
Kahaani 2017

The 2017 Kahaani,was a vibrant and moving show celebrating the different festivals from all over India. Each dance was carefully arranged, with distinctive and gorgeous costumes representing each festival. We worked on how best to convey the celebratory feel along with the religious appreciation. Importantly, we focused on our message that the visually disabled are not different from us, they have the same needs and feel the same emotions. The dancers did an amazing job again this year by dancing with blindfolds. With the dancers learning to dance with a blindfold in the synchronized and energetic dances, this year's Kahani pushed the students not only to think about and appreciate the beautiful cultures of India, but also our GCs vision and goal.

Kahaani 2016

The second year of Kahaani was especially memorable. The audience were first led into the main hall wearing blindfolds to help them experience what it is like to have one of their senses taken away from them. People often take their senses for granted and by blindfolding the audience, we not only gave them a small taste of what it is like to be without vision, but we also brought awareness to cause that we are helping.

The theme of that year’s Kahaani was festivals of India. The story started out with a painter not being able to visualise an idea. Then, two of her friends helped her get an idea by guiding her through the stages of a human life, through festivals and colours. The dances were all inspired by the cultural diversity of India; portraying the wide range of our musical tradition from the Sufi music and dances from the north, to the energetic festivals of the south such as the Kerala boat races.