Konstantinos D. Polyzos

Email: polyz003 AT umn DOT edu

I am a 5th year Ph.D. student at the SPiNCOM research group in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Minnesota, under the supervision of Prof. Georgios B. Giannakis.  Before that, I obtained my BS degree at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of University of Patras, Greece in Sep. 2018. 

My research interests span the areas of machine learning, statistical signal processing, network science and data science. In my Ph.D. my research focuses on learning, inferring and optimizing with just a few data. Specifically, I've been developing and leveraging active- , transfer- , and self-supervised learning and Bayesian optimization methods to learn and/or optimize when only a few input-output data are available due to privacy concerns or high sampling costs, with application to biomedicine, 5G networks and robotics.