

  • ISEE workshop on nonlinear wave and particle acceleration in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas

    • Excitation of drift breathers in magnetized plasmas, Yusuke Kosuga, S. Inagaki, and Y. Kawachi

  • Annual Meeting, Japan Society for Physics

    • Scrape off layer width set by turbulent fluctuation, Yusuke Kosuga, Y. Nagashima, and S. Arai

  • Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, program on Layering in Atmospheres, Oceans and Plasmas (online)

    • How heat flux avalanche jam triggers layering in magnetized plasmas, Yusuke Kosuga, D. Koga, and M. Sasaki


  • 30th International Toki Conference (online)

    • Formation and dynamics of phase space structures in drift wave turbulence, Y. Kosuga

  • Fall meeting, Japan Society for Physics (online)

    • Excitation of drift breathers in magnetized plasmas, Yusuke Kosuga, S. Inagaki, and Y. Kawachi

  • Asia Pacific Transport Working Group Meeting and Transport Task Force Workshop (online)

    • Dynamic interaction between two different types of fluctuations synchronizing with zonal potential fluctuation in PANTA, Y. Kawachi, S. Inagaki, M. Sasaki, Y. Kosuga, et al.

  • Annual Meeting, Japan Society for Physics

    • Numerical investigation on how heat flux avalanche jam triggers staircase formation in plasmas, Yusuke Kosuga, D. Koga, and M. Sasaki

  • Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, program on Layering in Atmospheres, Oceans and Plasmas (online)

    • How heat flux avalanche jam triggers layering in magnetized plasmas, Yusuke Kosuga, D. Koga, and M. Sasaki


  • Annual meeting of Japan Society for Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion (online)

    • Minimum enstrophy flows in plasmas with neutral particles, Yusuke Kosuga and Daisuke Aoki

  • 29th International Toki Conference (online)

    • Numerical Analysis on Nonlinear Heat Flux Avalanche Jam, D. Koga, Yusuke Kosuga and M. Sasaki

  • Fall meeting, Japan Society for Physics (online)

    • Formation of flows in turbulent plasmas with neutral particles


  • BPSI, Kyushu University

    • Interplay among 3d flows in turbulent plasmas Yusuke Kosuga

    • Neutral effects on the structure of minimum enstrophy flows in plasmas Daisuke Aoki

  • 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2019) (Crowne Plaza Hefei, Hefei, China, 2019.11.4-11.8)

    • Interplay among 3D flows in turbulent plasmas Yusuke Kosuga

    • Flows, Waves and Turbulence in Laboratory Plasma Shigeru Inagaki

  • The 17th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices (UC San Diego, USA, 2019.8.19-8.21)

    • Selectively exciting nonlinear streamer flows in drift wave turbulence Y. Kosuga, F. Kin, M. Sasaki

  • Festival de Théorie, 10th edition "Phase Dynamics" (Aix-en-Provence, France, 2019.7.1-26)

    • Flow helicity: could it be useful for fusion? Y.Kosuga

  • 14th Japan-Korea Workshop on "Modeling and Simulation of Magnetic Fusion Plasmas" (Kyushu University, Japan, 2019.6.27-6.28)

    • Exploiting fluctuation helicity for profile control Y. Kosuga

  • The APTWG Mini-workshop (Wuhan, China, 2019.6.19-6.21)

    • Scrape off layer width set by nonlinear streamer flows Y. Kosuga

  • Max Planck Princeton Center Workshop 2019 (University of Tokyo, Japan, 2.18-2.21)

    • How selectively excite nonlinear streamer flows in drift wave turbulence? Y.Kosuga


  • 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2018) (Kanazawa, Japan, 11.12-11.17)

    • Yusuke Kosuga 'How secondary flow is selected in drift wave turbulence: Role of parallel flow shear'

    • Makoto Sasaki 'Selection of flow chirality in drift-mode and D’Angelo-mode fluctuations (oral)'

  • 1st Chengdu Theory Festival 8/20-31, Chengdu, China

    • Y. Kosuga 'Modulational approach for the nonlinear dynamics of Langmuir wave'

    • Y. Kosuga 'Modulational analysis for the flow generation by drift wave'

  • 8th Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group 6/12-15, Chengdu, China

    • M. Sasaki, et al., 'Parallel flow driven instability due to toroidal return flow in H-mode plasmas'

    • K. Hasamada, et al., 'Dependence of turbulence driven convective loss on input power on PANTA'

    • Y. Kawachi, et al., 'Observation of quasi-periodic coherent mode with intermittent fluctuation in cylindrical magnetized plasma'

  • 19th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Vancouver, Canada, 2018/6/4-8

    • Y. Kosuga and K. Hasamada 'Revisiting the excitation of radially elongated convective cells in drift wave turbulence'


  • 26th International Toki Conference, 12/6-9/2017, Toki, Japan

    • K. Hasamada, et al., 'Observation of monotonical spectrum in power scan experiment on PANTA'

    • Y. Kawachi, et al., 'Detection of phase of fluctuating wave excited in linear magnetized plasma'

  • BPSI、11/29 Kyushu Univ.

    • Y. Kosuga 'Pattern selection in drift wave turbulence with parallel flow shear'

  • Plasma Conference 2017, Himeji 11/20-23

    • Y. Kosuga, 'Development of plasma turbulence theory: Role of parallel shear flow in secondary pattern selection problem in drift wave turbulence'

  • 9th Festival de Theorie, Aix en Provence, France, July

    • Y. Kosuga, 'How parallel shear flow impacts pattern selection in drift wave turbulence'

    • M. Sasaki, et al., 'Topological bifurcation of turbulence driven flows in magnetized plasmas'

  • 7th Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group, 6/5-7, Nagoya, Japan

    • Y. Kosuga et al., 'How turbulence fronts induce plasma spin-up'

    • M. Sasaki, et al., 'Enhancement and Suppression of Turbulence by Energetic Particle driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes'