
How to get to The-K Hotel

The-K Hotel (workshop place) is in Gyeongju, the city located in the southeast part of Korea. Two nearest international airports are Daegu Internation Airport (TAE) and Gimhae International Airport (PUS). Incheon International Airport (ICN), the largest airport in South Korea, is located in the northwest part of South Korea and it takes 5 hours by car to The-K Hotel when there is no traffic. We recommend the participants to use TAE if it is available.

The nearest train station to The-K Hotel is Gyeongju station, but KTX (fastest train in South Korea) is not available there. The distance is about 10 km and it takes about 20 min if you take a taxi (it costs about 12,000 won). If you take KTX, you are taking off at Shingyeongju station. The distance to The-K Hotel is a little more than 20 km and it takes about 40 min by taxi (it costs about 25,000 won). Unfortunately, there are NO trains from Shingyeongju station to Gyeogju station.

If you arrive at PUS, there are airport buses (one bus per hour) coming to Gyeongju from the airport. It takes about 70 min and costs 9,000 won. The buses will move on to Pohang, so you should take off at Gyeongju express bus terminal. Gyeongju express bus terminal is not far from Gyeongju station. It will take about 25 min by taxi to The-K Hotel.

City buses in Gyeongju

Taking city buses in Korea might be risky. The buses often do not stop unless you press the bell in advance, and we are not sure whether they announce in English. We recommend the participants to take a taxi, but if you prefer the public transport, here is an information.

There are city buses (no. 700) from Shingyeongju train station to The-K Hotel. It takes 70 min and costs 1,700 won. The buses do not come frequently; one bus per 90 min. From Gyeongju train station to The-K Hotel, you can take buses no. 10, no. 100 or no. 100-1. The most frequent one is no. 10 (one bus per 20 min). It takes 30 min to get to The-K Hotel. You can take buses no. 10, no. 100 or no.100-1 also at Gyeongju express bus terminal. Those buses will move to Gyeongju train station and then to The-K Hotel.

Recommended options

In the following estimates for the taxi fare and time, we assume there is no traffic. It might take longer or the fare might be more expensive according to the traffic.

(1) Daegu International Airport (TAE) — (taxi, 4km, 10 min, 5,000 won) —> Dongdaegu train station — (Mugunghwa train, 70 min, 5,000 won)

—> Gyeongju train station — (taxi, 20 min, 12,000 won) —> The-K hotel

(2) Daegu International Airport (TAE) — (taxi, 4km, 10 min, 5,000 won) —> Dongdaegu train station — (KTX, 20 min, 8,400 won)

—> Shingyeongju train station — (taxi, 40 min, 25,000 won) —> The-K hotel

(3) Gimhae International Airport (PUS) — (airport bus, 70 min, 9,000 won) —> Gyeongju express bus terminal

— (taxi, 25 min, 15,000 won) —> The-K hotel

(4) Incheon International Airport (ICN) — (airport train, 50 min, 9,000 won) —> Seoul station — (walk, 15 min) —> Seoul train station

— (KTX, 2 hours, 49,300 won) —> Shingyeongju train station — (taxi, 40 min, 25,000 won) —> The-K hotel

(5) Incheon International Airport (ICN) — (airport bus, no. 6770, 70 min, 15,000 won) —> Gwangmyeong train station

— (KTX, 2 hours, 47,100 won) —> Shingyeongju train station — (taxi, 40 min, 25,000 won) —> The-K hotel

♣︎ Please contact the organizers for more information.