
Submitted for publication

Igor Cialenco and Gabriela Kováčová:

Vector-valued robust stochastic control.

Submitted for publication, preprint available at arXiv:2407.00266.

Gabriela Kováčová and Birgit Rudloff:

Approximations of unbounded convex projections and unbounded convex sets.

Under revision at Journal of Global Optimization,  preprint available at arXiv:2310.11403.

Peer-reviewed publications

Gabriela Kováčová and Firdevs Ulus: 

Computing the recession cone of a convex upper image via convex projection.

Journal of Global Optimization, 2024.

DOI: 10.1007/s10898-023-01351-3.

Andrea Wagner, Firdevs Ulus, Birgit Rudloff, Gabriela Kováčová and Niklas Hey: 

Algorithms to solve unbounded convex vector optimization problems

SIAM Journal on Optimization 33(4): 2598-2624, 2023.

DOI: 10.1137/22M15076939.

Gabriela Kováčová, Birgit Rudloff and Igor Cialenco: 

Acceptability maximization

Frontiers of Mathematical Finance 1(2): 219--248, 2022.

DOI: 10.3934/fmf.2021009.

Gabriela Kováčová and Birgit Rudloff: 

Convex projection and convex multi-objective optimization

Journal of Global Optimization 83: 301--327, 2022. 

DOI: s10898-021-01111-1.

Gabriela Kováčová and Birgit Rudloff:

Time consistency of the mean-risk problem

Operations Research 69(4): 1100--1117, 2021.

DOI: opre.2020.2002.