Komodo and Dragon by Komodo Chess (also known as Dragon or Komodo Dragon) are UCI chess engines developed by Komodo Chess,[1] which is a part of Chess.com.[2] The engines were originally authored by Don Dailey and GM Larry Kaufman. Dragon is a commercial chess engine, but Komodo is free for non-commercial use.[3] Dragon is consistently ranked near the top of most major chess engine rating lists, along with Stockfish and Leela Chess Zero.[4][5][6][7][8]

Komodo was derived from Don Dailey's former engine Doch in January 2010.[9] The first multiprocessor version of Komodo was released in June 2013 as Komodo 5.1 MP.[10] This version was a major rewrite and a port of Komodo to C++11. A single-processor version of Komodo (which won the CCT15 tournament in February earlier that year) was released as a stand-alone product shortly before the 5.1 MP release. This version, named Komodo CCT, was still based on the older C code, and was approximately 30 Elo stronger than the 5.1 MP version, as the latter was still undergoing massive code-cleanup work.[11]

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With the release of Komodo 6 on October 4, 2013, Don Dailey announced that he was suffering from an acute form of leukaemia, and would no longer contribute to the future development of Komodo.[12] On October 8, Don made an announcement on the Talkchess forum that Mark Lefler would be joining the Komodo team and would continue its development.[13]

Dragon is the work of Larry Kaufman and Mark Lefler, who superseded original Komodo author Don Dailey after his death on November 22, 2013, further supported by Dmitry Pervov and Dietrich Kappe concerning the NNUE inference code and training data. The neural network was trained supervised by chess Grandmaster Larry Kaufman, along with reinforcement learning considering billions of positions and evaluations from Komodo games. Chess.com supported the project financially [3].

With Lc0 and Stockfish being both free and the strongest available engines is there a reason to pay that price tag for an objectively worse engine? Even without those two there are dozens of very good, free engines available, even highly experimental ones testing some obscure concepts.

But the fact that proprietary engines still exist tells me there must be people buying them. Is there a good reason behind this? If you have recently bought a proprietary engine why did you do it? Do you regret it?

I was able to find the engine by using the SysInternals tool "Process Explorer". By starting Komodo and running Process Explorer I found that the main Komodo program launches the engine EXE as a child process.

Here there is something of a consensus. Houdini, Stockfish and Komodo are the three top engines at the moment, with very little differentiating between them, and with the particular order of the engines varying due to time control and other criteria.

Among the multiple engines available, there are three that stand above the fray. These are Houdini by Robert Houdart, Komodo by the late Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman and Mark Lefler, and Stockfish. Houdini and Komodo are commercial engines, while Stockfish is open-source and maintained by dozens of contributors.

Komodo is best at evaluating middlegame positions accurately once the tactics are resolved. Stockfish seems to be best in the endgame and in seeing very deep tactics. Houdini is the best at blitz and at seeing tactics quickly. Rybka is just obsolete; I like to think of Komodo as its spiritual desceendant, since I worked on the evaluation for both, although the rest of the engines are not similar. Fritz is just too far below these top engines to be useful.

Houdini is a tactical juggernaut. It tends to do best on the various tactical test sets that some engine experts have put together, and it is fairly quick to see those tactics, making it useful for a quick analysis of most positions. Its numerical evaluations also differ from other engines in that they are calibrated to specific predicted outcomes.

A +1.00 pawn advantage gives a 80% chance of winning the game against an equal opponent at blitz time control. At +2.00 the engine will win 95% of the time, and at +3.00 about 99% of the time. If the advantage is +0.50, expect to win nearly 50% of the time. (from the Houdini website)

In terms of being user-friendly, the important thing is to find a GUI that you like. The engines themselves differ little in that regard; of course, they differ greatly in they way they evaluate and search, so I think having a few engines is best. All versions of Stockfish are free (open-source). Komodo has just made version 6 free, and Houdini 1.5a is still free. Good luck!

Chessdom is dedicated to professional and independent coverage of chess news and events from all over the globe! Join us for live chess games, interviews, video and photo reports, and social media reactions. Follow the development of the strongest chess software, which affects all chess today, via the Top Chess Engine Championship with its 24/7 live broadcast with chat.

Here are examples of the parameters you can set in most engines to influence their playing style. You will often be able to achieve a higher performance in specific situations (e.g., playing very fast games, solving tactical positions or studies). Different parameters may be available in different engines, not all of the ones given below may appear in your default.

Note: The default configuration of the engine has been carefully tested. It is possible that in some circumstances other settings lead to better results, but for the best overall performance and strongest play it is recommened that you leave the default settings unchanged.

This is designed to compensate for slow user interfaces or slow internet connections, where a fraction of a second can be lost in the processing and transferring of information back and forth from the engine to the interface. The value is in milliseconds (1/1000th of a second). This should probably be left alone unless you see the program starting to forfeit games due to exhausting its time. If you see such time forfeits, increase this value. The default is 30. For internet play where lag is an issue a value of 60 is a good first try, but may have to go to 100 or even higher.

Komodo 13 thinks like no other chess program. Inspired by AlphaZero, Komodo developers GM Larry Kaufman and Mark Lefler have reinvented their engine from scratch over the last two years. The result speaks for itself: The new Komodo 13 MCTS ("Monte Carlo Tree Search") searches for candidate moves in an incredibly innovative way and finds solutions most engines never see!

Komodo 13 analyzes better than any other chess program. The development of the MCTS technology has paid off especially in combination with "multi-variation mode": In standard computers that have multiple CPUs, Komodo 13 MCTS is the world's best engine for analysing with two or more variations. In addition, Komodo 13 takes on a very human character. In balanced positions, where other engines evaluate as "0.00", Komodo looks more closely: The engine gives preference to the side that has the easier game, for instance, when the opponent must find a whole series of difficult moves to remain equal.

Komodo is a three-time computer world chess champion. Whether classical, rapid or blitz chess, in 2018 Komodo 12 won the Computer Chess World Championships in Stockholm, Sweden in all three disciplines. And Komodo 13 MCTS has significantly improved on multi-CPU systems!

Komodo 13: match winner and analysis partner. As with its predecessor, Komodo 13 comes with two versions of the engine: The standard version continues to be the first choice in the match play against other chess programs. The "MCTS" version, now improved by 350 Elo points compared to Komodo 12, is recommend for everyone interested in discovering variations and detecting mistakes together with Komodo 13.

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