

36. Best Paper Award, Hyunji Lee, In Su Kim, Yu Rim Lee, Soo Young Park, Won Young Tak and Soon Ki Jung, Hierarchical Image Segmentation via Pixel Adjacency, The 13th International Conference on Smart Media & Applications (SMA 2024), 2024.12.20.

35. Best Paper Award, Hyunji Lee, Pawat Puttimit, Wassaphas Thongsopa, Seongmin Roh, Yu Rim Lee, Soo Young Park, Won Young Tak and Soon Ki Jung, Refining Class Confusion with Pixel Adjacency and Continual Learning in Medical Image Segmentation, The 7th International Conference on Culture Technology and Applications (ICCT 2024), 2024.10.26.

34. Best Paper Award, Jun Hyeok Jang, Rinrada Tirasirichai, Dong Hyeon Kim, Jin Ho Lee, Soon Ki Jung, Implementation of Digital Twins in Smart Homes and Generation of Remote Meter Data , 6th International Conference on Culture Technology(ICCT 2023), 2023.12.3.

33. Excellent Paper Award,  Lamyanba Laishram, Muhammad Shaheryar, Jong Taek Lee and Soon Ki Jung, A Style-based Caricature Generator, The 29th International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision 2023.02.03

32. Best Paper Award, Jin Ho Lee, In Su, Kim, Hyeong Bok, Kim, Seung Won Lee and Soon Ki Jung, An Improved YOLOv5 Model Based on the Scene-Specific Head Models, International Joint Conference on ICCT-iSAL-NLP-AloT 2022, 2022.11.07 

31. Best Paper Award, Junbeom Moon, Kihong Choi, Keehoon Hong, Joongki Park and Soon Ki Jung, Noise reduction method of incoherent digital holography based on deep learning using generated ground truth,  3DSA2022, 2022.08.04 

30. 우수논문상, 김남혁, Mustansar Fiaz, 정순기,Siamese Network를 이용한 드론영상의 의미론적 변화탐지, 2022대한공간정보학회 춘계학술대회, 2022.05.20.

29. Best Paper Award, Mstansar Fiaz, Arif Mahmood, Sehar Shahzad Farooq, Kamran Ali, Muhammad Shaheryar and Soon Ki Jung, Video Object Segmentation Based on Guided Feature Transfer Learning, The 28th International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision February,(IW-FCV 2022) 2022.2.22.

28. 우수발표논문상, 윤상빈, 이혜진, 정순기, 실내 조명변화 환경에서 깊이 정보를 활용한 의미론적 영상 분할 방법, 2021 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회, 2021.07.23.

27. 우수논문상, 김민석, 윤상빈, 김인수, 정순기, 영상 분할을 이용한 증강현실 기반 인테리어 디자인 시스템, 한국스마트미디어학회 2020추계학술대회, 2020.11.21.

26. Best Student Paper Award, Mustansar Fiaz, Md. Maklachur Rahman, Arif Mahmood, Sehar Shahzad Farooq, Ki Yeol Baek, Soon Ki Jung, Adaptive Feature Selection Siamese Networks for Visual Tracking, The 26th Internatioal Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV 2020), 2020.2.21.

25. Best Poster Presentation Award, Maryam Sultana, In Su Kim and Soon Ki Jung, Deep Matting for AR based Interior Design, The 26th Internatioal Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV 2020), 2020.2.21.

24. Best Paper Award, Maryam Sultana, Arif Mahmood, Thierry Bouwmans, Soon Ki Jung, Unsupervised Adversarial Learning for Dynamic Background Modeling, The 26th Internatioal Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV 2020), 2020.2.21.

23. Excellent Paper Award, Eun Mi Park, Ki Yeol Baek, Lamyanba Laishram, Jae Seok Jang and Soon Ki Jung, Calibration of 3D Sensors for Interactive AR Face Makeup System, International Conference on Culture Technology 2019 (ICCT 2019), 2019.8.15. 

22. 우수논문발표상, 마리암 술타나, 정순기, 복잡한 영상에서 객체 분할을 위한 적대적 비지도학습, 한국 멀티미디어학회 2019 춘계학술발표대회, 2019.5.18.

21. 최우수상, 김정권, 전기수, 김근수, 박은미, 정순기, 딥 러닝을 이용한 사용자 동작 인식 시스템 구축, 한국방송미디어공학회 2018 추계학술대회, 2018.11.3.

20. Best Paper Award, In su Kim, JunHyeok Hwang, Filsang Kim, Sunji Lee, Jaeseok Jang and Soon Ki Jung , A User-engaging Interactive Digital Media Art System based on Masterpieces in Virtual Reality , The 2nd International Conference on Culture Technology(ICCT) , 2017.12.10.

19. 동상 , 윤슬기, 강경문, 민수린, 윤현규, 류은혜, 백기열, 정순기, 모바일, 반투명거울 디스플레이를 융합한 헬스케어 시스템, 2017 한국정보기술학회 , 2017.06.09.

18. 우수논문상, 조익현, 박거태, 정순기, 실시간 상호작용이 가능한 전시용 파티클 아트, 2017 한국멀티미디어학회 하계학술발표대회, 2017.05.27.

17. Best Paper Award, Ja Hu Ku, Jae Seok Jang, Soon Ki Jung, Optical Feedback of Focused Augmented Mirror-based Facial Makeup System, International Conference on Cultural Technology (ICCT 2017), 2017.01.12.

16. Excellent Paper Award, Yoon Suk Kwak, Soon Ki Jung, Head pose tracking using multiple inertial sensors for virtual reality, International Conference on Cultural Technology (ICCT 2017), 2017.01.12.

15. Silver Prize, Soon Ki Jung, Jae seok Jang, Eun Ju Yang, Yoon Suk Kwak, Rinaara Woo, Chaitra Gajulla Nagaraja, Sang Eun Lee, VRSJ2016 Tracking Competition, VRSJ, 2016.09.15.

14. Best Paper Award, Hye Sun Park, Kwang Hee Won, Min Woo Park, Kyong Ho Kim, Soon Ki Jung, In-Vehicle AR-HUD System to Provide Driving-Safety Information, ETRI Journal , 2016.04.05.

13. Tracking Competition Award, Sang-Eun Lee, Jae Seok Jang, Eun-Ju Yang, Soon Ki Jung, Dae-Wha Seo, Monocular Visual Simultaneous Localization and Minimal Mapping (MVSLAMM) based on 2D Feature Tracks for On-Site Tracking Competition in ISMAR 2015, The 14th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2015 ), 2015.10.03.

12. 우수논문상, 김상현, 이중석, 오규성, 이태균, 최수호, 박정필, 정순기, 3D 모델의 자동 텍스처 매핑을 통한 증강현실용 색칠공부 도안, 2015 한국멀티미디어학회 춘계학술발표대회, 2015.05.29.

11. 우수발표논문상, 박정필, 박민우, 정순기, 모바일 센서를 이용한 QR코드 기반의 인터랙티브 증강현실 시스템, 2012 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회, 2012.07.20.

10. 은상, 허경진, 정순기, 2011 디지털국토엑스포 공간정보 아이디어 공모전 (공간정보 매쉬업(mashup)), 공간정보 아이디어 공모전, 2011.10.26.

9. Best Paper Award, Kwang Hee Won, Soon Yong Park, Soon Ki Jung, Color Correction based on Local Color Correspondences for Stereo Camera Pairs, International Conference on Multimedia Information Technolohy and Applications (MITA 2011), 2011.07.07.

8. The Best Paper Award, Seok jun Lee, Soon Ki Jung, Estimation of illuminants for plausible lighting in augmented reality, International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 2011(IEEE ISUVR 2011), 2011.07.03.

7. 우수논문, 이성수, 이석준, 강선호, 정순기, 단일카메라와 평면거울을 이용한 하지운동상태 추정, 2010 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회, 2010.07.21.

6. 우수발표논문상, 권기준, 신주홍, 남동환, 정순기, 김영달, 비기계적으로 동작하는 팬/틸트 카메라 시스템, 2005 한국정보과학회 추계학술발표회, 2005.05.27.

5. 우수논문상, 고영덕, 남동환, 정순기, 단일 카메라를 이용한 실시간 3차원 지시동작 인식, 2005년 한국멀티미디어학회 춘계학술발표대회, 2005.05.20.

4. 우수발표논문상, 이동훈, 권기준, 정순기, X3D 가상 환경에서의 확장 가능한 상호작용, 2003 한국정보과학회 춘계학술대회, 2003.10.24.

3. 우수발표논문상, 전은영, 장경호, 정순기, 거울에 비친 영상을 통한 3차원 물체 모델링에서의 가상 카메라 보정, 2003 HCI 학술대회, 2003.02.12.

2. 우수발표논문상, 김기범,장경호,정순기, 움직이는 거울을 이용한 물체의 3차원 복원 시스템, 2002 한국정보과학회, 2002.04.26.

1. 이동훈, 문채현, 김경미, 정순기, Web 상의 X3D 가상 환경에서의 비전 기반 상호작용, 한국정보과학회, 2002.01.01.