
Japanese death thrash metal band

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1St Album 

慚槐集塵~Zankai shujin now on sale

1 死ニ至ル処方 Shini itaru shoho   ~Prescription for death~ 

2 毒牙ト鬼灯 Dokuga to hozuki  ~Poisonous Fang and Demon Lantern~ 

 3 ラウタシ童子 Rautashi doji ~Cute little child

4イ請ウテ  Rautashi doji ~ask for redemption~

5 煉獄  Rengoku ~purgatory ~

2St Album 

玉響之号哭 Tamayura No Goukoku

October 28, 2023 Start of distribution

1 悪趣の轍 Akushu No wadachi   ~Rut of bad taste~ 

2 餓狼 Garo  ~Hungry wolf~ 

3 死狂い Shini Gurui  ~Deathly madness~ 

4 氷瀑 Hyobaku  ~Icefall~ 

5 蝕みの果てに Mushibami no hateni   ~The End of Erosion~ 

6  あちらべ こちらべ   Achirabe kochirabe   ~Over here over here~ 

7 玉響之号哭   Tamayura no gokoku    ~Cry of fleeting moment~ 

8 付け火して煙喜ぶ田舎者   Tsukebishite kemuriyorokobu inakamono     ~A redneck who enjoys arson~ 

9 夜行逢鬼   Yako aiki      ~Nocturnal demon~ 

10 狼煙のち嬌声   Noroshi nochino kyosei       ~Roar after the smoke~ 

11胡蝶の夢   kocho no yume       ~Butterfly Dreams~ 

12春に詫びる   Haru ni wabiru        ~Apologize to Spring~ 

13火葬   Kaso        ~Cremation