KPA Training Blog


In-Depth Educational Blog Posts

These in-depth blog posts cater to all individuals interested in horses, seeking a deeper understanding of dressage and its underlying theory to expedite effective problem-solving. We aim to assist as many individuals as possible within the sport, hence making this subscription incredibly affordable and accessible to everyone.

Weekly High-Quality Content 

We will be publishing a minimum of two in-depth articles every week that focus on the topics we frequently share here on Instagram and beyond. These posts will include theoretical insights, effective problem-solving techniques, and most importantly, user-friendly tips and tricks that are designed to enhance your daily training regimen. Our goal is to make sure that the content is accessible to everyone.

Global Online Learning

With this subscription, you have the opportunity to study the theory of dressage from the comfort of your home, on the go, or at your convenience. This offers a unique chance to delve deeply into the theory behind our sport, comprehend it thoroughly, and importantly, integrate it into your daily training. In this manner, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace, without the necessity of your trainer being present to explain, enabling a comprehensive understanding at your preferred time.

Grow your self-confidence

By delving into and studying the theory behind dressage, you will naturally enhance your ability to listen, trust your intuition, and effectively troubleshoot, thereby fostering an increased sense of confidence while in the saddle with your horse.

Develop an understanding of your equine partner

By cultivating your self-assurance, placing trust in your intuition, and comprehending the theory of dressage, you will consequently improve your ability to grasp your horse's challenges and training needs on any given day. Additionally, you will gain a deeper understanding of your horse's behavior during training sessions.