
Here are some resources from courses that I have previously taught.  Students can freely use these resources for practice and review purposes.

Math 100 - Fall 2023

Math 220 - Spring 2024

Current Teaching

Math 200 Recitation - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

Section C - Cardwell 129 - Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-9:20

Section E - Cardwell 129 - Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-10:20

Office Hours - Cardwell 125 -  Friday 10:30-11:20 & 11:30-12:20

Helproom - Cardwell 041 - Monday/Friday 12:30-13:20

Past Assignments


Math 100: Asynchronous On-line College Algebra [Spring 2023]

Primary Instructor

Math 100: Asynchronous On-line College Algebra [Fall 2023]

Lab Instructor

Math 551: Applied Matrix Theory [Spring 2022]

Recitation Instructor