
Video submission, by Tuesday June 18

  • 동영상은 필수로 제출해야 하는 것 아닙니다. 가산점을 받고 싶으면 제출하면 됩니다. 단, 제대로 본인의 연구를 발표하는 내용이 들어가야 합니다.
    • Video submission is not madatory. Just for extra scores up to 5%.
    • Read the main or call for papers VERY carefully:
      • "가산점 부여를 위한 요약발표 동영상(영어, 1분 내외)", "영어 동영상 제출 가산점 5%" - 최대 5%까지 입니다.
  • Submission Link:
  • Because the movie clip size may be too large, we strongly recommend using file-sharing websites.
    • Upload your video to video-sharing website such as Youtube, or to a cloud service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
    • Make sure that the link to your video is public and permanent so that everyone can watch it. We suggest to try to access the link yourself in the other computers.
    • Submit the link via the above link
    • If not comfortable with it, send your link to
  • Any alternate method is fine, as long as you can provide a permanent link to your video.

2-page abstract submission

Friday May 17 --> Friday May 24 --> Sunday May 26
  • Full paper submission 이 미뤄짐에 따라 제출기한을 연장했습니다.
  • 학부생은 한글로 작성해도 됩니다. 하지만 영어로 작성하는 것을 강력하게 추천합니다.
  • Submission Link (Google form):
    • Google login is required to upload your file
    • If not comfortable with it, send your file to
  • Abstract template: MS Word

Full paper submission

Friday May 10 --> Friday May 17, midnight --> Tuesday May 21, midnight, KST.

Submission Link (Google form): login is required to upload your file. Send your file to if the above link does not work.Paper template (IEEE Transactions format): MS Word, LaTeX
Late submission deadline: Friday 24, midnight, KST.
(on 5/21) late submission allowedDue to many requests from students, it is decided that late submission is allowed with a number of conditions.(IMPORTANT) Students who wants to make a "LATE" submission should also submit at least a "DRAFT" of the final paper.The titles of the DRAFT and final (LATE) versions should be matched, and abstract should be complete (but can be improved in the final, late version). The committee needs to assign the papers to reviewers in the right categories at least on Wednesday, May 22nd, to keep the Award schedule. The assignment should be based on the title and abstract of the DRAFT.The main text of the DRAFT will not be used for evaluation. The papers submitted later than 5/21 without the above "DRAFT", or later than 5/24 will be automatically rejected.(LATE PENALTY) For the papers with its final version submitted later than 5/21, there is no penalty in the evaluation. However, they will be given higher chances to be assigned to unfavoured time slots in their oral presentations such as early in the morning or late in the afternoon, and to unfavoured poster locations such as corners or partially blocked view locations. This may not affect the rank in the evaluation if well prepared, but we can respect the efforts of the students who tried to keep the deadline, by giving them enough time to prepare the presentation in the award.These handicaps may be given in the reverse order of submission time, so try your best to finish your paper as early as possible if you miss the original deadline, 5/21.All the above are not applied to papers submitted before 5/21, midnight, KST.Quick summary of the above in Korean5/24 자정까지 제출을 허용합니다. 다만 5/21 자정까지 "DRAFT" 버전을 제출해야 합니다. "DRAFT" 버전은 늦게 제출될 논문의 제목과 일치해야 하며 초록은 어느정도 완성되어야 합니다."DRAFT" 버전은 평가에 사용되지 않고 분야 분류 및 심사위원 배정에 사용됩니다. 서면 평가에는 그 이후에 제출된 정식버전이 사용됩니다. "DRAFT"를 제출하지 않거나, 5/24 이후에 최종버전을 제출하면 당연히 "거부"됩니다.(LATE PENALTY) 늦게 제출된 논문에 대해서는 평가점수에 대한 차감은 없지만 구두심사에서는 선호되지 않는 시간(아침 일찍, 혹은 오후 마지막 순서), 포스터 배치는 구석 등에 배치될 가능성이 높아집니다. 잘 준비를 한다면 문제가 없을 것으로 생각됩니다. 이 정책은 시간에 맞추어 제출한 학생들에게 구두발표와 포스터발표를 좀더 여유 있게 준비할 수 있도록 하기 위함입니다.(on 5/13) English text only.One of the main pupose of KNU-ICT is to prepare SCI(E) papers, so English writing is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

(closed) Title submission, last update on 2019.04.16 the last survey, there were some missing and incorrectly entered information from you, so we would like to ask you to enter your submission information.All the students who wants to submit their papers to KNU-ICT should do this again.지난번 조사에서 몇가지 빠진 정보와 잘못 입력된 것이 있어서 다시 조사하려고 합니다.특히 "논문분류" 는 꼭 입력해 주기 바랍니다. 심사분야로 배정됩니다.논문을 제출할 학생은 꼭 제출해 주기 바랍니다.
*Revision:1.Correctly check "Category" of your paper carefully.2. More than 1 paper -> 201xxxxxx_1, 201xxxxxx_2, etc.3. Deadline: 4/18 Thursday midnight-------------------------------------------------Thanks for submitting paper titles to KNU-ICT 2019.We would like to collect more information from you.If you have already sent the titles via email, please fill out the following form to help us coordinate paper evaluation and workshop: 4/12 Friday midnight)*Submit again to replace your old response(s). Last one will be final answer, and your student ID will be your unique key.
논문을 제출해 주셔서 감사합니다.KNU-ICT 운영을 위해서 추가 정보들이 더 필요하니논문을 제출한 학생분들은 아래의 정보를 기입해 주시기 바랍니다.월 12일 금요일 밤까지 부탁드립니다.)*고치고 싶으면 다시 제출해 주세요. 학번으로 구분하고, 마지막 제출된 것을 취하겠습니다.
- Even if you haven't sent the title by yesterday, can fill out this form, too. 어제까지 제출하지 않았더라도 오늘 제출해도 됩니다.- The title may be different from the paper to be submitted. 제출될 논문제목과 달라도 상관없습니다.
Questions:Email:,장길진 교수(950-5517, 위의 이메일은 forwarding 해서 확인합니다.)