
System Requirements

My Own Computer:

At 1080p, I would get a constant 60 fps with ENB with a mix of medium/high BethINI settings.

At a bare minimum (for 1080p), I would recommend these specs:

With the above minimum specs, you can expect roughly around 30 fps outside and 40 fps inside interiors. Disabling the ENB could net you more fps, though!

As for recommended specs:

Please compare your specs to whichever build closest matches your own to get a feel for what performance you can expect with this list.



Before installing Krahven, some prep is needed. Please be sure to complete the following steps:

Wabbajack Installation

Installing Wabbajack

Once you've completed pre-installation, download the latest version of Wabbajack and place it in a folder such as "C:\Games\Wabbajack". You can choose whichever drive you want; it doesn't necessarily have to be the C:\ drive. Do not place it in program files, on your desktop, or in your downloads folder. For best performance, it's recommended you place it on an SSD.

Downloading & Installing Krahven

Depending on your internet connection, whether you have Nexus Premium, and your own computer specs, downloading and installing Krahven can take anywhere between three hours to possibly a day or more. With Nexus Premium, it's very much a waiting game. Simply start the download and walk away (or maybe read the Noteworthy Mods and FAQ; you should do this before even beginning your playthrough, anyway). For those without Premium, you'll have to manually click on each mod to download.

To install Krahven, please do the following:

Problems With Installation

Sometimes Wabbajack will throw errors when installing. Some common issues are:

If after all that you're still having issues with installing the list, do not hesitate to seek support in the Animonculory Discord server. I'll do my best to help as soon as I can!


Game Folder

Krahven utilizes a new Wabbajack feature called "Stock Game" so that your Skyrim installation can remain clean (Thank you, Styyx, for teaching me how to set this up)! All the files you need to run the list are in a folder called "Game Root". You don't need to copy anything over to your Skyrim installation folder.


To optimize your game settings, BethINI is your best friend. You can set up the game to play its best based on your system specs. To do this, please follow these steps:

For a guide on how best to maximize performance and visuals, I highly suggest you give the Phoenix Flavor Performance Guide a read. It's the guide I followed before recording my performance results. Be sure to only follow the BethINI Tweaks section of the guide. By default, Krahven is set to a slightly tweaked version of the The Phoenix Flavor Performance Settings, so if that's all good with you, feel free to skip this step.


Krahven comes with an ENB already set up called Mythical Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers. However, the list also has a couple other ENBs to offer if you decide the default one isn't to your tastes.

To change your ENB, please do the following:

Playing The List

Starting Up The List

Open the installation folder and double-click on the program called "ModOrganizer.exe". Once launched, ensure that the correct profile you want to play on is selected in the left-hand dropdown box. By default, it will be set to the normal profile (Krahven - I'm Not A Khajiit), but you can change it to the Khajiit Speak profile by selecting that one (Krahven - Khajiit Speaks Well).

Before you begin playing, please scroll down to the Optional separator in the left pane of M02, which is near the bottom of the list. There you will find mods that are not automatically enabled, such as the Hardcore mods and others.

To understand what each mod does, please double-click on the mod in question to view its pop-up, then click on the "Nexus Info" tab for more information on most of them. After reading the descriptions, enable whichever of those mods appeal to you (and their patches, if they have any). These will then be at the bottom of the load order. Drag them up until they're directly below know_your_enemy_redux_armors.esp (For those playing the 2.0 Release Candidate, you want to place these below Know Your Enemy Redux - Nightmare Night Patch.esp).

Note: Enabling these mods before you being a new game does not bar you from Official support. However, I cannot support you enabling or disabling them during a playthrough, as that's not at all good modding practice and can cause issues with your current save. You have been warned!

Once you've decided on what Optional mods you'd like to enable, make sure the dropdown box on the right is set to Play Krahven and press the Run button.

Congrats! You've made it through the Installation section and are ready to play! Now it's onto the fun part--Character Creation & MCMs!