Grand Knights Report
Brother Knights
Next Meeting
The Next Meeting will be held on October 21, 2024 and will be in the Main Event Room of the Parish Hall. Please plan to attend.
Thank you
Thank you to the Brother Knights for assisting with the recent donations trip to MANA House in July, which was greatly appreciated by the Veterans and the MANA House team. A special thank you to Kevin DeWitte and Kenny Grieco for the extra effort of cleaning and organizing the kitchen area. Check the Knights in Action page for photos and the Thank You Note from MANA House.
Many thanks to all who participated and volunteered for the Golf Tournament which was a huge success.
Many thanks to Joe Boncher for his Raffle Ticket efforts and for representing the council this year at the State Convention in Tucson as well as to Greg Brandenberg who is also attending as a delegate and PGK Peter Loftus who will be attending as an alternative.
Knights in Action
Check out the Knights In Action page for photos of our Council serving the Community.
Upcoming Events
Oktoberfest is scheduled for Saturday, October 19, 2024 in the Parish Hall. Planning is already underway and volunteers will be needed to sell tickets at weekend Masses and to work the event. Please consider sharing you time and talent for this Parish Event.
The Parish will be having a Fall Festival on Sunday, November 17, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The Knights are asked to support the event.
Please check the Announcements Page and the Calendar Page for a list of Upcoming Events
Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Our 21st Annual Charity Golf Event will be held on Monday, April 7, 2025 at Ancala Country Club since FireRock will be closed for course renovations.
Our 20th Annual Charity Golf Event was held on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at FireRock Country Club in Fountain Hills. The Results and Award Winners may be seen on the Golf Tournament 2024 page on the left. Many thanks to Jaime McWeeny and his Golf Committee for a very successful event. Thanks also to all the volunteers who gave their time and talent during the event and those who participated in it.
Thank you to all of you that participated, volunteered, donated an item, bought an online item. The Golf Committee appreciates
all of your support..
SET Training
Here is the link to the Diocese of Phoenix Website for more information regarding SET Training:
Food Handler Permits
Many current permit holders have expired so renewal is strongly recommended and new permit holders are always encouraged.
Arizona Food Handlers Card | eFoodcard
Alcohol Server Permits
Many current permit holders have expired so renewal is strongly recommended and new permit holders are always encouraged.
Arizona Title 4 Alcohol Server Certification | 100% Online (
New Field Agent
Our new Field Agent is John Mueller, FIC, MDRT, whose contact information can be found on the Announcements Page.
Advanced Degrees
For more information go to the Fourth Degree Page.
For more information on Advanced Degrees, click on this State Link: or go the Fourth Degree website at:
Prayer List
We ask you to please pray for those who are ill, for the recently departed and for any unspoken needs of members, their families and their friends.
Jim Schiffer
Grand Knight