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The RePEc plagiarism page Der wirtschaftspolitische Dreischritt "Ziel - Lage - Manahme" in kognitiv-prozessualer SichtLambert T. KochWorking Paper Series B from Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, School of of Economics and Business AdministrationAbstract:Today's theorizing about economic policy is still dominated by a method of analysis that can be refered to as "instrumentalistic-technological". Especially typical for that method is the complete abstraction from cognitive-evolutionary aspects of economic-policy interaction. However, including such aspects partially dissolves the structure of the "classic" three step policy analysis "aim, situation, measure". There are no more "born" problems of economic policy. Instead of this, the problems are selected by the process of social communication. Concerning the process aspects of power, rentseeking groups and media are of utmost significance. An important advantage of this approach is the opportunity to explain typical "irrationalities" of the process of economic policy: For example, the inherent value of special motives, the inadequate application of instruments or the persistence of a status quo.Keywords: Cognition; Collective Decisions; Communication Process; Economic Policy; Externalities; Political Process; Welfare Economics (search for similar items in EconPapers)

JEL-codes: D72 D78 D79 (search for similar items in EconPapers)

Date: 1997-04-01

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