My name is Konrad Wróbel and I'm currently a postdoctoral researcher at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Previously, I was at McGill University in Montreal and at the Euler International Mathematical Institute in St. Petersburg. Before that, I did my PhD at Texas A&M University, under the supervision of Robin Tucker-Drob

I'm primarily interested in measured group theory, descriptive set theory, ergodic theory, von Neumann algebras, and the interactions between them. 

I'm currently organizing the Groups, Dynamics, and Topology seminar at Jagiellonian University.

The easiest way to contact me is to email me at konrad1.wrobel[*], where you know what [*] represents.

My CV.

A collection of my favorite mathematical riddles.


Automorphisms of wreath product equivalence relations

(with Robin Tucker-Drob.)

In preparation

Volumetric ends of homogeneous spaces and graphs

In preparation

Central extensions and automorphisms of wreath products

(with Robin Tucker-Drob.)

In preparation

Measure equivalence, wreath products, and cofinitely equivariant maps

(with Robin Tucker-Drob.)

In preparation

Cost of inner amenable groupoids

(with Robin Tucker-Drob.)

arXiv:2009.11108 / DOI

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society