
Some of my very earliest pieces of art portray animals. I love them! My siblings and I would pretend to be them, I'd collect tons of stuffed toy versions of them, I'd love to learn about them, and I'd love to draw them! I'd draw birds, wolves, tigers, snakes, lizards, bugs, and anything else I wanted to. When I began using acrylics, I started by painting all types of animals. Which was good because I was so used to drawing them, and it was an easy transition. I don't do as many paintings with just animals as I used to, but I still continue to use them in my compositions, and they have a special place in my heart!

"Change" by KPeter


This piece illustrates different peoples reactions to change. Some can fear it, some can be angry with it, and others are intrigued. The bird and the color it produces of course, represents the change. By the way, that bird is actually a species of magpie.

"Watchful Eye" by KPeter

Watchful Eye

Another animal I really admire, the eagle (although I actually really admire all bird of prey). While painting animals like this, I always like to imagine it lifting it's great wings and flying off the painting.

"Swans" by KPeter


Swans are such majestic creatures, and I they represented a type of hope when I was bullied at school in Russia. Just like the Ugly Duckling story, even if I was "ugly", I couldn't speak Russian up to the standard, I wasn't liked much among the students, and didn't really fit in, I could still be a beautiful and graceful swan on the inside and in the future.

"White Fang" by KPeter

White Fang

This is a piece that I drew in my 8th grade sketchbook. I was inspired by Jack London's book White Fang, this book is about a half wolf and his journey through his life. It's a really good book, and I was enchanted by Jack London's words, and I loved the way they described him when he growled. Here I attempted to recreate the dog's growls through my art.

"Swan Love" by KPeter

Swan Love

We've seen this type of swan pose before right? Two swans, supposedly a couple, where their long necks conveniently make the shape of a heart. Well, I wanted to create my own version, and that's what I've attempted to do here!

"Wild Side" by KPeter

Wild Side

I don't know if you can tell this about me yet, but I'm fascinated with angry animals. Growing wolves, hissing wild cats, and snakes in their "S" shaped striking poses, I don't know why but they are super interesting to me, but they are and I really like to draw them. Here I practice drawing these type of animals by illustrating a fierce wolf attacking a muscle filled wild cat.

"Peacock" by KPeter


Peacocks are such beautiful creatures. They are decorated with some of my favorite colors and seem to act as a symbol of elegance. Did you know that only the males are actually peacocks, the females are called peahens.

"Newborns" by KPeter


Once any creature on the earth becomes mature enough and finds their partner, they naturally start having children. Where animals are concerned, I always wonder how a female wolf knows how to raise her children for the first time. She has no guide book, no internet, no way to talk to her own mom and ask her, It's just her and her mate, and some animals don't even have their mates there while raising their children! It's incredible to think about.

"Black Mamba" by KPeter

Black Mamba

Our family actually have a whole book talking about snakes, and I used to read it a lot. I was inspired by the information that the book gave me. They are such beautiful, mysterious creatures! I am pretty convinced I'll get one of my own as a pet when I'm older (most likely a non-venomous one though).

"The Wolf" by KPeter

The Wolf

In my talented art class, I was given the assignment to draw what I thought was my spirit animal. I don't know if I would still consider the wolf to be my spirit animal, but I'm still very much inspired by these creatures.

"Scout" by KPeter


This was a painting of my dog on his first birthday. In the morning we gave him a toy avocado, and while watching him play with it for the first time I took a picture of him with it and painted this picture that very day.

"Wolf Family" by KPeter

Wolf Family

Another thing that I find fascinating is what makes a wolf pack. If you didn't know, wolves are monogamous, which basically means that they have one mate their entire life. A wolf pack contains the alpha male and female, the original parents of the pack, and their children of various ages, and sometimes their children's children. So basically, a pack of wolves is like living and traveling with your family. They hunt together, and take care of each other and all look after the pups (wolf puppies).

"Fire Horse" by KPeter

Fire Horse

While I love math and science, I also love fantasy, magic, and especially the enchanted creatures. Mixing the ideas of horse themed enchanted creatures (like unicorns and pegasuses) and the pheonix, I've created a horse with a flaming mane and tail.

"Goldendoodle Puppy" by KPeter

Goldendoodle Puppy

Puppies are the cutest thing, don't you think? As well as German Shepherds, Leonbergers, and Huskeys, the Goldendoodle breed is one of my favorite breed of dog. I also added almost a whole rainbow array of fresh plants (like fruits, vegetables, and flowers) in this painting.