Koehler Tutor

Koeher Tutor is a virtual microscope that shows you which steps you need to go through in order to set Koehler illumination on a real microscope. At each step, you are given a simulated microscope control, as well as guidance on where to find the control on an actual microscope.

The shot to the left shows the first view, in which the goal is to focus the sample using the virtual microscope focus control.

Click on "Goal" in the Toolbar to get a short summary of each step. When the step is completed correctly, the "Next" button is activated and changes from gray to blue.

The Field Diaphragm View. The goal is to close the field diaphragm so that the area directly illuminated is restricted.

The Focus Condenser View. The goal is to focus the virtual condenser to generate a sharp image of the illuminated field diaphragm.

The Center Condenser View. Use the virtual centring controls to move the condenser. Each of the controls moves the condenser diagonally.

The Open Field Diaphram View. The goal is to open the illuminated field diaphragm to just beyond the field of view.

The condenser NA view. The aim is to set the condenser NA to value appropriate for the current objective.

See a video demonstrating the use of Koehler Tutor here: