Pleasure reading
2024 Reading list
A tale of two cities - Charles Dickens
The murder at the vicarage - Agatha Christie
The big four - Agatha Christie
The war of the worlds - H. G. Wells
Love at the time of cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A Passage to India - E. M. Forster (book published in 1924)
Spinning silver - Naomi Novik (continued from last year)
The song of Achiles - Mandeline Miler
Circe - Madeline Miler
All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr
The exiles - Christina Baker Kline
The bullet that missed- Richard Osman
Greek author
13. Δέκατος Χρόνος - Καρολίνα Μέρμηγκα
14. Ένα παιδί μετράει τ'άστρα - Μενέλαος Λουντέμης
Phycology/ Motivation
15. How to talk so that little kids will listen - Joanna Faber
16. Peak - Andres Ericsson, Robert Pool
Nature read
17. Next to nature - R. Blythe
Books I read in 2023
Emma - Jane Austen
Dubliners - James Joyce
The prince and the pauper - Mark Twain
The murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie
Mackbeth - William Shakespeare
Ιλιάδα - Όμηρος, (Μετάφραση Ιάκωβου Πολυλά)
The Island of Missing trees - Elif Shafak
Aleph - Paulo Coelho
The man who died twice - Richard Osman
Marple: twelve new stories - various authors
Spining silver - Naomi Novik
Greek author
12. Βίος και πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά - Νίκος Καζατζάκης
13. Στα μυστικά του βάλτου - Πηνελόπη Δέλτα
Phycology/ Motivation
14. The art of making memories - Meck Wiking
15. Your best year ever - Michael Hyatt
Short stories
16. The snow queen - H. C. Andersen