Research Projects


Is Rain the Cause for Fluctuations in the pH at Certain Parts of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary? By Sebastian Koko

Won 2nd Place in the Intro to Marine Biology Research 2020-2021 Projects. 

Examined precipitation and pH levels in attempt to find correlation. Analyzed secondary data from the United States Geological Surveys, HRECOS Program, with the study locations being Piers 26 and 84, on the Hudson River in Manhattan. The conclusion was that the data was inconclusive.  


Care Methods and Analysis of Recirculating  Aquaculture Tank by Sebastian Koko

Won 2nd Place in the Intermediate Marine Biology Research 2021-2022 Projects.

Analyzed the care methods, tank health and species interactions of a Saltwater Recirculating Aquaculture System. Described and monitored the filtration, organisms and physical chemistry. The conclusion was healthy water quality and various interactions observed, 


Is There a Relationship Between PM2.5 Air Quality and Asthma Cases in Neighborhoods Throughout NYC? By Sebastian Koko, Marifer Sanchez, Dayanara Sanchez and Maddie Novatt. 

SEALs Project 2021 

Used a combination of primary data from Air Quality Eggs and secondary data from the NYC Department of Health in 8 neighborhoods throughout NYC to look for a correlation between PM2.5 and Asthma cases. No relationship was found. 

Ecology Final Poster

Native vs. Non-Native Species in NYC Parks by Sebastian Koko, Ruth Tavira, Anthony Anguizaca, David Herrera and Yhaiaira Robles Garica. 

Columbia Climate School Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Secondary School Field Research Project 2021 

Observed organisms across eight parks in Manhattan and the Bronx. Identified, categorized and looked at the distribution of native and non-native species using iNaturalist