Kobe Workshop on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2023

March 18-21, 2023

Organizers: Kohei Fujikura (Kobe U), Toshifumi Noumi (Kobe U)


Registration is closed.

Venue:  Room Y202, Faculty & Graduate School of Science Bldg. Y, Kobe University

The workshop place is No. 82 of the map here. Access information to Rokkodai Campus is available here.

Invited Speakers

Yoshihiko Abe (UW-Madison)

Shinichiro Akiyama (U. Tokyo)

Pak Hang Chris Lau (Kobe U.)

Hideo Furugori (Nagoya U.)

Yu Hamada (KEK)

Yuta Hamada (KEK)

Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan U.)

Tetsutaro Higaki (Keio U.)

Keisuke Izumi (Nagoya U.)

Ryusuke Jinno (RESCEU)

Gregory Loges (KEK)

Ann Nakato (Kobe U.)

Gary Shiu (UW-Madison)

Pablo Soler (Universidad de Oviedo)

Junsei Tokuda (IBS)

Daiki Ueda (KEK)

Hiromasa Watanabe (YITP)

Kaho Yoshimura (Kobe U.)


March 18 (Sat)

(Chair: Kohei Fujikura)

10:00-11:00 Kohei Fujikura (Kobe U.) "Interactions between several types of cosmic strings"

11:30-12:30 Yoshihiko Abe (UW-Madison) "Black hole extremality in de Sitter spacetime and swampland conjecture"

15:00-16:00 Yu Hamada (KEK) "Link soliton in models with B-L and Peccei-Quinn symmetries"

16:30-17:30 Ryusuke Jinno (RESCEU) "Quartic Gradient Flow / Borel Resummation in Stochastic Inflation"

March 19 (Sun)

(Chair: Suro Kim)

10:00-11:00 Pak Hang Chris Lau (Kobe U.) "Entropy and blackhole"

11:30-12:30 Keisuke Izumi (Nagoya U.) "Area inequality in weak gravity region"

14:30-15:10 Hiromasa Watanabe (YITP) "Partial deconfinement in gauge theory"

15:30-16:10 Shinichiro Akiyama (U. Tokyo) "An overview of tensor network method for lattice field theories"

16:30-17:10 Daiki Ueda (KEK) "Entropy constraints on effective field theory"

17:30-18:10 Pablo Soler (Universidad de Oviedo) "Dilaton effects on axionic wormholes"

March 20 (Mon)

(Chair: Yoshihiko Abe)

10:00-11:00 Gregory Loges (KEK) "A 10d Construction of Euclidean Axion Wormholes"

11:30-12:30 Gary Shiu (UW-Madison) "Accelerating universe at the end of time"

14:30-15:30 Tetsutaro Higaki (Keio U.) "Modular flavor symmetry and cosmology"

16:00-16:30 Ann Nakato (Kobe U.) "Anisotropic warm inflation"

16:30-17:00 Kaho Yoshimura (Kobe U.)  "Black Hole Extremality in Nonlinear Electrodynamics and the Weak Gravity Conjecture"

March 21 (Tue)

(Chair: Toshifumi Noumi)

10:00-11:00 Yuta Hamada (KEK) "T-duality from bottom-up, and Gravitational Positivity Bound"

11:30-12:30 Hideo Furugori (Nagoya U.) "A proposal for dressed state formalism in QFT scattering"

15:00-16:00 Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan U.) "Bootstrap bounds in perturbative quantum gravity: without or with color"

16:30-17:30 Junsei Tokuda (IBS) "Gravitational positivity bounds: implications for the swampland program"