QuSoft seminars

Between 2015 and summer 2019, I co-organized the weekly QuSoft seminar, together with Jop; this page contains some general information about the seminar. As of August 2019, please contact Subhasree for these seminars!

  • Seminars typically take place on Fridays at 11:00 (sometimes 10:00 if two talks are planned), in a seminar room at CWI. We aim for talks of 45-60 minutes. After the seminar, sandwiches will be provided, allowing for some informal discussion over lunch.

  • Unless multiple speakers are scheduled, we ask our speakers to start at 10:30 with a pre-seminar, during which the audience can ask questions about the preliminaries.

  • We have a projector (VGA) and black- or whiteboard available.

  • The audience consists of a mix of mathematicians, computer scientists and experimental- and theoretical physicists, with seniority ranging from master's students to professors. With the wide range of backgrounds, we ask our speakers to be generous with preliminaries, definitions, and motivations.

  • Lastly, we'd like to receive a title and (short) abstract one week before the seminar, which we use in the announcements (you'll get a reminder for this).