Kongyang Chen's homepage


Short Bio

Kongyang Chen is an Associate Professor at Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Guangzhou University, China. Hs is the Vice Director of Guangdong Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center for Big Data Security and Privacy Preservation. Before that, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, supervised by Prof. Jiannong Cao. From 2014 to 2018, he was an Assistant Professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His main research interests are artificial intelligence, edge computing, blockchain, Internet of Things, mobile computing, etc. He has published over 20 papers in top conferences or journals such as IEEE INFOCOM, ACM MobiSys, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TPDS, ACM TOSN, etc.

Email: kychen@gzhu.edu.cn; kongyang.chen@gmail.com


Research Interests

[1]     Distributed Machine Learning, AI Security, Privacy Computing

[2]     Edge AI, Edge Computing, Blockchain

[3]     Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Computing, Wireless Sensing


Selected Journal Publications

(Please visit my Google Scholar for more recent publications)

[1]     W. Lan, K. Chen, Y. Li, J. Cao, Y. Sahni, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Privacy-Preserving Task Offloading in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)

[2]     S. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Zhong, K. Chen. X. Wang, Z. Zhou, F. Peng, Y. Qian, J. Du, W. Yang, Locally Private Set-valued Data Analyses: Distribution and Heavy Hitters Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)

[3]     Y. Li, H. Yan, T. Huang, Z. Pan, J. Lai, X. Zhang, K. Chen, J. Li, Model Architecture Level Privacy Leakage in Neural Networks. Science China Information Sciences, 2024. (CCF-A)

[4]     Y. Wang, K Chen, Y. Tan, S. Huang, W. Ma, Y. Li, Stealthy and Flexible Trojan in Deep Learning Framework, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)

[5]     S. Wang, X. Luo, Y. Qian, Y. Zhu, K. Chen, Q. Chen, B. Xin, W. Yang, Shuffle Differential Private Data Aggregation for Random Population, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023. (CCF-A)

[6]     S. Jiang, J. Cao, H. Wu, K. Chen, X. Liu, Privacy-preserving and Efficient Data Sharing for Blockchain-based Intelligent Transportation Systems, Information Sciences, 2023. (CCF-B, Corresponding author)

[7]     A. S. V. Koe, S. Ai, Q. Chen, J. Tang, W. Lv, K. Chen, Hieraledger: Towards Malicious Gateways in Hierarchical Appendable-Block Blockchain Constructions for IoT, Information Sciences, 2023 (CCF-B, Corresponding author)

[8]     Y. Xiao, J. Zhou, K. Chen, Z. Liu, Revisiting the Transferability of Adversarial Examples via Source-agnostic Adversarial Feature Inducing Method, Pattern Recognition, 2023. (CCF-B)

[9]     R. Hou, S. Ai, Q. Chen, H. Yan, T. Huang, K. Chen, Similarity-based Integrity Protection for Deep Learning Systems, Information Sciences, 2022. (CCF-B)

[10] K. Chen, G. Tan, SatProbe: Low-Energy and Fast Indoor/Outdoor Detection via Satellite Existence Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021. (CCF-A)

[11] K. Chen, G. Tan, BikeGPS: Localizing Shared Bikes in Street Canyons with Low-Level GPS Cooperation. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2019. (CCF-B)

[12] B. Xie, K. Chen, G. Tan, M. Lu, Y. Liu, J. Wu, T. He, LIPS: A Light Intensity Based Positioning System for Indoor Environments. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2016. (CCF-B)

[13] G. Tan, M. Lu, F. Jiang, K. Chen, X. Huang, J. Wu, Bumping: A Bump-Aided Inertial Navigation Method for Indoor Vehicles Using Smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014. (CCF-A)


Selected Conference Publications

[14] W. Peng, Y. Luo, K. Tang, K. Chen, Y. Wang, P. Li, M. Fang, IE-Aware Consistency Losses for Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction from Multiple Images in the Wild, IEEE ICME 2024. (CCF-B)

[15] S. wang, Y. Peng, K. Chen, W. Yang, Optimal Locally Private Data Stream Analytics, IEEE INFOCOM 2024. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)

[16] K. Chen, G. Tan, BikeGPS: Accurate Localization of Shared Bikes in Street Canyons via Low-Level GPS Cooperation. ACM MobiSys 2018. (CCF-B)

[17] K. Chen, G. Tan, SatProbe: Low-Energy and Fast Indoor/Outdoor Detection based on Raw GPS Processing. IEEE INFOCOM 2017. (CCF-A)

[18] K. Chen, G. Tan, Cooperative GPS Localization for Stationless Shared Bikes. ACM SenSys 2017. (CCF-B, Poster Paper)

[19] K. Chen, G. Tan, M. Lu, Improving the Energy Performance of GPS Receivers for Location Tracking Applications. IEEE MiSeNet 2017. (Best Paper Award)

[20] K. Chen, M. Lu, G. Tan, J. Wu, CRSM: Crowdsourcing based Road Surface Monitoring. IEEE/IFIP EUC 2013. (Best Paper Award)


Grants & Proposals

[1]     Trusted Computing and Its Application in Urban Environments, Guangzhou Fundamental Research Fund, 2022-2024, PI

[2]     Privacy Preserving Edge Computing in Complex Urban Environments, Joint Project of Guangzhou Fundamental Research Fund, 2022-2024, PI

[3]     Distributed Intelligence for Next Generation Internet of Things (IoT) Systems, Excellent Youth Innovation Fund of Pazhou Lab, 2021-2023, PI

[4]     Distributed Sensing and Computing for Location Systems, Guangzhou University, 2021-2025, PI

[5]     High Accuracy and High Availability Positioning Technology in Street Canyons, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2019-2021, PI

[6]     Inertial Navigation Assisted Energy Efficient GNSS Software Receives, Excellent Youth Innovation Fund of SIAT, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014-2015, PI


Last Updated: January 2024