

Ph.D. Program @ The University of Tokyo / Apr 2024 −

Nonlinear Physics Group, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Master's Program @ The University of Tokyo / Apr 2022 − Mar 2024 

Nonlinear Physics Group, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Master of Information Science and Technology

Undergraduate (Senior Division) @ The University of Tokyo / Apr 2020 − Mar 2022

Biological Anthropology, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science

Undergraduate (Junior Division) @ The University of Tokyo / Apr 2018 − Mar 2020

Natural Sciences II, College of Arts and Sciences (Junior Division)

Non-Degree Study / Research Experience

Computational Psychiatry Course @ National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry / Mar 2023

Participation in Discussion Session (CPSY2023)

Autumn School for Computational Neuroscience / Nov 2022

Selected through paper screening by Japanese Neural Network Society (ASCONE2022)

Research Internship @ Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology / Jun − Sep 2022

Supervised by Prof. Tomoki Fukai (Neural Coding and Brain Computing Unit)

Research Internship @ Natural Institute for Physiological Science / Feb 2022

Supervised by Prof. Keiichi Kitajo (Division of Neural Dynamics)

Brain Science Training Program @ RIKEN (Online) / Oct 2021 – Jun 2022

Certificate of completion as a regular course student (BSTP)

Laboratory Rotation @ The University of Tokyo / Jun − Jul 2021

Supervised by Prof. Ikuo Suzuki (Laboratory for Brain Function)

Laboratory Rotation @ The University of Tokyo / Apr − May 2021

Supervised by Dr. Toru Kawanishi (Takeda Lab)