Saturday November 9th

Kevin Galligan

Kevin Galligan is a Partner at Touchlab. He has 20 years of professional software development experience, and has been working on Android since the first public platform release. Kevin is currently focused on developing and evangelizing Kotlin multiplatform native tools for the next generation of mobile development.

Keynote 11/9/19 10 am

Kotlin multiplatform

One of the most important parts of any software ecosystem is the community support and library development. Kotlin as a platform is certainly no exception. For developers looking to get involved in the open-source world, this is a great time to jump in. While simple libraries are fairly straightforward, there are many details involved in implementing significant libraries. Where to use expect/actual? How to wrap existing libraries? How do handle testing, CI, publishing, etc. There's a lot you need to know, and the platform is changing fast.

From RxJava to Flow: A Reactive Journey

Alex Sullivan 11/9/19 11am

Walk through converting a reactive Android app from RxJava to coroutines and Flow with traditional networking and database solutions. Let coroutines be the reactive structure of an Android app.

Look at reactive programming in a world of coroutines. RxJava vs Coroutines is the wrong question - the right question is RxJava vs Flow

What do we gain by moving from RxJava to Flow and other Coroutines? How hard is it to convert?

Kotlin & Android: The State of the Union

Siamak Ashrafi 11/9/19 11am

In this session, we cover how Kotlin makes Android development better. Android Studio provides first-class support for Kotlin. Android KTX makes Android development with Kotlin more concise, pleasant, and idiomatic by leveraging Kotlin language features. Android has Kotlin Lint to static check code. Jetpack Compose: unbundled Kotlin toolkit for declarative UI. Koin: Kotlin Dependency Injection for Android JetPack.

In this talk, we highlight and review all the amazing ways Kotlin makes Android development amazing.

Avoiding Kava

Nick Galbraith 11/9/19 2pm


Kotlin is a great language, and takes a lot of cues from Java. Android Studio even has a built in converter! However, there's a lot of things we did in Java that don't need to be done in Kotlin, so there's a weird state of Java concepts written in Kotlin - or, Kava. (Warning: this talk may also involve jokes about avoiding the drink of the same name.)

What the F(p) is Kotlin?

Shelby Cohen & Katie Levy 11/9/19 2pm

We, as two entry level engineers, took on the challenge of introducing Kotlin and Functional Programming to our company, Intuit. Even though you know Kotlin is a great language, there are obstacles associated with a large company having a common tech stack. Kotlin provided a natural transition for OOP Java developers to use Functional Programming. Hear about how to gain influence and drive change at a major technology company.

Coroutines vs. RxJava in Android

Carlos Valencia 11/9/19 3:30pm

Hear from a native Android developer experienced in designing, building, implementing, integrating, testing and supporting applications developed in diverse, collaborative and professional environments for multiple screen sizes.

This talk offers the opportunity to compare the benefits of two of the most used asynchronous technologies in Android development.

Kotlin + Redux for Everyone

Fawaad Ahmad 11/9/19 3:30pm

Have you heard about the cool new Redux architecture? Now you’re wondering how you can make it work for your team. Does your app have too much code? Don’t know how to sell Redux to your product or engineering teams? Come to this talk to learn how a team at Wayfair introduced Redux and Kotlin into an existing Android application; the challenges, solutions, and learnings from a real-world, production implementation of Redux in Kotlin.

Home Automation, Android Things & Kotlin

Tunji Dahunsi 11/9/19 4:30pm

Tunji has a background in mechanical engineering. When not at work helping improve the youth sports experience with Gamechanger, you'll find him tinkering with Android based home automation, and Android app design projects.

This talk shows how to build your own Android Things Home Automation hub with a little help from Kotlin, all for a little under $100! Control ZigBee bulbs, generic 433 MHz RF switches and more!

API to App: Generating Code From a Kotlin DSL

Patrick Cousins 11/9/19 4:30pm

Intermediary formats between an API and a client are powerful tools to create documentation, contracts, test fixtures, and even generate code. In this talk we’ll learn to build a Kotlin DSL to define an intermediary for a REST API with Android, iOS, and more. We’ll look at how the DSL is a common vocabulary across platforms and a contract to keep them on speaking terms. We'll use Kotlin templating to generate Moshi models with Retrofit endpoints. What does connecting a Figma or Sketch file look like? What about Jetpack Compose? Let’s dream big and then write a DSL for it.