섬기는 이들

Meet the Team

이지연Jiyeon Lee, PhD, CCC-SLP
언어병리학과 교수, 언어치료사 Associate Professor, Researcher, and Director of Aphasia Research Labat Purdue University

문의Contact Information

Phone: (765) 494-3810Email: lee1704@purdue.edu 

민세인Sein (Sally) Min, MS, CF-SLP
언어치료사, 연구원Clinical Fellow Speech-Language Pathologist,Graduate Researcher at Purdue University

문의Contact Information

Phone: (213) 495-0265Email: min116@purdue.edu카카오톡: 연결 (코드: 0202)

이빛나Binna Lee, PhD, CCC-SLP
언어치료사, 클리닉 원장Speech-Language Pathologist & Owner of Binna Lee Therapy,Adjunct Professor at Touro University

김다인Dain Kim, BS
언어병리학과 석사 학생MS-SLP Student at Biola University 

신나영NaYoung Shin, MS, CCC-SLP

어치료사Speech-Language Pathologist

조아름Faith Cho, MA
언어병리학과 석사 학생MS-SLP Studentat Bowling Green State University

조설희Seol Cho, MS, CF-SLP

어치료사Clinical Fellow Speech-Language Pathologist