors who are interested in participating in the workshop need to submit papers by April 17, 2024 through the CMT system ( Submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. The site will open on March 8, 2024.


Format of Workshop: 

The Workshop will feature sessions for full and research-in-progress papers, organized by research themes and facilitated by a discussant for in-depth discussions. With the bilingual proficiency of most KrAIS members, presentations and discussions can be in either Korean or English.


Time and Venue: 

The Workshop is scheduled for July 12-13, 2024 at Seoul National University, with details on the time and location to be announced later. Should you have any inquiries regarding the Workshop, please reach out to the workshop co-chairs, whose contact details are listed below.

KrAIS Co-Presidents

Kunsoo Han, McGill University

Dongwon Lee, Korea University

KrAIS Secretary

Elina Hwang, University of Washington

KrAIS Treasurer

Sung Yong Um, Hanyang University

KrAIS Communication

Dongwon Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Workshop Advisory Board

Jungpil Han, National University of Singapore

Heewoong Kim, Yonsei University

Habin Lee, Brunel University

Wonseok Oh, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Heedong Yang, Ewha Womans University

Byungjoon Yoo, Seoul National University

Youngjin Yoo, Case Western Reserve University

Workshop Co-Chairs

Sang Pil Han, Arizona State University,

Yun Young Hur, George Mason University,

Seung Hyun Kim, Yonsei University,

Hyelim Oh, Sogang University,