M. Kostic
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NEW: Reasoning and Logical Proofs of the Fundamental Laws: “No Hope” for the Challengers of the Second Law of Thermodynamics by Milivoje Kostic. Entropy 2023, 25(7), 1106; https://doi.org/10.3390/e25071106 - 24 Jul 2023. (Written in popular style FOR EVERYBODY but with deep physical logic and insights for scientists (Philippe Nozieres stated that "only simple qualitative arguments can reveal the fundamental physics”).
[Kostic: 2008 & 2011 & 2014 & 2020 & 2023] >>> See Carnot.Mkostic.com > Chapters 5 & 6 are devoted to Sadi Carnot's work and contributions: The 200-Year Anniversary (1824-2024): Reflections on the “Sadi Carnot’s Réflexions”
See Selected Presentations at Speaking, Lecturing, and Media. * Proofs of the Fundamental Laws * Carnot Cycle Efficiency is Fundamentally Misplaced *
Happy Healthy and Joyous Holidays!
From Kostic's Family to Yours!
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Contact Emails: M@MKostic.com <OR> kostic@niu.edu <OR> Prof.MKostic@gmail.com
Also: Media.MKostic.com * Travel.MKostic.com * Energy.MKostic.com * Entropy.MKostic.com * Etc.
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Prof.MKostic.com OR www.niu.edu/kostic OR https://kostic.niu.edu , also Prof-Kostic, or Media.MKostic.com (Media, Cartwheels, Flips, Etc.)
Expert Consulting and Advising (ECA) *** SPEAKING Enquiry
The devil is in 'stealth' details! Be aware of complexity but make it simple -- Let's turn ideas into reality!
If you or your consultants cannot solve a practical problem, contact Prof. Dr-Ing. M. Kostic
...Be aware of complexity but make it simple ... We have to look at history to better see the future ...
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Milosh Kostic is a Senior Financial Analyst in AKORN Pharmaceuticals. Before joining AKORN, Kostic worked in Reveron Consulting as a Senior Associate, and prior to that in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department of Walgreens Co., where he served as a Senior Financial Analyst/Due Diligence Lead Analyst. * Milosh graduated from Top Ranked Accountancy program at UIUC. *More at: Milosh's Bio (C. Vita) *W
Milosh's Web: Milosh.MKostic.com For comments and suggestions email to: milosh@mkostic.com
Marko Kostic is currently working as a Consultant with Qral Group, a management consulting firm that uses the latest advances in analytics, research, and technology to help pharma/biotech commercial leaders solve new business challenges. Before he worked as a Senior Data Associate (Information Strategist) at The Chartis Group, an advisory services firm that provides management consulting and applied research to leading healthcare organizations, at Healthscape Advisors, a management consulting firm, and at ZS Associates, a world-wide consulting and marketing company in Chicago. Marko graduated from Top Ranked Computer Engineering program at UIUC, and made the Engineering Dean List in his first semester.
Marko's Web: Marko.MKostic.com For comments and suggestions email to: marko@mkostic.com
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Yugoslavia & Serbia World Basketball Champion * Marko-bb-04
Mail to:.: 1320 Marywood Ct., Sycamore, IL 60178, USA * internic.net * Network-Tools.com
E-mail to: Milivoje: M@MKostic.com or MK@MKostic.com; Dragica: D@MKostic.com: (D50th)
Milosh: Milosh@MKostic.com; and Marko: Marko@MKostic.com.